I disagree, I'm grateful that government oversees this and it's not left solely to big pharma.
Watch The Dallas Buyers Club, there are several others I could name off, but you'll get the gist from that one, the others are documentaries and are rather dry stuff, a lot of which deal with children, one of those that stands out in my mind are the children with that aging disease.
Big Pharm companies have the money to push a study through whenever and as fast as they need to and actually use that as a form of controlling the cost of med's, it pushes them up dramatically.
For myself, I spent over 20 years in the food industry, thats the F in FDA, I am/was a chef, the FDA is not the friend of the little guy, they are very, very money oriented. I could write pages of how bad they are just on the F part of their name, any chef would tell you the same.
They want everyone to think its the public and the little guys interest they hold, but in the end its big business and all about money. Why do you think people with the money to do so go to other countries for their treatments ? LOL.
The US is far, far behind some countries when it comes to medicine, would it surprise you to know there is a ( almost ) cure for the common cold and there has been one for decades ? The reason why it has and never will be approved in the US ? Big Pharm companies would lose millions upon millions of dollars a year from us buying all the products they put out to treat the symptoms rather than the cold itself. The reason I call the cure and almost cure is it takes 24 hours to take effect. I'm sure a doctor or someone could go into far more detail on this than I could and name many more examples.