Humira side effects

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Mar 27, 2011
I was just wondering which side-effects on (or off) the list of possible symptoms you all have?

I only just started last week and I've already got a LOT of bruises, and for the first 3 days I had itching, but apart from that I feel sooo much better!

Nothing serious, nasal congestion with occasional sinus pain and had a hives type of itchy rash for several months. Fexofenadine helped with the itching, I've now managed to taper-off and no longer require it.

None that I've noticed thankfully. Just went up to weekly injections this week. Hope this takes me where I need to be!
I was on Humira for 3 months, and experienced very severe, but very very rare side effects... such as numbness in my extremities, heart palpitations, etc. I have since stopped taking it and the side effects went away within a month. I kept a diary record of the side effects so I could track their frequency and severity. Nevertheless, my doctor said I was the first of his patients to ever have such a severe reaction.
I hope it works for you!!! Good luck!
I developed a form of arthritis that the docs attributed to Humira - they called it Psoriatic Arthritis because I also developed mild psoriasis with it.
I still get injection site reactions, but taking a small dose of pred on injection days helps me out with that. Otherwise, nothing of note.
I developed a form of arthritis that the docs attributed to Humira - they called it Psoriatic Arthritis because I also developed mild psoriasis with it.
I've just recently (since December) developed psoriasis on my hands, feet, and back. I haven't seen a Dermatologist yet. Did you stop taking Humira because of it? Do you still have it?
so far no bad effects for me but seems to have taken a long time to relieve symptoms. Along with a low dose of Azathioprine (50mg daily). Started in December 2010. Relief in April. Daughter started taking humria and developed Psoriasis and other infections and had to quit
My 16 year old son started Humira in Dec. 2010. by late March he was experiencing loss of concentration, spacing out, mental confusion, leg tremors, weakness of legs/knees, extreme fatigue, lessening of motor control/hand eye coordination and joint pain. It hit him bad over about a month. It also set off the onset of Epsteins Barr. We stopped the Humira at the end of March and by late April he was back to his old self. We will not try an anti TNF blocker again for him. It was a very scary time. However, it did help clear up the remaining ulcers/inflammation from his Crohn's. We will go back to the 6mp now and see if it will keep him at this level.

For those it helps it seems to be a Godsend. Unfortunately not for my son.

Take care and Good luck!
I have epic headaches, we are talking about the mother of headaches followed by little children headaches and aunts and uncle headaches. I get them twice a week (see my thread "Effing headaches") the only way to deal is taking paracetamol, ALOT of it. I also have a skin rush on my face which is now spreading on my neck, I talked to my GI about the rash and the headaches and he basicaly said I should STFU and be greatfull that I dont have active crohns any more.
I talked to my GI about the rash and the headaches and he basicaly said I should STFU and be greatfull that I dont have active crohns any more.

Wow, that's helpful!

I don't have any side effects that I associate with the Humira.
I have epic headaches, we are talking about the mother of headaches followed by little children headaches and aunts and uncle headaches. I get them twice a week (see my thread "Effing headaches") the only way to deal is taking paracetamol, ALOT of it. I also have a skin rush on my face which is now spreading on my neck, I talked to my GI about the rash and the headaches and he basicaly said I should STFU and be greatfull that I dont have active crohns any more.

Sounds like my GI!! I catch colds and flus all the time, I have headaches that I can't handle and he told me to wash my hands and take tylenol and be happy my crohns is under control.....
I realised I might have more side effects than the injection site reactions I mentioned above. It is true, I had more colds this winter than any previous years... That might have to do with the H. I also posted about another side effect, sensitivity to the sun.
my neice also has crohns and she has a major sensitivity to the sun on Humira she is also on Metheltrexate(?) but she also has injection site reactions. Poor girl 17... crohns - tube fed, imuran, prednisone, and metheltrexate and humira all in under a year she has progressed so fast....
My daughter was on humira inj. for about 3mos. it was working for the crohns but she suffered pseudotumor cerebri (swelling of the brain) apperently there was never a recorded case of that side effect,symptoms were blurry or double vision,head aches ,ringing in her ears,and dizzieness.after a stay in the hospital and spinal tap and some meds to keep the fluid down and stopped the humira she was fine
I recently started Humira had my indroduction dose on the 17 of may. I have alittle bruising with little soreness on the injection sites....i did expierence a mild headache...little dizzyness but not sure if thats from the prednisone or the Humira.....but thats about it. I will keep you updates around the 1st of jusy when I take the next 2 shots...good luck with your Humira
Hum !mixed reports then !
My wife Deborah tried Infliximab and had a very rare reaction (retrobulbar neuritis ) where the optic nerve was squeezed so she lost the sight in her left eye.
Had Colon and transverse colon removed only 500mm of large intestine left.
Crohns flared up again in the bit that is left so now tried Humira 2 days ago>Wow she is a lunatic,arms and legs jumping about,head busting with pain,cold and hot,clammy to touch,crying depressed.please advise !The surgeon is worried about removing the last bit incase it spreads to the small intestine as her strain is very aggressive.Came back 6wks post surgery.We both think surgery is better than this grief.thanks
I've been taking Humira for a year now with no side effects. I am wondering though, if some recent pain in my feet is related. Has anyone had any kind of foot pain--like a stabbing pain that is brief but intense? I am seeing my doctor tomorrow, but thought I would see if anyone here has had that experience and if it was related to Humira. Thanks.
Hi Judi & welcome to the forum.

You are doing the right thing seeking the opinion of your Doctor as there could be many reasons for this pain.

I've had occasional sharp pain, particularly in the heel and most commonly when I get out of bed and start walking. Nothing to do with the Humira as it was there before I started using it. I find it goes away over a couple of weeks without any treatment.


Only on my second loader doses. Massive headache, they knock me out for about a day. In between my doses, about day 9 my hips and knees was aching but went away on my next doses.

Salt has tore my tongue up.
So I just started Humira in December for my Crohns disease... and it actually has helped a ton. My pain and inflammation seemed to go away as well as Arthritis pain and stiffness:) But I am on my 2nd cold or something thing. First was a cold. Have had a recurring occassional light cough,and this past week started going between being cold to hot and having major sweating. Temps varied from my 97 range (low is norm for me) to 98. And was just weak, drenched in sweat at times (not hot flashes), and had lots of upset stomach/diarhea etc.

Reading in side effects that these may be more serious side effects? Sweating/ Stomach stuff.... and now it feels like it's turning into a cold but still sweats (and it's winter freezing here outside).

Is that a serious side effect? Is it going to continue? I dont think I can live with that full time....?
I have read that a fever with the humira is not good and need to get with your doctor. The worse side effects so far for me is. Headache, extremely tired, I have not or dont feel anythings
Thanks Pottytime! I am calling him tomorrow morning. And guess maybe need bloodwork. I also just got the Hep A and B vaccines as of course this makes you vulnerable.
I dont know what pharmacy you use, but I use acaria. They ask me questions about symptoms and if they dont like my answers, they make me talk to a nurse before they will even send my shots.

I personally dont plan on getting any vaccines even though my GI said and long as its dead virus and not live.

Lots of luck.
Yeah my pharm just fills and ships.
If increase chance of Hep is valid, not live virus vaccine was strongly advised .
Yes, my humira ambassador was straight up with me on the infection Subject, told me to never take the shot and call the doctor if I EVER ran a fever. Better safe than sorry. One thing that has helped me is becoming a germ-a-phobe. My wife cant stand it, but when I go into a store I wipe down the buggy with sanitizer. I carry sanitizer on me at all times. Your health is the main thing. So far that has worked for me.
Hi, anyone else having Excema issue after long term Humira use ?
I have been on Humira about 1.5 years now, and about 7 months ago my Dyshidrotic Eczema started. I went to a dermatioligist and they cant fix it at all. Dont get me wrong, I can live with it as my crohns is in remission from the humira. I was just wondering if anyone else was living with that side effect ?

Dx'd JAN ,3/2013
Meds: AZA, Lialdo .. almost no effect
LDN - 4 months - mild help,
Preg - 1 year on/off - good effect
humira 1.5 years - remission
Been on H-Bomb for 2.5 years. I experience fatigue in the afternoons, usually between 4-6pm and have occasional nerve pain in hands, but I'm otherwise in great shape. These side effects are NOTHING compared to the debilitating arthritis pain and intestinal cramps I suffered before Humira.

As to the poster that questioned our collective disregard for quality of life, if all you know is intense joint pain or horrific GI issues, then a headache here or there ain't ****.
For 4 years my doctor kept running blood tests on me, he was very focused on my liver enzymes who started creeping higher and higher. Did a liver ultrasound and they found my liver was enlarged.

Had to get off Humira since it became totally ineffective, now I am on Entyvio.
I have been on Humira since March of 2015, after several years of no side effects with Remicade. My only side effect from Humira is fatigue, haven't noticed a pattern yet - it is not everyday, but most of the time it seems to be at work. My GI dr. has prescribed 40mg of prednisone to take day of shot and day after to see if that might help the fatigue. Next week I will try it and see.

On the positive side, My CRP (inflammation blood test) was normal for the first time since a year ago!
Hi all, first time poster.

Been having some issues lately and have put them down to the Humira I'm on. Been on it two years with side effects the last 5-6 months.
On 1x 40mg injection every two weeks.

Thought I'd reach out. Few things...

1. Has anyone had their creatinine levels go up whilst on Humira?
Mine aren't seriously up but they have gone above normal in last two months.
Been having headaches pretty frequently, have put it down to the dehydration associated with the high levels but no matter how much water I pump into my system I'm still feeling dry constantly.
Also really sensitive to salt on food occasionally?

2. I've had a nasal infection/blocked nose/green snot for about 4-5months now, is that to be expected? Driving me nuts!!!

3. When I first started on it, I felt great...really good. But lately I've been feeling pretty average. Lethargic, Bloated, Constipated (usually 1-2 days after having Humira), then loose bowel movements.

Doctors have said all the above aren't too much to worry about but I'm just sick of feeling off. Another Doc said "well, we aren't going to cease the treatment because you're having a few minor side effects".

Pretty frustrating. Any advice? Anyone in the same boat as myself?
The day I take it I have fatigue, so much so that I basically write that day off as a sleep day. The day/night I take it I usually cannot sleep on my tummy due to injection site pain. I also bruise and get injured easier. Plus, it takes a ton longer for me to heal. When I got my ears pierced, my ears took months longer then they should have to heal.
Fatigue after a few months of injections, then gradually chest tightness shortness of breath followed by extreme fatigue. Had to stop taking it, shame because it was working very well for my Crohns and the convenience (a self administered shot every 2 weeks) can't be beat.
Is anyone having lower back pain on Humira? I am feeling somewhat better and feel like doing something. But 15 min in my lower back starts to give me a fit. Does anyone else feel this?
I will start Humira on Friday! This thread has been really helpful! I'm terrified for the side effects but I want remission more! Hoping for the best! :)
Thank you peekingpanda! The pharmacy called today to discuss the shot and all of the side effects. Needless to say, I left the phone call crying! So I will be talking with my doctor tomorrow to be sure this is my only option. I'm freaking out now.
Thank you peekingpanda! The pharmacy called today to discuss the shot and all of the side effects. Needless to say, I left the phone call crying! So I will be talking with my doctor tomorrow to be sure this is my only option. I'm freaking out now.

It can be very overwhelming when you start the human. The pharmacy, doctors, and humira nurse will keep telling you the side effects over and over like a broken record. Its almost like they dont want you to take it. They do that for liability purpose. I felt the same way as you do. If you keep a good eye on your body and have your doctor do the proper blood work every few months, all should be good. Any medication you take has side effects, from humira to asprin.

I read up on this website and others, along with looking up reviews for humira before I would agree to take it. If you do your homework, it should ease your mind alittle. Hope all goes great!