Hi there Mark! Thank you for the advice. I have already done 75% of the things you have suggested. I am frantically trying to find a doctor to see me, but its still up in the air. The doc I am currently trying to see had me see a financial division first b/c of having no insurance and they informed me that I needed a bunch of paper work I dont have before they can assure I can keep my app. SO...... I went and got all the stuff they asked for a few days ago. I have to go back and see them again before I can have my app. So HOPEFULLY when I go back in a week they will give me the discount I HAVE TO HAVE and I can see a doc FINALLY. So to answer your message that is why I have not already been to the doc. No offense to you b/c I am truly grateful for your advice and support, but it seems to be everyone favorite thing to say on this site, "go see your doctor!" But it truly is not that easy for some of us. In a perfect world that is the way it should work, but we live in this world which is a long way from perfect as I know everyone on this site obviously knows. If I had a penny for every doc thats turned me away b/c of the severity of my disease and lack of insurance I would be rich and not need insurance!!!! Lol...... This really is not a sob story, its just the facts of my situation that I have been dealing with for many years. So I have kind of had to diagnose and learn to treat myself over time. Plus it helps a lot to give the doctor a starting place when the number of visits you have are limited. I have cut out most things I normally eat, and have just been eating small bland meals, and this has helped!!! Also I have cut out coffee and soda and I dont drink alcohol ever. But if I get another severe attack where the pain is so bad that I just writhe around and throw up I already told my husband that we are just gonna have to go to the ER b/c I cant go through that again. The pain is truly agonizing. I also bought prevacid 24hr which is lansoprazole. I read online that sometimes medications can cause it and it gave a list and one of the things I take is on it, this worries me b/c its something I MUST take. I have an adrenal problem from a seven year stretch of continuos high dose prednisone, it killed my adrenals and therefore they now dont make all of the chemicals I need to live, so I have to take hydrocortisone to make up for it. I have no choice, I must take it. So if this is the problem then I am stuck between a rock and a hard spot!!! Ugh..... I am just gonna keep praying and doing everything I can to get into the doc and take care of myself..... there really is nothing more I can do..... Thank you again for the advice, I am very sad for all the suffering it sounds like you go through, my thoughts are with you...