Humira Questions

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Jan 19, 2015

I am starting Humira in July. This being my first time, I am coming to you all for advice.

I realize it affects your immune system. How much did you go out of your way to protect yourself? My question is, should I no longer volunteer in my son's 1st grade class once I am on the medication? What other advice do you have?

Thank you in advance. Looking forward to feeling better!
My kiddo has been on biologics since the third grade.
Humira for 2.5 years and is heading to 6th grade in the fall
They do not make you more likely to catch a cold or other minor bug.
Just get a flu shot wash your hands and let your doc know if your running a fever of unknown origin.
We have stopped ds Humira briefly for an ear infection but once abx kick in - no issues .

He gets the same kid illnesses as his sibling and classmates no more no less
Good luck
Thank you!!! During my pharmacy consult, it sounded horrible. I appreciate the honesty. Good luck to you in the future.
I have a young child on Humira. I was worried about her starting school, but was encouraged by the GI and hospital team to let her do things normally until something gets in the way. If she gets a cut or scrape I will usually use an antibiotic ointment after cleaning it, where before I would just wash it up.

She has been on Humira for 6 months and has many siblings - they are getting sick more often than she is.

I hope you don't give up being in the classroom. Especially in 1st Grade when the little boys are such sweet Mommy's boys!
Just get in the habit of washing your hands more often. After wiping noses, touching money, if you're shopping, touching any surfaces those lovely little germ factories have snotted on ;-) I've only had one cold in five years on Humira and I am around seven little ones in an enclosed space for nine hours at a time. It's more the bacterial/fungal stuff you need to be aware of, just pay attention to your body, it'll let you know when somethin' ain't quite right.
Hi Dawn!

I have been on Humira for 4 years. I get less colds and flu than I did before going on the med. Don't let the fact you are on a biologic make you leave that classroom. I would make sure you wash your hands regularly, use anti-septic gel on any open sores.

Humira is no reason to not live your life.

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