Thank you all so much for your responses. They have actually led me to more questions so I, again, would very much appreciate your replies. Regarding sleep, I don't know if anyone else goes through this but this has been my experience for the last 5 years. I cannot go to bed, no matter how tired I am, until my output slows down enough to where I can sleep for one solid hour without my bag filling up. After that I have to set my clock for every 2 and a half hours until I finally run out of output. This, in simpler terms, means that every night, all night, I have to get up to empty my bag or it will overfill and I'll wake up, as I did this morning, to an awful mess, which pardon my pun, is a really ****** way to wake up. I've had people advise me not to eat too late in order to avoid this. In order to avoid this I would have to stop eating at 2pm. If anyone has this experience please, please advise.
So getting good sleep has been out of the picture. Additionally, because of severe spinal arthritis and previous injuries, I'm on pain medication regularly, some heavy hitters, and although you'd think this would make me tired, it's actually just the opposite. When I take a certain amount of Rx, and my pain goes away, I wake right up! The problem is that I'm trying to cut back but when I do my energy just goes away. I do exercise as regularly as possible as I have a treadmill and an exercise bike in my home. I agree that this does help and I really enjoy it. It's just that when my energy drops too low it is so difficult to do. If I were to take my pain meds I could just jump right on, literally, but I'm trying so hard to wean way down and maybe someday, completely off. ****! I feel like such a ******* mess. I'm a grown woman and still I have a worried mother asking me constantly how my Rx reduction is going. When I have energy I'm unstoppable. But when I don't I can't move and I feel like such a failure. I hope someone out there can relate.
Sharon J.