I cried!

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Nov 27, 2011
:ywow: SOOOO last nite I had that funny feeling that perhaps I had a leak or maybe a sore or I guess I just didn't know what the hell was going on--I just didn't feel right. I'm not the best at changing the wafer and all it entails--but the more you do it blah blah. Okay, after I get everything removed, I saw no leaks--just irritation at the bottom of Blossom where a couple of sutures had absorbed. My skin right at the bottom of Blossom had a couple of "holes" that were a little red and sore but not real ulcerated. I still have about 3 or 4 intact sutures. Well, I'm trying to examine--and it's like Old Faithful--it just keeps squirting. Then I get poo on my skin--it burns--I'm trying to wipe it---it just keeps going like the Energizer Bunny. So I leaned over the toliet (or the Chunty--love it) and start to cry thinking how in the heck am I going to get everything on? So I'm telling myself there is no crying in this---I'm scolding Blossom--and my kid's outside the door---"Mom are you okay?" Um, yes, dear I'm fine go away. I finally got into the shower since everytime I try to put myself back together--the poo parade starts again--then I cry and get mad at myself again. Well, in the shower, Blossom behaved. So I hurried like heck to dry off, apply the powder, apply the spray, shape the Eakin thing, and slap the wafer back on. PLEASE tell me it's not going to take as long when I get good at it--and tell me that it's not going to take long! I can giggle a little about it now--but had to let everyone know this so I can feel better and not so stoooopid when you let me know that you've been there done that! Funnily enough, I thought about Misty slapping Stan, Michelle's Oscar mishaps, and Mt. Vesuvius (prob spelled that wrong). Whew--done venting. I pray I have no leak or owies tonite. Getting ready to hit the hay--hoping to sleep. Since surgery, I haven't slept over 4 hours each nite. I'm too old to have lack of sleep (41---olllld! LOL). Got an appt with surgeon tomorrow--4 wks postop already. Thanks for "listening" and going thru my rambling! You people rock!:headbang: Dana
I'm glad that you can laugh about it!! That's what I've always done too...better to laugh than cry : ) It happens to all of us. Although I have to say that I'm pretty lucky as Oscar's output is pretty solid for the most part so I don't have the liquid burning thing, but I do have the potential for poop missiles...lol (I hate it when I have my bag off and I need to fart and a poop goes flying around my bathroom...yes, this has really happened...lol).

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow!
Oh Snap...oh yes. I always change over my sink. Its a big sink. And STILL Stan hits the taps! (faucets to you) Now sometimes I know damn well he does it on purpose! He's just like his mum and has a mischievious streak a mile long!

I've stuck things on him like a cotton ball if I must to make him stop. I've not the patience for his shenanigans! And honestly you do get better at it, and faster. (you definetly get better at cussing them out!)
Ahhhh Hah! A cotton ball! Genius, Misty--I'm doing that next time. Did you read Cindy's "poop flying all over the bathroom?" She is so funny. It made me giggle! OH--so I went to Dairy Queen after my appt today with the surgeon (everything looks good)---got a cookie dough blizzard. AND nothing happened! I'm still amazed. It didn't hurt, I didn't have the Big D with the big blood. Nothing! It's been 12 years of not eating or eating stupid stuff--this is so awesome! So now I kinda feel bad for cussing out little Blossom---nahhhhh. See Crohn's Dr. next week. I have a raging case of insomnia (sleep only 3-4 hrs a night). MENOPAUSE is what my nurse thinks. Oh yeah--I guess I forgot it's been 4 weeks without the ovaries! Ew--I'm a boy. LOL!:stinks::rof: Dana
I've had that happen to me on several occasions. Now I can change my appliance in a matter of seconds once I get my gear in order. It takes me about 5-10 minutes to prep my supplies as I shape the wafer(Convatec), cut all the tape off(allergic), put on the bag, put on the Eakin seal on the wafer. Then I take it to the bathroom with my empty grocery bag, sit my wafer on the sink with two pieces of toilet paper. Once I get on the toilet it just involves me taking off the appliance cleaning the area right quick and then putting on the new appliance. Sometimes I'll clean with warm water and glue remover but I'll get everything cleaned up until the last little bit. It makes it real easy to get off and then it's the same procedure again. Trust me once you find what works for you everything will get easier.
I sure can relate to your story. I've had times when my stoma would keep leaking and my supplies weren't all there and things were falling on the floor and its 3am and I am sooo tired. Everything that can go wrong... it does. Nights like these happen still. I am really fast at changing my appliance and all. But sh#t happens
I am getting better at changing my appliance faster, but I still have my moments it feels like 30 minutes have passed and I still havent even gotten it clean. I had a day similar to yours when Ivan the Terrible as I call him decided to be Terrible and everytime I would get ready to put the wafer on he would squirt all over and mine is an ileostomy and very liquid at times. I had stomahesive powder and he got all over that. That day I just sat on the toilet as he squirted everywhere and let him finish and just laughed/cried cause i was so frustrated but then realized I cant control it and got in the shower cleaned myself off and cleaned up everything. Honestly as soon as I calmed down he stopped going everywhere, it was like he knew I was upset and that made him more active. I also wanted to say I understand the whole Dairy Queen thing but for me it was Starbucks. I loved Caramel Frappachinos but they made me so sick and as soon as I would drink one it was bathroom run, cramps, and I was sick real bad. I had one for the first time since surgery the other day and it was amazing! I may get frustrated with Ivan but it has changed my life!
Yeah, I think we have all been there. I have been pretty lucky (knock wood) regarding leaks. The last one I had was a few months ago. I had just changed my bag, and Levi and i went out to a fundraiser. Had a few drinks. Danced. Had a good time. But the whole time, there was an ITCH under my wafer that would not quit. And we all know.... NEVER IGNORE THE ITCH!!

So when we got home, I decided to change the bag since I know what that itch means! There was the start of a leak seaping down, so I am glad I caught it in time. But it was late, I was kinda drunk, and I had eaten a lot.... and Bilbo just starts dribbling away. And dribbling. And dribbling. Dang it! I went thru three bags before I finally got one on perfectly. So annoying!!!

It will get easier. YOu will find your routine and the time of day when your output is slowest and it's best for changing your appliance.

- Amy
How do you know what kind of output yours will be? Does it depend on the surgery you will have? I will have my entire colon out. I will keep my small intestines. I will have no rectum though. I am thinking those with some colon get the thicker output. How often do you all have to do this changing thing? Why does the leak itch but contact with the liquid burns? So should we be wearing glasses to protect our eyes in the beginning? I am feeling like I am just never going to eat so I don't have to go through this. Do you ever have to change an appliance while at work? What the heck would you do? I'd be mortified if my co-workers walked in and I was wiping down the stalls from all my poop flying around.
:hug: Hey Spingirl--take a deep breath. First of all, it will be fine--you will adapt, adjust, and overcome. Promise! Yes, ileostomies produce more of a liquid output. At first leak, it is itchy--then it will burn. I have had a leak--and it automatically burned prior to itching. You just know. I am 5 1/2 weeks post surgery (no colon or rectum and anus sewn shut). I am glad that I had surgery--it gave me a whole new outlook on life. I feel sooooo much better, and it does not hurt to eat. I also have no bloody big D. I am still adjusting to everything--still not too quick and fast with changing the wafer, etc. But--I will get better with time. We all do! You will be fine!:kiss: Dana
How do you know what kind of output yours will be? Does it depend on the surgery you will have? I will have my entire colon out. I will keep my small intestines. I will have no rectum though. I am thinking those with some colon get the thicker output. How often do you all have to do this changing thing? Why does the leak itch but contact with the liquid burns? So should we be wearing glasses to protect our eyes in the beginning? I am feeling like I am just never going to eat so I don't have to go through this. Do you ever have to change an appliance while at work? What the heck would you do? I'd be mortified if my co-workers walked in and I was wiping down the stalls from all my poop flying around.

Sorry, I missed this yesterday. If you are having an ileostomy, your output will be a bit more watery than a normal colostomy. I say that...but I have a colostomy and have the big 'd' all the time. Yes...today I had to change at work. I have a two piece so it took me a whopping 2 minutes. If I had to change the whole appliance, it would take me no longer than 5 minutes. Most people sit in the stall longer than that for a normal poo! You do NOT have to protect your eyes! Oh honey...the poop doesnt fly around normally!! Thats a once in a lifetime thing...and only Cindy has that hard of poo!!! Please, dont worry so much!! You are more than welcome to PM any time. Have a look through the whole stoma subforum, and alot of questions will be answered. Start your own thread too. When is your surgery?
Thank you for the info! Especially about the flying poop. I don't want to hijack this post so I will be brief in my reply that I don't have a surgery scheduled. Just told in 2 weeks to be "thinking" about seeing one again. I'm thinkin' alright. That's ALL I'm thinking about.

I just can spend hours on this site!! I read something and cry and then read something and smile...

I haven't read yet about how long before you are able to be upright and not too sedated. I have a job where they count on me. I could probably work from home with a laptop. A week maybe? 10 days? I'm not talking about lifting or driving but...just maybe a little spreadsheet work...that sort of thing. I do payroll and nobody else knows how. I am very territorial about this stuff. I also don't want to be replaced while I am gone. Like I don't have enough to worry about.

Anyhow, thanks and I really enjoy all of your stories. Even if I do get wigged out a bit!
If I'd had a laptop and that sort of job, I probably could have worked from home fairly quickly. If you have a resection, you should be able to do it when you get home. Only prob you will have is pain meds make your brain fuzzy! So make sure you have someone check your work!

Check the surgery and general subforum for resection info. Some people breeze through it. Good luck!!
It's been 2 weeks today since my surgery and I am resuming laptop based work tomorrow - from my bed. I'm heeding all advice (for once in my life) and taking a reasonable amount of time to recover properly.
I'll be doing work from my bed & couch for the next two weeks of recovery. After that, I am doing limited face to face work for first term (through until the end of March) - about nine hours per week, plus one whole day every four weeks.
Stress got me in to this situation - moderation will get me out of it.
I also plan to start cooking food from scratch, watch all those DVDs I keep buying, and stop working seven days a week. Balance is my new mantra.
Snap, we've all been there. I sure as hell know I have, and it does get easier! At first I couldnt even face changing my stuff. And when I did, i wasn't sure of how to do things, or how to react if it started spurting. A few times I got really worked up and would start throwing things around the bathroom in anger, cleaning everything and being really carefull for it to then make a mess everywhere and have to start alllll over again...

I find that changing my appliance later in the day helps, My stoma is really active early on so I dont even attempt it. I cut my bag and take the plastic off ready so that once its clean i can just whack the bag on quick, I lean over the sink so if anything does decide to spurt out it shouldn't make a mess. and then once everything is dried and the powders on,i just grab the bag and put it on.

I remember laughing at the stoma nurses when they told me it will just become part of your routine over time and become like brushing your teeth almost.... But she was right.. You will get to a point where you can just get on with it and not worry about changing it at all. and know how to react/do things if things do start happening.

Keep going :) things do get easier