:ywow: SOOOO last nite I had that funny feeling that perhaps I had a leak or maybe a sore or I guess I just didn't know what the hell was going on--I just didn't feel right. I'm not the best at changing the wafer and all it entails--but the more you do it blah blah. Okay, after I get everything removed, I saw no leaks--just irritation at the bottom of Blossom where a couple of sutures had absorbed. My skin right at the bottom of Blossom had a couple of "holes" that were a little red and sore but not real ulcerated. I still have about 3 or 4 intact sutures. Well, I'm trying to examine--and it's like Old Faithful--it just keeps squirting. Then I get poo on my skin--it burns--I'm trying to wipe it---it just keeps going like the Energizer Bunny. So I leaned over the toliet (or the Chunty--love it) and start to cry thinking how in the heck am I going to get everything on? So I'm telling myself there is no crying in this---I'm scolding Blossom--and my kid's outside the door---"Mom are you okay?" Um, yes, dear I'm fine go away. I finally got into the shower since everytime I try to put myself back together--the poo parade starts again--then I cry and get mad at myself again. Well, in the shower, Blossom behaved. So I hurried like heck to dry off, apply the powder, apply the spray, shape the Eakin thing, and slap the wafer back on. PLEASE tell me it's not going to take as long when I get good at it--and tell me that it's not going to take long! I can giggle a little about it now--but had to let everyone know this so I can feel better and not so stoooopid when you let me know that you've been there done that! Funnily enough, I thought about Misty slapping Stan, Michelle's Oscar mishaps, and Mt. Vesuvius (prob spelled that wrong). Whew--done venting. I pray I have no leak or owies tonite. Getting ready to hit the hay--hoping to sleep. Since surgery, I haven't slept over 4 hours each nite. I'm too old to have lack of sleep (41---olllld! LOL). Got an appt with surgeon tomorrow--4 wks postop already. Thanks for "listening" and going thru my rambling! You people rock!:headbang: Dana