I thought Crohn's was bad . . .

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Nov 4, 2009
I thought dealing with Crohn's and hospitals and doctors was bad, but this morning my girlfriend and I had to take our cat to be to sleep. What an awful experience. I have never had to do that before and it made dealing with all I have for the past 14 years seem so small.

I don't know how people can be vets and deal with that on a daily basis. Home feels so empty now, but I will always have great memories of Tigger. I guess that is all you can do.
Aw, my cat is called Tigger too. I'm so sorry :( They rly do become part of the family and they provide you with so much entertainment. The memories are the most important part :) x x x x
I'm so sorry. I lost Cobweb last year to a stroke, I thought I would never get over it.

Thinking of you x
So sorry for your loss.

I lost Cali (black lab) last spring and it still hurts but has gotten better every day.
So sorry to hear this news :( I have had to go through this twice now and it is very, very hard. But just think that if your baby was that sick, he/she will be better off now, running about after birds in pussycat heaven :)
I'm sorry, it really is. I went last year with my boyfriend to put his childhood beagle to sleep and everyone was crying. I think its the hardest thing I've had to do, and it wasn't even my dog. It was rough. And the lady did it with us in the room (i wasn't prepared for that, I thought they'd wait for us to leave) I think that shook me up for a while... its just different when it's pets.
pets give this pure unconditional kind of love that is very special. Loosing them hurts a lot. I cried like a little kid for the better part of a day when I put my cat Eddy down. It's totally ok to feel that way.
I'm so sorry to hear that, CH. I know how it is to lose pets and it really is tough. I'll be thinking of you and your girlfriend in the next few days as you mourn this loss. It will get better, but I know its hard now. At least you have each other to comfort.
Aww, so sorry Hobo! I hear ya - we've had to put down two terrific dogs over past 6 years and it really is one the most heartbreaking experiences. It does get easier with time.
We had small memorial stones engraved with their names and life dates and placed them in a landscaped bed under a dogwood tree in our back yard. Nice memories come back every time I see those stones.
Hobo, I know your pain, I had to put down one of my goldens 5 years ago this month and I went thru hell and guilt, he was suffering from starburst cancer, it wasnt til I made them check him out and he never came out of the vet. I cried for weeks... I know I am a sap. Problem is I have another Golden who is 12 this month and she is still hanging in, but she is my first pup. Sometimes I feel we mourn more for our animals than we do humans...

You did the right thing, time heals.
Sorry CH :O( I've had to do it twice and it is never easy. Still have pics of my puppy right here and it has been 2 years since we had to put him down. They will always be in your heart!
Not lookin forward too that day hobo
my girls (dogs) are my best companions always know how chear me up
very understanding creatures
Sorry to hear this - we lost one of our family cats in August 08, Willow. Little thing, only 11, my mum still really misses her (Willow was her baby :( ), she died in her sleep for no apparent reason. It was a great shock but I think I would rather that than go through putting one to sleep. Just hope that doesn't happen with our remaining kitty. :/ It's taken a long time to come to terms with, and it does help to have her sister left to take care of...
Worried today

takin my girl in too vet this mornin she is getting a fatty lump removed
vet says it's a simple procedure etc but I jus worry about the annestetic etc

gonna be a long worrying day
plus her sister is gonna fret all day :(
Thanks lishy

worrying def ain't gonna do my flare any good
I'll jus hav do me best as I know I'm gonna worry all day til she home again
Good luck Rob. I totally understand your worry. I had to leave my baby (muppet the cat) at the vet overnight a couple of weeks back and I totally pined for him and worried. Turns out he is fine but has a thyroid issue that is expensive but treatable. I hope your baby does well today. You can look forward to having her home! :)
Aww...that is devastating. I remember when my two cats from childhood were sick. They were brothers. The first one was so sick and we refused to put him to sleep because we had never done that before. It was really sad looking back on it because his quality of life was so poor. When his brother got sick a few years later my mom decided to put him to sleep so he wouldn't have to go through the suffering. It's been 10 years and I still get teary thinking about them and how much I miss them. They're more than just "pets." They're family! It's really hard, but you will get through this!

Aww I am sorry I missed this thread. I feel bad about your loss CH.
I hope that your girl is ok Rob. I know how you guys feel. Pets are like your children and are part of the family.
My boy Rico had to have all of the remaining teeth that he had, removed last spring. He had to spend the night and I was so worried about him the whole time because he is a very tiny dog. (only 4lbs) He is my baby! I ran to get him in the morning and the vet techs were standing there holding him and playing with him when I got there and told me, " we knew you could not last long without him!" I am not looking forward to when THAT day may come. I will be devastated. I am also saddened that the last few years the dogs that my mother still had since my brother and I were young have passed away. There is only one left and he is 17.5 years old and still hanging in there! We call him the last of the originals.
Hope your little guy is doing well Rob.

We have since brought a new friend into our life. This is our new friend Oliver or Ollie. Ollie is a 1 year old Norwegian Forest Cat that we got from a shelter.


Our existing cat Milo has already taken to laying with him and giving him baths.

Well unfortunately now the new Kitty is sick. *sigh* For just once I want one human or animal in our house to be healthy.

We don't know what is wrong with the new guy yet. He just looks sick and is not eating. Yesterday he had an x-ray and blood work done and got some fluids. Only anomaly was a bile level on his blood work. Everything else looks good, he has not temp, no vomiting, no D. So they think it might be a liver or bile duct issue.

Today he goes in for an ultrasound which should give us a clearer idea of what is going on and what our treatment options are. Feel so bad for the little guy. He has had a rough first year of his life from being a stray, rescued from a high kill shelter, being adopted out and brought back and then finally gets a nice loving home with us and then he gets sick.
Well I had to leave the kitty overnight. He had a high fever and they wanted to get it down and treat him with an IV antibiotic. They were worried he had FIP, which if he does he will need to be put to sleep.

The Dr. is leaning towards a liver infection and not FIP after looking at some fluid they took from his abdomen. If it is a liver infection some antibiotics should put him right again. So cross your fingers for little Oliver.
Unfortunately we had to put Oliver to sleep this morning. He was a very sick kitty and he fought so hard. We did all we could for him, but in the end it was not enough.
Thanks. Having to go through this twice in two months really sucks. But I will be fine. Life sure likes to throw us curveballs.
Sorry Hobo, you are running in a bad streak lately. I have 3 dogs and a black and white cat. They are all special to me, and it is very hard to ever have to lose one. Curveballs and boomerangs, hate em. Hang in there..
Thank you! Tomorrow is another day, just need to keep looking to the horizon for better days. They will come.
Wow...double whammy :( I am sorry for BOTH of your losses. Such a cute kitten too. Very sad - did you try again and get another one from a kill shelter? There are LOTS of kittens that need a loving forever home.
Pickup truck
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Oh no...how did I miss the second half of this thread? I am so sad! Oliver was such a beautiful kitty! Well, at the very least, you were able to give him a loving home. :) Hugs to you and your lady (and Milo!).
aw CH, that is just so horribly unfair.

though....hmm, i just had a thought that made me smile
things truly do have a way of working out dont they? in the aftermath of Tigger's passing, you were able to adopt Oliver into your heart and show him love that he had never gotten before. it seems fitting that the final days of his life were meant to be spent with you, so that he could be surrounded by that affection when it was his time to go. he wasnt meant to get sick and pass away in the shelter alone. he was supposed to come home with you and live the good life :)
b/c Tigger passed when he did, Oliver was able to expereince heaven on earth before leaving. maybe that will help, just a teeny bit, that even in death Tigger brought love to your world.

will deff be thinking of you and all of your kitties, maybe Tigg, Oliver, and my kitty Mikki are pals in the afterlife :)
Well said Kello! It was very sad to see such a happy kitty get sick so fast. Especially one that had such a rough go in his short life. But we were glad to give him the best possible shot.

No new kitties yet. We have been scanning pet finder. There is one that has caught our eye, but we are going to Hawaii in a couple of weeks. So if he is still there when we get back we will go have a look.
Awww! Adorable! Would it be possible to e-mail the sellers and let them know you are interested, but want to wait until you are back from your trip? Maybe they'd hold the little furball for you!

I think Maine Coons and Norwegians are so beautiful, but I'm not sure we'd do well with long-haired breeds. We have three short-hairs already and it seems like there's ALWAYS hair everywhere! I can't imagine what it would be like with long-hairs.
We thought of that, but we don't want to ruin any chances at him being adopted. If someone shows up and really wants him we want him to go to that home. If he is still there when we are ready then good, but if not there are tons of cats that need homes out there.

We only have one cat now, so the hair is not bad, but with two long hairs there is hair EVERYWHERE! Need an army of lint rollers.
That's very considerate of you two! Such good parents :) Well, keep us updated on the whole adoption process. I can live vicariously through you since Im pretty sure we won't be adopting anything any time soon (we still rent, so doesn't leave much room for another one!).

I definitely go through my fair share of lint rollers!
OMF CH you have been through so much lately! I am so sorry about the loss of TIgger and then of Ollie. That's heartbreaking. You're in my thoughts
Thanks ataloss. The first four months of this year really sucked. Hoping summer brings better things. It usually does.

So far the new guy is good. Had a good vet check yesterday, they think he will be big as he has a large head and paws and is already big for his age. Which is fine with us, we like big cats.
I'm sorry you've had such a hard year. I know the feeling. It looks like you are bouncing back. I'm glad you have found a new cat. It freaks me out because he lookes like my cat did six years ago. Now, he's this big, giant, lovable fluff ball. I just took his picture, but don't know how to post it here. As soon as I figure it out, you can see what you're little guy might look like when he grows up. I wish you the very best with him.

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