I hate emetophobia!

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
For those that don't know, emetophobia is an irrational fear of vomit (in my case, although I don't like to be sick, the phobia is of other people being sick). And I don't mean like 'eww that's gross' but if someone gets sick near me I go into a fully fledged screaming panic attack.

Anyway, on holiday my boyfriend got sick. And I screamed and ran outside naked at 2 o'clock in the morning and I was shaking really bad. And I felt so bad that I couldn't be there for him. And it's hard to be sympathetic with him because the irrational part of my brain will try to convince me that it's his fault he's ill, or that he didn't make it to the toilet on purpose to get back at me for something. I know that's not true, but I can hold back being sick for days at a time if necessary and have NEVER been sick in front of him, and it's hard for me to understand that not everybody is like that.

Anyway just needed to let it out somewhere.
I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you know your condition. Knowing is half the battle.

Me, I have Pedophobia, the irrational fear of children. Whenever I get around a child I get very nervous and have to leave the room. Which has been really bad lately since my sister and two nieces (ages 3 & 6) have moved in with me, so I just stay in my room out of their way. Maybe after awhile I will get use to them and my fear will subside. My phobia is so bad that I plan on getting a vasectomy once I have the funds to.
I find that constant exposure helps so maybe you will get used to your nieces, doesn't mean that your phobia in general will get better. In my boyfriends case, the first bout i ran outside naked, the second bout I put my hands over my ears and screamed, the third time I just stayed where I was and cried, and by the fourth time I was finally able to ask if he was ok. But the next time someone is ill i will be back to square one.
I don't know the name of my phobia, but I'm irrationally afraid of stuffed animals (not like teddy bears, but like taxidermied animals that were once alive and are now dead and stuffed). I don't know why I have that phobia, I've had it as long as I can remember. I know it's weird but I can't control it much. If I try to go somewhere that there are stuffed animals, I feel like their eyes are watching me and I get really cold and shaky and just want to run away. Phobias are weird. I have a co-worker who is deathly afraid of birds - even little chirpy songbirds. I guess there could be a phobia of anything! So a phobia of vomit isn't too weird compared to birds or stuffed animals.
No, apparantly it is quite a common phobia too. But it is really hard to explain to people because obviously no one likes being sick, so they assume I mean a severe dislike of vomit. Luckily my boyfriend understands in that he has seen how I am not in control of myself so he does protect me when we are out in public and someone is sick, and he makes sure I don't hurt myself (I have fainted and fallen down steps before). Unfortunately it means the panic attacks are worse when it is him doing the vomiting because I have no safe haven.

I guess phobias are wierd, what gets me is when people *think* they have a phobia or say they have because it sounds better than saying they are scared or don't like something. For example, I know lots of people that say they have arachnophobia, but only one or two that get that white faced, wide eyed panickly look the moment you even say 'spider'.
I have the same thing... the other night we were walking home after going for a drink (soft drink) ..and some boy was being sick.. I literally ran away.. I was so freaked out, I just kept replaying it in my head for days and days

If anyone is on the television or I think anyone might be sick, I leave, I just cant handle it, it completly rules what situations and can and cant be in... so your not alone hunny. My oh was ill last year and I just ran out of the house, I was so freaked out!

I went to CBT for my OCD and she said its linked for me anyway, my OCD is linked to my mum being bulimic and that in turn made me phobic of sick.. eh.. Its not just you hunny!!

Hugs ..Know it can be a hard one to understand!!
Oooh I do feel special! In fact, you guys should feel special too since only people that know about my emetophobia are my immediate family (it hasn't been said in so many words, but they have seen me freak out) and my boyfriend. I am actually pretty good at hiding it. At work if a kid is sick, firstly my reaction isn't as bad since it isn't at home. Secondly, I have my professional head on so I am less emotionally involved and can 'switch off' and pretend it is happening to someone else. Together, this means that I can hold it together enough to not run away screaming but instead walk away saying 'I'll go get the caretaker/ mop/ bucket' as appropriate. I am shaking like a leaf, but everyone's attention is usually on the child so no one notices.

I also have a feeling that a lot of my phobia comes from a lack of control. For example, I am a first aider and so on school trips, I normally have the sick bucket, and it makes me feel better knowing that if something happens I can do something about it. Once someone has vomited, I have a choice whether to avoid the situation or to face up to it - and I usually choose to face up to it. Whereas at the moment someone vomits, I have no choice as to whether I am there or not so I panic. This is why I feel worse when someone I feel close to vomits, or it happens at home, or I am 'trapped' by the situation (e.g. someone has vomited by the only exit, or when I was on a tiny boat with someone who got seasick) - I have to face it sometime so the choice is taken away from me. Although I don't like being sick, I don't have the same sense of panic as I can control it and choose when and where (and sometimes even if!).

Actually writing this stuff down is really helping!
Thanks dancer, I guess you posted while I was still writing the long one above. I am going to try self-administered CBT, I don't want to go to a professional for various reasons, but I successfully treated my panic attacks myself, so I am hopeful about this. The problem is, it is quite a rare occurence that someone is sick near me (I guess I have a 6th sense about avoiding stuff) so while I do make progress (while I was in hospital people being sick was a regular occurence and I managed fine) it is very easy to slip backwards.
That sounds like a fab idea hun

I guess I avoid mine/ignore it.. trying to cope and deal with it is deffinately the way to go!!

My fiance knows and my best friends, they understand if I suddenly have to go etc!!

Hugs xx

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