I had my little girl last year and I was on [wiki2="Cimzia"]cimzia[/wiki2](similar med) when we were TTC and up until I was 28 weeks pregnant. It was an easy choice for me to stay on the medication as without it I don't know if I could have become pregnant or if I would have been healthy enough to carry to full term.
I had a really easy pregnancy and I felt great but it can go either way so it's worth discussing a back up med plan with your GI just I case you need it whilst pregnant. You will also probably be recommended to take extra [wiki2="Folic-Acid"]folic acid[/wiki2] whilst TTC so would be worth speaking to them about that too.
With the birth I was told a c-section would be best because of my disease location and this may be what they suggest to you too but it is your choice and it's important to weigh up the pros and cons of vaginal vs c-section. I had a planned c-section as this was what I and my Drs thought would be best. I healed very quickly from surgery and had no complications I was very lucky and was up and about doing normal things within a couple of weeks. My little girl had to stay in hospital for a week after she was born as she had low blood sugar but this was just because she was a lazy feeder had one breastfeed after she was born then decided she would sleep lots. I combi fed her breast and bottle as she wasn't getting enough from me but since then she hasn't had any other problems.
When my daughter was coming up to 4 months old I was hospitalised for a few days with a very sudden flare and at that point started all the meds again but it was nice to have a break from it all for a while.
Hope this helps and if you want to ask anything else I can try and answer it for you. Good luck with starting your family it's a really exciting time