I think I finally made it into remission

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 15, 2007
I think I've finally made it to the holy grail of remission. I hope everyone here can start feeling as well as I have been lately. I also really hope that its not some sort of "haha we're just kidding you're going to get sick again" thing going on. I'm off all my meds except Regulan which I still don't think is the issue but my GI doc won't even return my calls now, I think he figures he's done with me.

I'm still in this limbo though, people at work have been asking what they figured out and I have to be honest and tell them that the dr's aren't sure still. I personally am convinced I have Crohns, not because I want it by any means, I really wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy but despite most of my test results being negative, save the colonoscopy, I have/had all the classic symptoms.

Benson posted a joke list and it mentioned the pinched vegus nerve which made me laugh since thats what my GI finally went with, hence the Regulan. I so wanted to tell him "if it doesn't fit you must take a ... " you get the idea :lol:

I still plan on being active in the community even though I think I'm out of the proverbial woods for now. And I wanted to take a chance to thank everyone here for their support and good wishes and the wealth of information and sharing of experiences. It has made a huge difference about how I view this disease and its challenges.
Yeah! Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you Drew :)

Thanks again for your continued support of me and the rest of us!
thats wonderful news drew :) so nice to log in and read something that is so great for you, and encouraging for others. well done!
Yeah, Drew Good luck. I hope your remission never ends. And, for the record, I'm of the opinion that ANYONE who has a confirmed diagnosis, or even just a hunch, that they've got IBD is more than welcome to this forum. And that's regardless of whether they are in remission, spiralling downward out of control, in 'maintenance' due to drugs, diet or miracles, on in the midst on an indeterminate flare up. If any person experiences a remission, their prescence on this site is a God send; both in their own good fortune; and in the hope their good fortune provides those less fortunate. This site needs all the 'good' news we can lay our hands on. One never can tell how faintly the lite of hope can flicker..., or how greatly good news like this can rekindle even the faintest of hope in others. Remission is one of the most important 'Holy Grails' we can hope for... second only to an all over cure for IBD. Keep on posting, Drew. OK?
Yeah Drew keep posting. I can't wait for the day I'm in remission again and I can't wait till for a few weeks when I can workout again. Keep on the remission
Congrats Drew, keep on doing whatever it is, if you can figure it out that is.....it hopefully can be identified soon so you can maintain it.
Great news Drew. Glad you are feeling good again.

Keep on doing whatever you are doing.



I am not going to be around much in the next six months or so. I am building a house and have my hands full for a while. I hope everyone has the good results drew is having when I check in.

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