Hysterectomy and Crohn's

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Dec 4, 2014
So my primary doctor finally agreed to give me a referral to get a hysterectomy. My reasoning is this, I have had pre cancer cervical cells. I have had 2 leeps, a cone biopsey and some other stuff that I really can't remember. I have started Imuran and that seems do the trick in putting my Crohn's in to remission finally. I can't have anymore children due to getting my tubes tied years ago from all the precancer issues and my doctor said I couldn't carry a baby full term. My doctor agrees that the Imuran puts me at higher risk on having the pre cancer or cancer cells return. I personally would rather have a hysterectomy to take out the risk all together, that way I can keep taking the medicines that are working. Who knows I might have to go to something stronger. I am wondering if I am doing the right thing. In my head I think I am. When I talk to my family they agree. Anyone been in my shoes?
It sounds like you have given it a lot of thought and I think like any surgery that's the best you can do. Make a list of questions for the gyn, I think arming yourself with information is helpful too. There are different ways of doing a hysterectomy that you might want to discuss. Also if your pre-menopause then the ovarian side will be really important as whatever happens there, there are potential consequences. Personally I would say its important to give yourself emotional space around it, though I was very young when I had mine.
Thank you. I will keep my ovaries or at least request. I already know that it would be abdominal hysterectomy since I had a c section. I have appointment with the surgeon to discuss for June, that was the earliest availability.
Well update. I had my hysterectomy scheduled for next month. I went had some labs done. I received a call the next day from obgyn saying she doesn't feel comfortable doing the surgery. She is afraid of my intestines being connected to other organs visit fistulas. She canceled it. I am super bummed. I guess I will just hope I don't get cancerous cells.
Sorry to hear that it didn't work out. I have one scheduled for next month because of your EXACT reason. Along with pre-cancerous cervical cells, I've had MAJOR gum issues. I took myself off of Cimzia and Imuran and guess what? All of the sudden my gums are healing and teeth are no longer a threat to fall out (i'm not exaggerating).
Being on immunosuppressants is scary so I completely understand your thought process. I am taking precautions that I find necessary. For me, I'd rather deal with Crohns (as I have for 17 years) rather than the threat of cancer, which is why I took myself off of my immune suppressors. GI= not happy!
I sure hope that everything works out for you with your cervical dysplasia. I know it can be scary. HUGS!!!
I'm onto another doctor that might do the surgery, but I might be starting regicide as I'm flaring so that has been put on hold. I'm still waiting on blood work results to come back since he sent me to get more done. Good luck on your surgery.
Keep us posted about how you get on with Remicade and if you are able to have a hysterectomy in the ear future. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :ghug: