Humira failed but no antibodies?

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Mar 15, 2016
Has this happened to anyone else? They tested my blood and my antibodies are fine, but the Humira stopped working. I started it in August, felt great for 2-3 months then it quit. I'm just confused as to why it stopped if I did not develop antibodies.

My other question is, what now? Doc gave me choices of Remicade (tried 14 years ago, but was so blocked nothing was going to work and ended up with resection--but I've heard good things so thinking of trying again), Cimzia, Simponi, or Entyvio. She wants to start me on methotrexate. I cannot take aziothiprine, asacol, purinethol, or asacol (horrible reactions).

I've had CD for 26 years. 2 bowel resections.

So far, Cimzia has been the best for me . i am sorry Humira didn't work for you.. I wish you the best on whichever biologic you go on. Let us know.
I'm surprised at how quickly they stopped. It it took me 4 months before it kicked in and fistulas started healing. All the biologics are worth trying. Keep trying until something works. Hopefully, one of them will kick in. I was I the Remicadee study in the 90's and it was a miracle. Unfortunately they took it away after the study ended. By the time I was able to get it, I was allergic. I thought that once you went off Remicadee , they were hesitant to put you back in. If I were you I would try everything. Something g has to work
The normal dose of Humira alone does not completely work for me, even with no antibodies. However, a combo of the Humira and Imuran works perfectly.