Your asking why do I HATE it !! Well here is what happen ... When my hubby was first told that he had Crohn's ... the DOCTOR put him on all sorts of meds and this happen to be one that they placed him on. I saw the side effects of it with a few other family members and each had there own side effect ...
JOHN ... This was one of my hubby's brother's well he got really GRUMPY & also had gotten MOON FACE from it and also hurt all the time !!
DEAN ... This was another brother and he was the youngest of the 6 kids ... Well he too got the MOON FACE !!
HUSBAND ... He was a BEAR I mean A BEAR ... just to give you ah few examples: 1- One night I had dinner ready for him when he had gotten home and it was Steamed Broccoli ... so I put BUTTER on it just like I normally do & so he went 2 have it & barked @ me telling me that there was not enough butter { 2 TB is not enough } well I went ahead and place 2 more on it and well he was then happy with it !! 2- We had been working on our basement trying to get it done in time for my daughter's 18th birthday and so he was getting ready to PAINT the BATHROOM so he had asked me where the sticks were to STIR UP the paint and I told " right where you put them " and so he then YELLED at me to tell me that they were NOT THERE
well as it was I went down to check ... and guess what ?? They were right where I had told him they would be ... he continued to tell me that they were NOT THERE but finally I took him downstairs and showed him and then he broke down and cried and grabbed me a HUGGED ME and said that he was sorry for what happened.
So ... what did I learn with him " DO NOT POKE THE BEAR " :smile:
And so just take it from me ... if your LOVED ONE that is on PREDNISONE just take 1 day at time and be there and just say some PRAYERS to the MAN ABOVE to HELP you thru each and every day !!
JOHN ... This was one of my hubby's brother's well he got really GRUMPY & also had gotten MOON FACE from it and also hurt all the time !!
DEAN ... This was another brother and he was the youngest of the 6 kids ... Well he too got the MOON FACE !!
HUSBAND ... He was a BEAR I mean A BEAR ... just to give you ah few examples: 1- One night I had dinner ready for him when he had gotten home and it was Steamed Broccoli ... so I put BUTTER on it just like I normally do & so he went 2 have it & barked @ me telling me that there was not enough butter { 2 TB is not enough } well I went ahead and place 2 more on it and well he was then happy with it !! 2- We had been working on our basement trying to get it done in time for my daughter's 18th birthday and so he was getting ready to PAINT the BATHROOM so he had asked me where the sticks were to STIR UP the paint and I told " right where you put them " and so he then YELLED at me to tell me that they were NOT THERE
So ... what did I learn with him " DO NOT POKE THE BEAR " :smile:
And so just take it from me ... if your LOVED ONE that is on PREDNISONE just take 1 day at time and be there and just say some PRAYERS to the MAN ABOVE to HELP you thru each and every day !!