I had an MRI Post-op- question about results!!!

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Mar 9, 2017
I am 9 weeks post-op from having an "anal nodule"removed- basically an old fistula/abscess scar from surgery over 20 years ago. Surgeon removed about 2 cm around of tissue and wound is healing openly. He keeps using silver nitrate to hasten things which only seems to make me close up then break open w/bleeding etc. I still have light fairly clear drainage. The word "heal" gets me confused- he wants it to sat it to stay slightly open to heal from bottom up, yet suggests it should be closed by now, then says it is just a pinhole...He feels it is taking awhile, but at same time says it was deep...
So he ordered an MRI to rule out a fistula vs abscess. He had not seen fistula on any exams. He did NOT indicate to radiologist that I had had surgery 9 weeks ago. The MRI states "a thin tract of T2 hypertense signal is identified w/in the right sided perianal soft tissues at the 7:00 position which extends towards right gluteal fold, suggestive of a small perianal fistula. There is enhancement along the tract. This perianal fistula is likely transsphincteric. There is no evidence of a focal drainable fluid to suggest perianal abscess."

So- this is exactly where surgery took place and tissue was removed-and a few deep sutures placed. Could this be indicative of those changes or is this in fact a new fistula? Wondering if possible to contact radiologist to review. Obviously I will be speaking w/surgeon, but results came in over weekend!
Thanks all!
My surgeon wouldn't contact radiologist to explain it had been post -op and he just told me he can't tell himself. That he has been perplexed by my whole situation, that he is not sure why my body isn't healed yet- (though he originally told me 6 mos and it is now 9 weeks w/mild drainage....) He keeps wanting to apply silver nitrate that seals the top too quickly and then it reopens with bloody discharge... I call him to ask about that stuff cause no one has told me what is "normal" so now he thinks I am anxious (well NOW I am!) And he was stunned to read MRI report of small fistula after he found none, but when I asked could that just be post surgical changes he said to get a second opinion. This is exhausting.I think if there were guidelines such as "for first four months it is normal to have......" then I wouldn't call to ask questions!
AND second crs didn't get to read report either- or early doctor notes...and I waited almost an hour so he was late to a meeting- so I may try to call to ask but he talking about using ultrasound and maybe a seton...I am still draining at 12 weeks cause he poked me! Not looking forward to more surgery but think it is in the cards...
Sorry, have no experience with fistula's or open wound healing myself but hopefully someone on here will come by soon.

In the meantime I hope the wound heals soon and he was wrong about the fistula!
Thanks! I had a fistulotomy 8 days ago. Surgeon found fistula using ultrasound and dye. I have post op next week and hopefully will learn more about what happened.
Thanks! I had a fistulotomy 8 days ago. Surgeon found fistula using ultrasound and dye. I have post op next week and hopefully will learn more about what happened.
How are you doing after your surgery?

I had a seton in January (after other surgeries... had a fistulotomy a couple of years back too) was still getting problems so went back had an MRI and they found I had the most complex form :( and multiple!
I am really sore! Big grand Canyon wound. How are you? Do you have setons?
I found the worst part about a fistulotomy was passing stools! Hopefully the pain will ease off for you over the next few days.

I do currently have a seton yes, heading back in a couple of weeks to get it replaced and have EUA as I had an MRI and they discovered lots :(