Hi! This thread is amazing! I'm actually not alone!
I had my appointment with my GI yesterday. I must admit, it was more than a little disappointing. In short "They Can't Help Me." :depressed:
It was a total farce of an appointment. I was prescribed a loads of laxatives and chemicals which I have previously tried and which previously had no effect of my digestive problems. Then I was sent away.
I then saw my GP yesterday afternoon and relayed to events to him. He promptly decided to say something, which frankly scares me to death:
"Heidi, this is you causing all your problems, this is all in your head. You must get over it. Eat, or you will die."
What good is that? Even if it is me causing this, I haven't a clue in hell how I'm doing it to myself, so what are they going to do to help me?
Now, more waiting. I have to wait till 10th March to see my useless psychiatrist (who cannot help me, because I am not "Anorexic" as I have been diagnosed) in order to get a referral to a psychologist, will they be able to help me?
One thing is for sure, I am now terrified of eating, because of the horrific symptoms I get. I think I now have a phobia.
Could a chronic anxiety and an Eating phobia, really cause someone to physically make themselves so ill, they cannot eat food without excruciating pain and horrific IBS?
My biggest fear is that my GP will stop prescribing me the Elemental Drinks. I will starve to death if he does. He wants me to be working towards getting off them, how long will he give me? Panic!!!

Could I really be doing this to myself?
My mum thinks I'm doing it to myself, all my consultants think the same, my dad thinks its all for attention my GP thinks its in my head.
What in Gods name do I do now?
(Sorry I hope nobody is religious, this isn't intended to offend anyone, if it didn't say that I think I might actually swear though!)