I am 9 weeks post-op from having an "anal nodule"removed- basically an old fistula/abscess scar from surgery over 20 years ago. Surgeon removed about 2 cm around of tissue and wound is healing openly. He keeps using silver nitrate to hasten things which only seems to make me close up then break open w/bleeding etc. I still have light fairly clear drainage. The word "heal" gets me confused- he wants it to sat it to stay slightly open to heal from bottom up, yet suggests it should be closed by now, then says it is just a pinhole...He feels it is taking awhile, but at same time says it was deep...
So he ordered an MRI to rule out a fistula vs abscess. He had not seen fistula on any exams. He did NOT indicate to radiologist that I had had surgery 9 weeks ago. The MRI states "a thin tract of T2 hypertense signal is identified w/in the right sided perianal soft tissues at the 7:00 position which extends towards right gluteal fold, suggestive of a small perianal fistula. There is enhancement along the tract. This perianal fistula is likely transsphincteric. There is no evidence of a focal drainable fluid to suggest perianal abscess."
So- this is exactly where surgery took place and tissue was removed-and a few deep sutures placed. Could this be indicative of those changes or is this in fact a new fistula? Wondering if possible to contact radiologist to review. Obviously I will be speaking w/surgeon, but results came in over weekend!
Thanks all!
So he ordered an MRI to rule out a fistula vs abscess. He had not seen fistula on any exams. He did NOT indicate to radiologist that I had had surgery 9 weeks ago. The MRI states "a thin tract of T2 hypertense signal is identified w/in the right sided perianal soft tissues at the 7:00 position which extends towards right gluteal fold, suggestive of a small perianal fistula. There is enhancement along the tract. This perianal fistula is likely transsphincteric. There is no evidence of a focal drainable fluid to suggest perianal abscess."
So- this is exactly where surgery took place and tissue was removed-and a few deep sutures placed. Could this be indicative of those changes or is this in fact a new fistula? Wondering if possible to contact radiologist to review. Obviously I will be speaking w/surgeon, but results came in over weekend!
Thanks all!