I feel fortunate compared to others

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 17, 2006
I recently(4 weeks ago) had surgery(removed 12 inches of my colon and my appendix). I was having intermittent abdominal cramps the last several years. I just wrote it off as maybe an ulcer or stomach flu or food poisoning. I would have these 'flareups' every 4 or 5 months with no pain in between. Gradually, they were happening closer together and I started losing weight. I could no longer deal with the pain. My wife basically forced me to go to the doctor. He told me to go to the hospital that day. After a CT scan and a colonoscopy they discovered this huge mass and almost total blockage in my colon. I had surgery the next day and that's when they diagnosed me with Crohn's disease. Previously I had blood tests to rule out cancer. My G.I. said I was an interesting case. He said I've probably had Crohn's for the last 15 or so years(I'm 45 now) but couldn't believe that I never went to the doctor during that time. In my case it only flared up occasionally. My theory is that when I was younger I used to run 6 or 7 miles a day and workout 3 times a week. I also took vitamins and drank protein shakes. Like most people I've had my share of fast-food but I also ate a lot of chicken, eggs and vegetables. I'm planning to get back into that routine(not as many miles) soon. Hopefully this sugery will keep it at bay for awhile. My G.I. wants me to take Pentasa to minimize the flare ups. I'm going to hold off on that for awhile. I want to see how my body responds to the surgery. As of today, I feel great. I can still eat pretty much anything(no way I'm giving up Kansas City barbeque!) except foods that are hard to digest(raw vegetables, popcorn beef jerky...etc.) The good news is I don't have cancer. I had lost about 45 lbs. in the last 5 months but I've already gained back 10 lbs. in 4 weeks. Now Im back to work for the first time in 2-1/2 weeks. I feel great now. I've even had a few pints of Guinness(nectar of the gods). I know, I could have a major flare-up in 6 months and all hell could break loose. I think having a positive attitude has a lot to do with it. I wish everyone the best.
Aloha Mike & welcome to the forum. Mmmmmmmmm, I'd love to join you for some of that KC barbeque! Really good news that you're doing so well so soon after surgery. Hope that contiues & that the six-month flare doesn't happen!
Hi Mike and welcome to the forum!

I think probably your exercise and diet prior to being diagnosed helped in the quick recovery and return to the workplace.
The positive thinking really goes far in healing physically and mentally as well.

Again, welcome aboard! :)
Hi Mike-- your story and positive mental attitude are very inspiring! Keep us posted with how you're doing :D
Welcome to the forum Mike. I am glad that you believe that things have not been too bad. It doesn't matter what any of us has actually gone through, but how we react to what has happened to us.

Pentasa is a pretty mild medication compared to all the others, so you may want to consider it a bit more closely. Of course it is your decision though.

Diet and exercise are both seen by many as ways to control the disesae (in some form). Good luck with your attempts to feel better about yourself, and hopefully it will also keep the disease away for good. After surgery it is not necessary for the disease to return (moreso if you make changes in your life) so do not worry about something possibly happening.

Good luck and visit us again :D!
Staying positive

Thanks everyone for 'listening'. Having surgery was definitely a wakeup call for me. I haven't been the most pleasant person to be around the last several months. My wife and 2 yr old daughter had to suffer through my 'bad' days. I had a bad attitude(why is this happenig to me?). When you experience severe pain your only concern is trying to reduce or minimize it. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. A negative attitude wasn't helping and I noticed that my daughter was very confused. I think she thought I was mad at her. Since I've decided to try and have a more positive approach to having Crohn's everyone is a lot happier. You know the old saying "life is what you make it" is true. So that being said; I have decided to run for President of the United States in 2008. My campaign slogan will be "You can't sh*t a sh***er! Vote for me! Just kidding. We're all in this together.
Yes, the attitude thing is curious to watch. I went from devastated, to laughing at it, to serious about it, to grim resignation, to just back to what I used to be. We all have our paths. Welcome! We are all here for the ranting, the questions, the new research, the information. It's a great place to be.
Welcome Mike!! I can't believe you didn't go to the dr for 15 years...what a sav! I hope the surgery was really successful, keep smiling :)
Hi Mike, welcome to the forum.. I noted more than a few similarities in our cases.. My docs currently think I contracted it approx 17 - 20 years ago, in my thirties. Its a bit odd that everyone who discovers I have this tells me it a young persons disease.
I too started off being very negative.. Went thru the 'why me' syndrone. Was sick & tired of being sick and tired.. Couldn't grasp that something that first showed up 20 years ago, went undiagnosed and symptom free for a decade, showed up again, and again wasn't diagnosed and again went away for 5 years, could come back & really screw up my life and health for the last 3 years.. before FINALLY the docs got the diagnosis (and treatment) right.. I also had a hard time watching my friends and family seeing me sick... the pain my pain caused them resulted in my retreating from them.. Think we males make the worst patients anyway. Finally, I got my head on straight... started focusing on the positive aspects of my life, and the illness.. treatment, long term outlook, etc.. Things took a turn for the better at that point, and I've worked hard at keeping that focus.. It's not easy, especially over the long haul.. Setbacks can setback my positive attitude, that spirals down into my health.. it's can be a viscious cycle.. if I let it.. So keep your chin up, I can tell you that you are on the right track, and if you get side tracked, find a way, any way, to get back on track.. Been there, done that. OK? All the best to you Mike

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