Oooooooooooooooohhhh that last post makes my blood boil. I am SO SICK of people telling me what to eat. And that if I eat "this" it will "cure" my crohns.
It is a proven fact, let me repeat that, FACT, that crohns can not be cured by diet. It has almost nothing to do with your diet! It's an auto-immune disease!!!!
yes, I know that some foods can cause hell in your bowel. I know that there are alot of things we can not and should not eat. Like fiber. But there is no known food or diet in the world that will put you into remission.
My mom is CONSTANTLY telling me to eat this or that and that it will help me. Eat more fruit, you'll feel better. Eat more vegetables, you'll feel better. Don't try eating that steak, it will hurt you. How am I supposed to know what foods I can tolerate unless I try them once I've been feeling better? Some people with crohns can eat corn. Most can't. But if I can tolerate corn, I want to know. aAnd there's no test they can run. It's trial and error. So if I wanna try eating a steak, and I end up in the hospital tomorrow with an obstruction, that's my problem. At least then, I'll know. I told her that there is no direct link to diet and crohns disease, and once you are in remission, there is not a food that will put you into a flare. It can't happen! Sure, there are foods that will upset your intestines because you have narrowing, or strictures, or fistulas.. But an actual flare is caused by an auto-immune response in your body. She didn't believe me and said she would look it up. I warned her not to believe everything you read on the internet because most of it is ********. You can cure crohns by fasting for 40 days, or doing the [wiki2="Paleolithic-Diet"]paleo diet[/wiki2], or taking "this" probiotic. No. You can't. There is no ******* cure. You can maintain remission and you can keep yourself as healthy as possible. But there is no cure. We know that, now why can't everyone else get it through their stupid heads?