I really need to vent

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Aug 22, 2008
In the almost four years that I have had crohn's I never felt down or sad. I would say I have had a pretty good run in the last four years. However, these last couple of months have really got to me. In May I had only a 3 day hospital stay but after that everything went down hill. In and out of the er at least 5 or 6 times. I used to go once every 6 months. I had to go back on prednisone I HATE THIS DRUG! Last time I was on for 8 months and I had every side effect you could think of. I gain 25 lbs, the moon face the whole deal. My wedding is coming up in June I dont want to look like I am on prednisone I am still losing the weight from last time. School sucks, I didnt get into the four year I wanted to go to and now I am stuck for a whole year at the same j.c. Nothing is working out the way it was planed. I have my friends that are there for me but none of them have crohn's. I really want a person that I could hang out with that has crohn's too. :depressed:
I'm sorry you're going through a hard time right now. I hate the lovely physical side effects of Prednisone, I can understand not wanting them on your wedding day. Is the wedding planning adding a lot of stress right now? It's good to let out all your frustrations, we understand. I hope you find something that helps you. I hang out here quite often for the very reason that I know no one else with Crohn's. It's a good place to vent.
Thank you guys! I dont know if its the wedding or everything at once. I am not sleeping to well because of the stupid prednisone. Which I am guessing is not helping me at all. I just got an email back from my doctor today about the not sleeping and he wants to put me on something called nortriptyline. Has anyone heard or taken it? I looked it up and it does not sound fun.
Hi there,

Noratryptiline is a tricyclic antidepressant similar to amitryptaline (no idea how to spell it sorry!) which they can also give you in small doses to help you sleep.

I was actually at the doc today because of terrible fatigue/sleep issues and she decided not to give it to me as it can slow your bowels down and I tend to get constipated, so not so helpful.

I have some pills called Zopiclone which get me off to sleep quite well, but I don;t seem to stay there liong. They are used for the short term or occasional use but definately help if you have problems getting to sleep. If you have problems STAYING asleep they may not be much use.

Zopiclone is sold under a wide variety of brand names world wide:

Zimovane - United Kingdom
Zimovane, Zileze, Zimoclone, Zopitan, Zorclone - Ireland
Imovane and Rhovane - Canada
Imovane - Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Poland, Finland.
Alchera, Imovane, Z-Dorm, Zopimed, Zopivane - South Africa
Imozop - Denmark
Limovan - Spain.

They wear off fast and so donlt make you groggy the next day, though hard to tell when you feel like rubbish anyway! They do make your mooth taste really metallic for a few hours and are apparantly addictive with long term use, so be careful!

Good luck getting soem rest and preparing for the wedding - CONGRATULATIONS!!
So I saw my doctor this week and he gave me the sleeping pills. I am going to take the first one tonight. I have been waiting till I don't have school. I hope that I can get my bed out of bed in the am. But I really just need the sleep.
Good luck with getting some sleep! I can relate as I haven;t had a proper sleep since June and the more i taper the eteroids the worse it seems to get!

I found that zopiclone really messed me up the following day. Good ol' traditional temazapam helps me get off and maintain sleep when I need to kick my sleep patterns back into something human compatible. However, my troubles aren't caused by pred, so cause/effect may add caveats.
That's interesting Beth as I haven;t noticed any difference the next day whether I take a Zoplicone or not. However I also don;t think they are really helping much as they only help you get to sleep not stay asleep.
I have diazepam for anxiety emergencies and asked the doc about usung them for sleeping emergencies as well but she insisted they wouldn't help. I tried anyway (as i never listen to advice if I want to do something) and she was right - no help at all.
Are Temazepam better for sleep? they are the same family, right? I am getting a bit desperate and even one good night would make all the difference!
Hmm. Well. Zopiclone made me very sleepy and irritated the next day. It was as if I had sleep but it wasn't actually therapeutic - so I guess I didn't get good quality REM sleep. With temazepam I tend to drop off within minutes, unless my brain is particularly active, and stay asleep for around 6 hours or more. And it's quality is far better. Not perfect but when you haven't had more than an hour of 'unconsciousness' in weeks/months/years it was a complete revelation to me. I also tried Zolpidem but I cant remember what it was like. Even if the temazepam doesn't knock me out totally I don't really care about it - it anti-anxiety properties doing it's job. My usual dose is 10mg but I can take 20mg if needed, and I'm pretty sure I was given 30mg in hospital some years ago when I first had it. Cant really imagine taking that amount these days as my sleep is so much improved. The addictiveness of it can be a problem to some people, but I suspect I just don't do addiction anyway. My agreement with the original prescribing medic was I wouldn't take it any more than 3 nights out of 7. I actually hit about 5, occasionally 6 in 7 when times were really bad. Now I just take it for 3 nights in a row when my sleep patterns have slipped out of sync, or my brain is too active consciously or unconsciously for me to drop off.

However. I do note the wikipedia entry says "Temazepam is not effective for induction of sleep" - I think this is rubbish. Hubby says I often fall asleep whilst we're holding hands, and once fell asleep in his arms - which I would never do otherwise, I just figgit too much!
OTOH a friend of mine says it doesn't actually force her to sleep. So what do I know!

Now diazapam is a benzodiazepine derivitive, otherwise known as valium. This isn't a hypnotic like temazepam. Just because it's in the same drug class doesn't mean it has exactly the same properties. So it might well make you drowsy but it's sleep inducing properties are less than temazepam.

Personally speaking, I'd reccommend temazepam over diazapam, and definately try asking your GP if they are of the helpful sort of person. Suggest the 3 out of 7 nights agreement, and even just a few like 6 tabs just to try.

HTH - gotta run GP appt.!
hi Britt, welcome :)

on the sleep thing, i've tried both temazepam and diazepam in the past, but not for long.. i will only turn to a sleeping drug when i've missed a few nights sleep.. and they were both pretty effective for me. i don't think i've ever had the tablet you mention tho. let us know how you get on with it.

really sorry to hear you're not too well at the moment.. i hope everything settles soon and you're feeling much better in time for your special day!
OMG I slept for 8 hours straight last night! I feel so good today. I couldn't believe it when my alarm went off. I feel like my brain got sleep for once. That was the best sleep in over a month.
That's so great! What are you going to do with all of that extra energy?
brilliant!! just think of all that housework you can get done now :D

joking aside, i know that wonderful feeling of FINALLY getting a nights sleep. i'm really pleased for you :)
Well the wedding is off. He gave up the day after Christmas. I don't know if the Crohn's was to much or what. Four years together gone in a heartbeat. I feel so lost right now. Nothing has been working I just started Humira on Monday. The day that I needed him the most and I couldn't even call him. He had been there from the start of everything. From the first er trip to the endless doctors visits. We can't even talk anymore. I have no idea what to do.:depressed: I have cried everyday.
Take it one day at a time honey. I am so sorry....Four years is a long time to with someone.....(((HUGS)))
Oh I am so sorry to hear this! It's hard to even know what to say!

Be strong, you will be okay in time

Dear Britt Andy
You poor love, I know where youre coming from, I was with my husband for 28 years and I've been ill for most of that with one thing and another- misdiagnosed with IBS, total hysterectomy (thinking that was why I was ill) etc. As we got older, the kids grew up, we drifted apart, he couldn't cope with my crohns and we decided to split 2 years ago. He was always shouting at me for being ill! It was the best decision of my life! I've got a new house and our divorce is imminent, I've met a new man who is the most supportive caring gorgeous human being I've ever known and he adores me, with all my ills and woes.
You are gonna be ok, don't dwell on the past anymore, there's a reason why he hasn't made it into your future, and in time you will get the strength to realise this, but just take each day at a time, slowly.
I wish you you every happiness, crohns is hard enuf as it is without the added stress.
Joan xx
I went to Vegas this weekend with the girls! I felt great to get out of the house and do something that I would have never have done before! We went out to so many different clubs and just had a great time. As for the lost love I still no sure how I feel. He told me that he as been depressed for a long time and he is going to get help. I'm not sure how to feel about that but I'm happy he is getting the help that he needs. Thank you to everyone for you support. I can't see I didn't see it coming but it still shocked me. Him and I have four dogs together so I don't think he will be out of my life anytime soon.:confused2:

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