Hey everyone. So about two years ago, I had my appendix removed only to later find out that it wasn't my appendix. They did a scan of my stomach (not sure what it was but I drank that chalky stuff) and concluded I DID NOT have crohns. My doctor did not further testing and chalked it up to some viral thing. I'm stubborn and have yet to see the doctor again but still experience the symptoms that resulted in my appendix removal; severe stomach pain and fevers. I always just assumed I probably had ibs as my symptoms would worsen at times after meals, however it had come to my attention that most people do not get a fever with ibs. I do not experience the weight loss or bloody stools associated with crohns. I live in a small city in saskatchewan and therefore there are few (if any) gastroenterologist for me to see. Has anyone else experienced ibs with fevers or crohns without weightloss and no bloody stools?