I have rectal pain sometimes what could it be?

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Jun 8, 2012
I have crohns since june. Im not under any medication, since we chose to go. With naturopathy and i only take natural products. I was under entocort until 3 weeks ago. Since everything started i sometimes had rectal pain, quick and strong pain but it didnt last more than a second. But since 2 weeks i have them more frequently and i also have pain that lasts but not as strong. It happens mostly when im sitting but also when im standing sometimes. I dont have pain when im at the bathroom and i dont have any bumps around my anus so i dont think its a fistula but what could it be? Any ideas? Also it occurs more when im stressed and i tried to talk to my brain and tell it to stop making me pain if theres nothing physical and it sometimes worked. I dont know if it could be a pain my mind is creating or if its real.
Hi Sarah and a big warm welcome to the forum :hug: Rectal pain is pretty common is Crohn's patients and there is a variety of reasons. Sometimes it's pressure from the inflammation in your bowel, other times it's for other reasons like a fistula, as you mention.
If it was me, and the pains persisted, I would be wanting to get it checked out. Even if it is something as simple as referred pain from inflammation, it means you still have inflammation which if left unchecked, could do lasting damage. And if it is something else, hopefully you have caught it early before it has a chance to develop. And if it's nothing, all the better and at least you will not have the stress from wondering if it's something that needs to be dealt with :hug:
I see you are recently diagnosed, so are you still under the care of a GI?
Hi Sarah,
I remember having those pains in my early stages of diagnosis as well. Like Helen says if the pain persists you should get it looked at. It could be early stages of an abscess so keep an eye on it and check for fevers just in case. Again not saying it's what you have but like Helen said again (she always gives such good advise), things are best caught early! All the best!

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