Huband newly diagonsed

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Jan 10, 2010
Hi there
My lovely husband was dx with Chrohns after a long battle to get the dx. He started off at the beginning of the year having arthritus (sp?) in his hips and other joint pain. He then had diarhea (sp?), weight loss and tiredness, went back to the same gp who dx IBS. When that didn't get better we changed gp's who thankfully sent him for a colonoscopy and it was dx that day.
Since then we have not been overly happy with the hospital treatment we have been getting. Notes and test results have been lost and confusion about the type of meds he should be on. Not sure what we can do about that???
I just want to help my husband as much as I can. We have a child with special needs so life can be pretty stressful at times which is not ideal for someone with this condition I know :(
What can I do to help him? I think I have been burying my head in the sand for too long because he acts as though he is fine when I know deep down he isn't. He wants to carry on his life as normal.
Also I would be really interested in any natural/herbal ways to help??? He has night sweats too.
Thank you for reading
Welcome Ban!
There is a lot of reading you can do here to find tips on how to help your husband. Being a man with Crohns myself, I hid most of what I can from my family as well. Sometimes it helps to say, "Look, I know you are not well, so what is going on and what can I do for you today?"
How long has he been dx with Crohns? I ignored it for several years after my dx, the whole denial thing. He may still be at that point. Sometimes it takes time to realize and accept the whole ordeal.
There are people on here who can lead you on a path of herbal treatments as well, such as D Bergy.

You sound like a tough mom and wife, they are both lucky to have you!
hi Ban, and welcome.
I deffinately understand the struggle of having a special needs child, i have worked as a support worker for many years and have the utmost of respect for people who care for children with challenges.

Unfortunately i don't really have much to offer in the way of advice, but wanted to say welcome, and i hope you find what you're looking for here. :)
Welcome Ban :)

Great that you are being supportive of your hubby - he is lucky to have you. Have a look around, there's heaps of info here and a great bunch of people.
I'm going a different way and going to say Welcome Station... well anyways I'm sorry for all the problems you and your Husband are going through becasue that can't be exactly easy for you either. I hope you guys can get this sorted out sooner than later and if your not fully satisfied with one doctor's opinion then seek another. You should feel completely comfortable with whatever doctor is going to help you and your husband get passed this disease and force it back into remission. Best of luck to you and your family and feel free to ask as many questions as you like.
Hey Ban,

I much like your husband refused to accept there was something wrong. People would ask, are you ok? and I answer I am fine. I actually believed everything was OK. Nothing emergency surgery can't fix. You do not want that to happen to him. Change doctors, change hospitals, do everything you can to make things right for him because it doesn't seem he is willing to help him self yet. sadly you are going to have to steer the ship and do all the leg work. Change his diet first and foremost and take it from there.

You are half way there in realizing that something has to change. I wish I had some guidance during my troubles, but hoping it will all go away does not work.

Best of Luck!
Hey Banrock - good for you for being here for your hubs.
You will have to be very strong for him at times, Crohn's can be exhausting sometimes. Other times, it's not so bad.
Look around and feel free to ask any other questions.
Welcome to the forum!
hi everyone

thanks for the lovely welcome. banrock station is the name of my favourite red wine :) , it's so hard picking a user name that hasnt been used.
i am trying to help him relax as i realise how tiring it can be but he doesn't find resting easy!!! we are hoping to get to a stage where we can some off the steroids as he really doesn't feel happy about taking them. we are just doing what the consultant says for the minute and then i think once we are fairly setlled i will then look at natural homeopathic alternatives.
my husband is so nervous and anxious at the moment,which is so out of character for him. he was meeting up with friends last night and he was so worried about going. i'm glad he did though as he really enjoyed himself.
thank you bs :)
I know about the worried part... been there done that many times, even after many years of Crohn's. This disease is difficult to control and you never know when or where your flare will start. Getting into remission is a challenge, your husband needs to find his own concoction of meds that work for him. Best to start at the least invasive and reserve the stronger ones for down the road IF need be. Try to keep him calm, it really helps and support is a major need. It is embarrassing to say the least if you have D in the middle of dinner or if the washroom is close to your gathering, or if pain erupts. Take care, good luck.

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