Thank you Andigirl for your lovely kind words, I really hope my relationship with dad gets better, it'll be wonderful to have him in my life again. I wish you the same with your parents, they love you to pieces, but set in their ways I think, but they obviously do love you to pieces, even when they are insensitive and it hurts you. They will always love you and a part of me thinks they only say insensitive things because they think, somehow hearing that might help you (it won't, of course) in some way. I hope you can be strong and remember to love yourself, for what you truly are, special and beautiful. :kiss:
Sometimes I wish I was a man. The vast majority of men, seem less emotionally fragile than women, but the disadvantages of them being like that is that their partners, daughters and wives can often think they are insensitive. Your friend is right, I bet men really don't know how to deal with women anymore, we are so different to them. With changing times and women becoming more independent and working like guys, as you say, it REALLY confuses them. But it probably has been the same since the beginning of time. :yrolleyes:
Maybe the reason men are so different has its advantages as well, it wouldn't do to have a world full of women would it? I wouldn't even like to imagine it, my dad is a pain at times, but he has a sense of humor that could crack me up even if I were on the verge of tears.
Its an interesting discussion though! Men and women and the differences and changing times, wow, you could write a whole library on that subject! :eek2:
You take care chick and big hugs!