I don't mean to sound horrible..

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Undiagnosed Teenager
Dec 30, 2011
My friend is lovely and I am sorry that she is poorly. She was ill for a week, so went to her doctor, he doctor did a test and found out she has problems with her kidney. That's awful and I feel sorry for her, but i've been ill for two years and no one gives a **** about me and the f-ing pain I get in and how I can no longer go to college, I have no friends and how I had to turn a job down today that i've wanted for the past year!!! :(

My mum's best friend said maybe it was life threatening.. so I asked my friend and she said no, but it would have gotten worse.

I've been get worse and worse every few months :((

Argh, I sound so selfish and i'm sorry! I want her to be okay obviously, but yeah, jealous is probably the word. I don't mean to be but this is just getting too much. I'm fed up of pooing all the time and being in pain all the time and aarghh :(( So glad we have a venting section!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't sound horrible. The truth is people don't understand what it's like to have a chronic illness. Health comes naturally to so many; they just can't relate. But when the tables turn, people quickly change.

I have a two close friends from college. When I got sick, they'd ask how I was and so forth, but it was lightly discussed. However, when one of these friends started having GI issues and feared it was Crohn's, how the conversation changed! Luckily, she had a colonoscopy and does not have IBD, but she is much more compassionate now. Things haven't changed with my other friend.
you look ok so you are ok.. thats what i get
I work in a small team of 18 (3 per shift) I told them all how bad crohns was and it wasnt until i got admitted into hospital that ppl said i didnt think it was that serious (id been struggling for over a year).
Talking about **** isnt what ppl want to hear, and normally you get ill and then get better. you canbnot win, but if you get hold of some moviprep give some to your mates, see how they cope :p
I am actually going through something similar. I have a friend who has seen me through the worst of my sickness, shes seen me leave work early with pants covered in blood shes seen me go to the hospital and been given blood transfusions shes seen how many meds I take daily. I had a rough week and I wound up calling off and leaving early a lot that week so she contacts me and tells me I'm not that sick, there are stage 4 cancer patiants who can work full time. Then proceeded to tell me that since I'm on government assisstance(food stamps and medicaid) that I shouldn;t go out to eat or spend money except for on what is needed(all because I bought some clothes...I haven't had new clothes in years) Anyway recently she found out her mom has stage 4 lung cancer and is very sick. I feel for her I'm not salty about that at all. They are now on medicaid but yet she got a pair of $250 boots and then began to brag about these expansive boots and right after she starts asking everyone for money to help pay for medical bills telling them her moms treatment costs $1,500 per dose(medicaid pays for it all...I know I'm on it but she tells them it doesn;t) Then she goes on to tell them their on medicaid and thats below them and it's below them to ask for money so then she pulls out shirts and bracelets and asks people to buy them. I feel like she's done a complete 180 and is being such a hypocrit. A couple of months before she was telling me that I'm "using" the system and basically commiting fraud or something but yet she's begging for money from everyone she can possibly find and then bragging about a rediculously expensive pair of boots...I'm just beyond frustraited.