My friend is lovely and I am sorry that she is poorly. She was ill for a week, so went to her doctor, he doctor did a test and found out she has problems with her kidney. That's awful and I feel sorry for her, but i've been ill for two years and no one gives a **** about me and the f-ing pain I get in and how I can no longer go to college, I have no friends and how I had to turn a job down today that i've wanted for the past year!!!
My mum's best friend said maybe it was life threatening.. so I asked my friend and she said no, but it would have gotten worse.
I've been get worse and worse every few months
Argh, I sound so selfish and i'm sorry! I want her to be okay obviously, but yeah, jealous is probably the word. I don't mean to be but this is just getting too much. I'm fed up of pooing all the time and being in pain all the time and aarghh
( So glad we have a venting section!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My mum's best friend said maybe it was life threatening.. so I asked my friend and she said no, but it would have gotten worse.
I've been get worse and worse every few months
Argh, I sound so selfish and i'm sorry! I want her to be okay obviously, but yeah, jealous is probably the word. I don't mean to be but this is just getting too much. I'm fed up of pooing all the time and being in pain all the time and aarghh