I need some advice ASAP please

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Oct 15, 2013
So I went to the ER because I thought I had appendicitis, turns out I have colitis :-\ problem is the ER couldn't say why. They put me on flagyl and cipro and I go to my pcp Wednesday. I am severely constipated and I'm having a hard time figuring out what I can do about it since the cause of my colitis is unknown for now. I've been taking a stool softer for 3 days and I even used a glycerin suppository but still nothing. I'm becoming more sickly feeling and in more pain now. I need some relief ASAP! any ideas?
Without advise from your doctor it can be hard to say what will relive your constipation.

What tests did the ER do to find the colitis?

Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis are pretty hard to diagnose with out a colonoscopy and biopsies. Best thing your pcp can do is refer you to a GI for further testing and evaluation.

Hope you feel better. :hug:
Hi helpplease and welcome to the forum! :D

I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. :hug: When you see your regular doctor hopefully they will refer you to a GI/Gastroenterologist so you can have more tests done to find out the exact cause of the inflammation in your colon.

As for the constipation, increasing fluids may help along with moving around a bit (exercise can help to get things moving). I'd be careful about using stool softeners as you may be dealing with a narrowing (don't want you to start vomiting) caused by the inflammation. If you're still eating then having smaller meals more often may help to reduce the pain. If you start vomiting, have extreme pain that you cannot stand, and/or have a fever then you may need to go back to the ER in case you may be dealing with a bowel obstruction.

I hope you start feeling better soon! Keep us posted on how you're doing.
You will definitely want to talk your your GI doctor (or visit one if you don't have one). While the assumption on this board is that colitis is the autoimmune kind, most colitis is acute, generally infectious. Flagyl and Cipro tend toward that being the likely cause they are suspecting - hopefully they took a stool culture and are looking for C. Diff or other infectious reasons for the problems.
The ER did some blood work, which didn't show signs of infection, but I did have an elevated hs-CPR, an abdominal X-ray, and CT scan. They didn't take a stool sample, which would have been difficult anyway because I can't go.... I've already been told I'll be referred out to a GI specialist for a colonscopy :( . I just want some relief NOW! Wouldn't they have been able to see an obstruction or blockage on the CT scan or Xray? If so, I don't think that is an issue because they didn't mention anything about that. How bad would it be if I tried 1 dose of Milk of Magnesuim? I'm on a pretty much all liquid diet just because my stomach is so full anyway.
X-Rays and CT scans can show dilation of the loops of the intestines, but the cause cannot generally be determined. An obstruction may or may not be visible (e.g. a phytobezoar Contrast imaging (the same imaging as you had, only you drink barium first) can help provide better imagery. Some things won't show up on non-contrast imaging, and others may be difficult to discern. Anything from stricturing to a phytobezoar to intestinal wall inflammation from lesions may not show up well.

I wouldn't take anything without consulting the doc - even if its a call back to the ER doc. There are other steps they may take on a more immediate basis before the colonoscopy - a digital rectal exam to check for fecal impactions and even a sigmoidoscopy can be done without prep.
If it's crohn's or ulcerative colitis, unfortunately there is no answer as to what causes these diseases which are thought to be autoimmune diseases. The prevailing wisdom in the scientific community is that it is some combination of genetics and environment that are responsible.

As for your current state, I want to offer my support. I understand how frustrating it is to not know what's wrong or see what the future holds. The barrage of tests can be overwhelming and depressing but in due time doctors will have more concrete answers for you and hopefully can solve the issue or greatly improve upon it.

I agree with mbishop that it's always best to speak with your doctors before adding medication. In the meantime lots of warm liquids & prune juice can help ease constipation.
CT scans and even a regular x-ray should pick up a full blockage/mass but you didn't have a full blockage at the time. The test clearly showed inflammation (likely mentioned as "wall thickening" on your test result) already. Keep in mind that things can happen very fast so even though you had tests done days ago that showed inflammation but no full blockage, that doesn't mean that you're in the clear completely. Knowing this the danger you face with taking something that softens your stools is that a narrowing creates a bottle neck effect so when everything suddenly rushes to that spot, its not going to pass through. Personally I'd wait until I've spoken with a doctor before taking anything. Getting a hold of the ER doctor for their advice is a great suggestion.

How are you doing today? Any improvements? Anything worse?
Thank you all for the feedback. I still feel pretty icky but I go to a pcp today (he's new never really had any health issues til now). Hopefully he'll have some answers and/or at the very least some symptomatic relief. I honestly don't know how you all have handled your diseases this long. I'm miserable after three weeks of issues. The unknown is very scary and I'm so ready to have some answers! I'm just praying really really hard that whatever is going on with me is an isolated thing and not something I'll have to continue to deal with. You all seem to be very strong people!
There are some very strong laxatives out there, which don't even require a doctor's prescription. However, I would be careful of taking anything when there are uncertainties surrounding the state of your intestines.

When I need to I take lactulose, which seems to be very strong. I usually have the opposite problem - diarrhoea - which most people with Crohn's and colitis have, but there have been times when medications for other things caused severe constipation. Stimulant laxatives are a bit different from stool softeners as they provoke your bowel to move, whereas stool softeners just draw more water into the stool so when you do go it's less hard and painful.

The Wikipedia page on laxatives is a good source of helping you figure out the different kinds of laxatives and which may suit your problems: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laxative

But it's best to know what's causing your constipation before deciding how to treat it. How long have you been constipated for and is this normal for you? You've only had these symptoms a short while - did you have any other digestive problems prior to this? Crohn's and UC (though it sounds like you haven't been conclusively diagnosed yet?) are chronic illnesses, and testing to figure out the diagnosis and treatment are long-term processes. It is difficult when you want immediate symptom relief, but you'll need to be prepared for the fact that answers may not come straight away.

If the constipation is accompanied by severe stomach pain, vomiting or fever it might be worth you visiting the emergency department at the hospital. If you have a blockage, the pain and other symptoms would usually be severe enough that you'd know something was very wrong. If you don't have any other symptoms and the pain is manageable, I would say check with a doctor about ways to treat your constipation, though I know that sometimes getting to see a doctor immediately is not always possible, and I've also found that sometimes treatments doctors recommend aren't necessarily any better suited to me than the times I've found medications for myself.

If you can't get help from a doctor and want to treat the constipation yourself, my advice would be start with very small amounts - no matter how much you want relief, many laxatives are extremely strong and you don't know how your body will react to them. Also some laxatives can dehydrate you, so you need to drink a lot. Some can be dangerous if used long-term. Also you said you're mostly on a liquid diet - if you're not getting enough fibre, this may not be helping things. (Personally I've always found fibre made me worse - a fibre supplement was an example of when a doctor proved he had no better understanding of how to help me than I did myself.)

I hope you get some relief soon.
UnXmas, I'm surprised you can take Lactulose. My insurance company made me try it before they would approve the medication my doc wants me to take. It gave me absolutely terrible belly pain, cramping and bloating for at least 5 days. I saw after I took it that it says in the information that it is not recommended it be taken by anyone with a GI problem. Ouch! So I stopped taking it and now I'm waiting to start Linzess once the insurance company FINALLY gets around to approving it.

Helpplease - I can understand what you are going through - I am constipated nearly all of the time, sometimes not going for three days at at time. Even when I do go, I never feel like I'm "done" going. My doc put me on stool softeners (I take four of them per day) and fiber supplements (two of those). Even with all of that , I still rarely go and it's quite difficult. I'd advise you to be careful with taking laxatives. Some of the harsh ones can be damaging to your intestines. Hopefully by now you've gotten some good advice from your PCP about what's next. I see you need a colonscopy - don't sweat that too much, honestly the prep is worse than the procedure, which you'll probably sleep through! And the prep might be a relief to you, because you'll do nothing BUT "go" . :D
I've only had problems for a month now. It's all new to me. I took a half dose of MOM. so that problem is fine now. I still have fever pain and nausea, but my pcp visit was a complete waste of time and money. He actually said yeah you're still sick but I can't help you lol. He's referring me to a GI hopefully that won't take to long. He didn't want to give me any medicine because he just doesn't know why I'm still sick and didn't want to inadvertently make things worse, so just playing the waiting game for now.
Oh, that's so frustrating. Keep in touch with him until you get that referral and try to get in as soon as you can to the GI. IT doesn't do much good to have him acknowledge that you are sick if no one is helping you find out what's wrong.
Im just reading in shock about you all talking about Insurance Companies in relation to your Health Matters. Im in England and of course we have the N.H.S and dont need this Insurance thing that you have in the U.S.A. Can I ask how much it costs for cover in your country? We pay National Insurance from our wages at about £5 per £100 earned.
I am so grateful for our NHS,I have just been elected as a Governor of our NHS Foundation Trust,It has enlightened me to the cost of health care and how insufficient the budgets are for these services we take for granted. If we in england lived in the USA we would soon be flying back when the "****"(pardon the pun!!) hits the fan and you become ill or need a treatment.
Insurance premiums vary from person to person. I pay $35 a week for coverage, however I haven't met my $1500 deductible yet so what I have had done so far will be coming out of my pocket. Once I meet my $1500 dedutible my insurance will cover everything at 80/20 % so I will be billed 20% of every medical procedure or dr visit. Once I hit $3000, which is my out of pocket max they will cover at 100% utill Jan 1 and then my deductible starts over.
WOW. I could'nt afford to be ill if i lived where you do. Its unreal,my hubby is insulin dependant diabetic so for us both to be covered it would be a re-mortgage each year. Do you pay for medications on top of that if you are prescribed them by doc? Our prescriptions are £8.75 each item.
stignbird, insurance is one of those things here that is just dictated so much by money. I actually have very good insurance -my husband carries it through his work, and it's only $80 per month for our whole family. our out of pocket cost is only $750 for the whole year. I think my company is being sticky about this prescription because it's very expensive, and a new medication to boot. Plus I've already paid all our out-of-pocket costs for this year and they'll have to cover the entire cost of it for us.
UnXmas, I'm surprised you can take Lactulose. My insurance company made me try it before they would approve the medication my doc wants me to take. It gave me absolutely terrible belly pain, cramping and bloating for at least 5 days. I saw after I took it that it says in the information that it is not recommended it be taken by anyone with a GI problem. Ouch! So I stopped taking it and now I'm waiting to start Linzess once the insurance company FINALLY gets around to approving it.

Helpplease - I can understand what you are going through - I am constipated nearly all of the time, sometimes not going for three days at at time. Even when I do go, I never feel like I'm "done" going. My doc put me on stool softeners (I take four of them per day) and fiber supplements (two of those). Even with all of that , I still rarely go and it's quite difficult. I'd advise you to be careful with taking laxatives. Some of the harsh ones can be damaging to your intestines. Hopefully by now you've gotten some good advice from your PCP about what's next. I see you need a colonscopy - don't sweat that too much, honestly the prep is worse than the procedure, which you'll probably sleep through! And the prep might be a relief to you, because you'll do nothing BUT "go" . :D

Yes, lactulose works alright for me, but I only ever take a child's dosage. I find it odd how they say it's not to be taken if you have a bowel problem. I you had no bowel problem, why would you need a laxative?!

But you said sometimes you don't go for three days at a time - that isn't constipation. When I was healthy (along time ago now!) I only had a bowel movement about once or twice a week, and that was perfectly normal for me. I've read that a "normal" number of bowel movements ranges from twice a day to twice a week. Do you have to strain or is it painful when you go?
When I was healthy, I went every day and it was "normal" bm. Now I only go every couple of days, and it's usually only a small amount of very hard, pebbly pieces. I still feel like I have to go often but nothing happens. I have to wait a while for it to happen on the days that it does and it's quite difficult to go with some straining required. I've had problems with constipation most of my life, even when I was a child a couple of times I remember my parents taking me to the doctor for abdominal pain, and the docs would say my GI tract was very full. My current GI doc said that there are people who really just have chronic constipation and that Lactulose works for them, but that it's not appropriate for me because I do have either IBS or some other GI health issue. When I took it, I had severe pain for about 5 days, still hardly went to the bathroom, and bloated to where my pants were tight. The rumbling in my abdomen was loud and very frequent. I also have a rectocele that my NP feels is from chronic constipation and straining.
I had a rectocele too. (Had it surgically repaired twice - it will probably happen again except I'm having an ileostomy next week so can't happen again!) They can be both the cause and/or the result of straining. They do cause a problem having a bowel movement, but as far as I know that isn't technically constipation. When you have a rectocele it is difficult to pass stool, no matter how liquid it is. Neither stimulant laxatives nor stool softeners helped when I had that problem: I had to strain so much and couldn't ever feel like I'd finished going, even when I had water-consistency diarrhoea. I had the same thing with rectal prolapses.
Helpplease try upping your fluid intake and advice I got from my clinic nurse which I,ve done and it really helped eat a small piece of one of your trigger foods in my case melon it really worked as I didn't,t want to pop more pills,don,t get me wrong I only do it when things get desperate as in a week without going so you can imagine how I was feeling and if it doesn't,t work eat more.good luck
you may have crohns or ulcerative colitis.

these foods cause me to become constipated- potatoes, corn, rice,and meat.

certain bacteria can eat some of these carbs in these foods and lead to constipation in some people.
A little off the beaten path ~ when I have had a stricture/inflammation swelling and pain I found that sitting straight up caused worse pain so try laying on one side for a bit then the other like 5 to 10 min. ~ this can sometimes help get the guts to move. Also warm tea might help. Walking if you can get around and are not doubled over too much. Soft soft little tiny things of food like applesauce, ensure, boost. Then a warm bath, and again try the laying one one side then the other. Did you try a heating pad? I know your trying to get help from the Dr. so I know you know to call your Dr. These are somethings I had tried on days like Thanksgiving or Christmas in the past.
Hope you feel better real soon!
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wildbill, I hope that potatoes and rice aren't worsening my constipation! Since they are basically two of my nine foods that I can tolerate! :( I do tend to avoid beef because I've noticed that eating beef makes it even worse.

UnXmas - I know what you are saying about the rectocele, but my GI said it's basically in my case been caused by the chronic constipation and frequent straining. The rare times I've had diarrhea it doesn't cause me any problems going. In a way I wish I could still drink alcohol because when I still could, it would give me diarrhea, which sucked but was also a relief to actually feel like I went as much I needed to go. I never feel like I'm done going, and it's annoying to only go a few hard dark little pebbles!
I would very much recommend removing all grains from your diet for 30 days, and see what happens. Seriously, these symptoms are congruent with leaky bowl syndrome, and I worry that the prescription drugs could make the problem worse. At the very least just give it a go for 2 weeks and see if you feel any better - the folks I've advised have had much success with this one tactic. It is worth a shot!
Sry for what your going thru, I know how uncomfortable constipation is as this is my main symptom which is not as common for crohns but nonetheless is what I deal with. Someone recently recommended trace mineral drops and if you take them with lots of water it really does help the constipation. They are on amazon.com and the actual name to look up is trace mineral drops..its a blue bottle...8 oz is $15...you can build you way up to as many drops that will work for u...I take 40 drops a day and I put 20 in juice in morning and 20 at night...the water is a must though. I am beside myself with constipation but this is giving me some relief. Hope this helps! Cindy
The colon's job is to remove water from the stool so whether you have CD or not, drinking more water will help your stool not be hard or tiny. My husband does not have CD but he makes poops that block our toilet. So he is eating 3-5 pitted prunes daily, which helps a great deal. Also drinking warm prune juice is helpful if you are constipated.

Now if you have a blockage or stricture that is another matter. But do drink more fluids as they will help with the hard stools.

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