I feel really weird!!

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Jan 21, 2010
Hiya everyone
hope you're all doing ok?

Don't normally have a whinge but feel like crap! so here goes!!
short bit first,
was on Pred Jan-Apr inc
on Entocort May - present
now on 3mg

This week starting from Monday, I have been in a daze! weird spaced out feeling, not wizzing like on Pred, but foggy, can't concentrate, my memory is terrible (hang on, who am I?)
feel like I'm walking on the moon (not that I've ever been like)
feel like I've got big NASA boots on! (not that I've ever worn any like)
feel like I'm trying to walk thro treacle (yum yum)

Any way, this week in school I have made so many mistakes. I haven't been firing on all cylinders! I have broke down and wept at the slightest thing, I have crumpled into a heap with exhaustion. I feel sad and if I look at the whole picture, I'm missing Jordan and let's not forget Mum died 5 weeks ago.
Everyone in school is suffering with end of termitis I think!
But I'm not in any pain, no D and eating really well.
I see my gastro on Monday, I need to get off these steroids, they are screwing with my psyche, I've gone from being super dynamic to losing my mojo in one week!
Has anyone had these feelings on Entocort or do you think I'm depressed?
(not going on anti D, no way)
Anyway, stay well and much love to you all
Sorry to hear you're going through such a rough time Joan. I wouldn't want to label how you are feeling at the moment at all, not being a doctor!
However I know what the end of term in school is like. I think everyone goes a bit mad! I'm not back at work yet but every other year it always hits me out of the blue and I normally get completly stressed and everyone annoys the hell out of me.
On top of this your mum has just died and your son is away on holiday. No wonder you are feeling down. You need to take some time for yourself and pamper, pamper, pamper!
Your description of how you are feeling dazed sounds just like I was when I first started being ill. At one point I started lauging manically and then it turned into me bawling my eyes out. Still not worked out why but it freaked me out somewhat!
Hope that you start to feel a bit brighter soon but you also need time to grieve

That is almost exactly how I have been feeling this week and I am not on any steroids. I put it down to my Crohn's not being completely in remission (I am still having some pains). Maybe your flare isn't completely under control and combined with end of termitis it is just making you too exhausted to function properly? I would have thought if it was the steroids this feeling would have hit you sooner. I am not sure about depression, but the way I am feeling (with the treacle and fuzzy head etc) I have put down to end of termitis and am just counting down the days till we break up. Don't know about you but our kids break up 2 weeks today then we have an inset on the last Friday.

Hang in there!
Hmm i think theres something in the air :ywow: in england
Im on aza and asacol no steroids at the mo, but although everything is ok with life, apart from no appetite my tums not to bad. But im soo in a tiz and just feel so exhausted down and tired, and hey im just about to cry again lol, for nothing im at home im on the sofa trying to rest while itching my dogs tummy lol i just dont understand lol, have to say im sick of this heat, just makes me so sleepy i dont know if its that?

Hope you feel better soon, several of my teacher friends are allways ready to curl up at this time of year, so hold in there and not long til term end ;)

I get like that too. I was actually leaning toward the depression thing, but suddenly it just went away. I saw another thread on here about the link between depression and our intestines, something about the serotonin receptors there. Could be a combination of your lack of sleep and steroid withdrawal, i.e. things evening out in your body as you haven't really been off prednisone all that long and are on a low dose of entocort. I would give it some time.
bouncing back to dynamic...

Good Day Joan,
Sorry to hear you are feeling a 'little off'.
Since my Dx I've scribbled into a journal to dump my thoughts and not dwell on them.
I jotted something a while back, and will offer it:
What cannot be changed, must be endured.

Having just weaned off my first ride with Prednisone, I can say I felt as you describe.
I'd bet it is the steroids, and suspect you just have to hang in there and ride it out.
I hope you can indeed get off them, they are a package deal of good and evil.

As I weaned off, I too was spaced out, a special depth of dizzy, groggy, and had some unlikely cries too.
Very much the same...

I'd prefer to suspect that your adrenal glands are perhaps struggling to get into sync, and that time will help it.
"chiefly responsible for releasing hormones in conjunction with stress through the synthesis of corticosteroids and
catecholamines, including cortisol and adrenaline"
Not hard to see how that could mess with a person!?!

Let's not to be quick to wear heavy labels like depression.
It just tangles our thoughts further, while helping nothing!

here's to better days,

ps I'm not a real doc, but prescribe chocolate for you anyway!
(your mileage may vary)
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Hey sweetie, lets cut the crap you are weird LOL. Kidding! You have been through so much in this past while and whilst at the time you don't feel it, later on it has an impact on the nogin. I do that too, forget, mess up, and I am down to 3mg of Entocort. It is mild but it could be affecting your brain in a different way.

Remember we are all different!!! :hang: wait til your doctor, it will be all just fine.

And even though I know you are weird I still love ya anyways!!!:kiss:
I have felt the same way here when I am weaning off prednisone. And even after I'm off prenisone I get that way...Well, all I can say its common, you will take some time to get to normal. Talk to your dr...\I hope it passes soon...Sue
Hiya Sam, Rebecca & Claire
thanks girls, it's a killer in school alright! everyone's on their knees right now, only 2 more weeks, 10 more get ups!

Hey my bud Penny!
you know me too well! ha ha and hey listen, thanks for our chats, i appreciate it, and look forward to it, it's good to talk!

Hey Walt!
thanks buddy! that is my new mantra! What cannot be changed, must be endured, how bloody true is that! I love it!
and your prescription of chocolate will go down well with me, I've already started on it, just had a Crunchie!

Hiya Kelly, Sue & Bobby
thanks, I have to give myself some time, I believe it's a combo of steroids, stress and fatigue, need to rest and chillax, when, I dunno!

hi Joan... i can't offer any advice, but i just wanted to say i think i've had similar - where i've felt drunk but not had the pleasure of drinking any alcohol!

i've had this many times, and i don't know what triggers it - often a cup of dioralyte, some paracetamol, and a sleep put me right.

i hope this passes soon.. just be gentle on yourself, you've got a lot of changes to cope with at the moment. ((hugs))
Thanks Sue

Yes, that's exactly how I feel! drunk or stoned! it's really weird!
A friend has just mentioned labyrinthitis!?? it makes you dizzy (as if I'm not dizzy enough)
an unbalance in the middle ear
I will mention it to doc on Monday
that's a good point, about the middle ear infection thing.. but many other issues can cause this unsteady feeling too. i would definitely talk to your doc about it, it could be something viral, or to do with meds, or simply that you're a bit dehydrated or run down at the moment. might be an idea to get a fbc too, in case you're deficient in something.
Hi Joan - Just wanted to pop in and give you a (((((hug))))) !!! I hope you feel back to your normal weird self soon!

xo xo xo - Amy
awww just sending a wee big cuddle to you joan....hope you begin to feel right soon, the prospect of summer holidays is coming! soon! i always get a bit odd on long term steroids....it can build up and begin to mess things around, but best to get it checked out for other things too just in case....aww hope things turn round quickly, sending my love across the border (doesnt happen often so enjoy :) )
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Hey Joan, First of all, I'm sending a great big :hug:You're right as it could be meds or depression. Either way, just hang in there it will pass. My father-in-law passed away in March and my husband had a real hard time with it for a while and your symptoms sound similar to what he described. Dr. started him on anti-depressant and he is doing much better now. You had a double whammy with your son taking this trip too. It's always great when our children get such an opportunity, but it is really hard on us moms!! :hang:
Hiya Amy, Sue, Yvonne & Beverly

Thanks girls! I've talked non stop for 3 days! told everyone who'll listen, bored the arse of em all! ha ha
I feel ok, i feel that it's gonna pass, I feel that it's a little blip, I've wobbled, I'm back!

Love you all, my bosom bee buddies
Hi Joan:

Just catching up on this post. So sorry you're feeling unwell like this right now, and I hope that it passes soon. Great that you know it WILL pass, but the sooner the better, eh?
Just a quick note about labyrinthitis -- it could potentially explain the dizziness -- it knocks out your vestibular system so your body can't really tell which way is "up." I get labrynthitis about every 3 years (like clockwork, if there were a clock that timed 3 years). I'll wake up feeling "off" and will know that I have maybe 5 minutes to run and grab supplies and make phone calls letting people know that I'll be in bed for the next 3 days (right into bed with me will come my prescription meds, lots of water, crackers, and the remote control for my fan, because if I can't find it with my eyes closed and without moving more than one arm, I won't be accessing it until the worst passes). After the 5 minutes are up...hrm. You'll know if you've reached this point because you won't be unable to stand up straight for the dizziness, you won't be able to move your head 2 inches without throwing up, and the world will keep spinning even when you shut your eyes. If you do have labrynthitis, even if it seems mild, be sure to ask for (1) a shot of antinauseant (as if your bottom doesn't go through enough already), and (2) an Rx for Novo-Betahistine. Good luck!!!! Please don't let it be labrynthitis! It can take weeks to clear up fully.
Hi Joan,:bigwave:

Oh I'm so sorry you are feeling poorly. I hope things start to pick for you real soon. I can't offer any advice but I am going to send HEALING (((HUGS))) and (((THOUGHTS))) your way. I hope you them right away! :)


Look after after yourself buddy, :kiss:
Hiya Kelly

Thanks for that info hun, hope I've not got that, it sounds grim! feel a bit better today, not as dizzy, think the fog is lifting, thank god it's Saturday!

Hiya Dusty
I've got your hugs hun, thanks a lot, nothing like a hug to cheer me up! just gonna chillax now til Monday, then only 10 more get ups!

Hey Joan, I just came across this. You always seem so upbeat on here that it's easy for me to forget why you're here at all. I don't have anything to offer. Just thinking about you and hoping for your quick return to "normal". Actually, I'd hate it if you were normal but you know what I mean:).
Joan, SO GLAD to hear that the worst of the dizziness has passed. You'll be back to your old self soon, I'm sure. :)
So glad to see that you're feeling a lot better Joan!
Keep that chin up
Nothing wrong with being a weirdo! In fact it kind of helps when youre a teacher...

Just catching up. So sorry you are stressed and in the dumps. It is often hard for me to sort out what is meds and what is "real feelings". But then it's always something-- is it hormones or me? is it menopause or me? is it you or is it me? ha ha I wouldn't underestimate the ongoing impact of losing your mom. After my mom's death, I thought I was 'handling' it and 'doing just fine, thank you'...but didn't realize there is no time limit on coping with that tremendous loss. A year later I had the opportunity to be in a support group for adult daughters who lost their moms and I was surprised at how raw I still felt in so many ways. It's all a journey. Hang in there and know you've got lots of cheerleaders and supporters here.

Hi Joan, sorry you were going thru a rough time, glad to hear you are nearly back to your old self!! Thinking of you and all the best.
Hi Joan,

Just came across this thread. It sounds like you are feeling better now. :) Very glad to hear that.

And as far as the being weird goes, I'm also weird, and I think it helps us get through the rough times better if we don't take ourselves too seriously! That being said, it's a good thing to let others know how we're feeling and to get advice from others, sometimes it makes us feel less weird, right? Cause others may have been through the same thing! So thanks for this post, and I'm going to try to learn from you and post on here if I feel down and weird and all that... :p

Big hugs!
Ha Ha Ha we are a weird bunch aren't we, hand in glove with Crohn's?

Thank you to each and everyone one of you, you've helped me lots, to put things into perspective, and Walt's mantra is my new mantra
'what can't be changed, must be endured'

I dunno what was up with me, a virus maybe? but I feel loads better now, thanks
I will post tomorow what the quack has to say!
but I do know this for sure, I am not going on a biologic, I can not cope with the side effects of another new med, I break up soon and I want to enjoy my Summer hols, I've earned it! I have no symptoms of CD other than fatigue, so hopefully I'm heading for remission? Just gonna stay on good old Pentasa!
lotsa luv
Joan xxxx
Glad you're feeling better! And fingers crossed over here, too, that you are in remission and staying there!
I have no symptoms of CD other than fatigue, so hopefully I'm heading for remission? Just gonna stay on good old Pentasa!
lotsa luv
Joan xxxx

Same here, Joan, fatigue is my main symptom now, except for eye symptoms. Is it common to only have fatigue, and is it related to Crohn's? I've heard it can be, but how do I convince my doctor I'm not just lazy? :S Do you have any tips and hints to feel less tired? I find that sleeping doesn't really help too much! Ironic! :)


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