If you have crohns in terminal ileum, can you get left side pain?

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May 17, 2011
I have suspected crohns in my terminal ileum due to B12 and folic defficencies and ulceres found during colonscopy however all my pain is on my lower left hand side which travels up to my left shoulder and lower left back??
has any1 got crohns in the terminal ileum but got pain on their left hand side?
I have Crohn's in my terminal ileum and sometimes have pain on the left. Normally my pain is in the lower right quarter, then right up in the middle between my ribs when my partial blockage is acting more blocked.

I sometimes have pain on the left. Sometimes it's an ovarian cyst (they like my left ovary more than the right), or it's displaced pain. My body/brain goes into shutdown mode and I get pains on the left. It's as if my body just cannot handle anymore pain from the right and it moves. I will admit I don't like it, but it is a relief in some ways.

I know that's not exactly what you were asking, but I thought I'd throw it out there as a possibility.
A common problem with abdominal pain is with referred pain. It can be pain in another area or an organ that presents itself in other areas of the abdomen (stomach, kidney, colon, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, etc.).
I also have pain in my left side. Actually, more often than I have it on my right side. My GI told me it was referred pain, and gave me the example of how appendicitis pain starts below the navel for many people, then migrates to the lower right. But the appendix hasn't moved.
I've been getting pain on the left as well as the right. When I was diagnosed, my GP showed me on a diagram where my Crohn's is and it's in the last loop of bowel, from one side to the other.
My Crohn's is in the terminal iluem, but when I was admitted for an abscess in my lower right quadrant I was adamant that my pain was coming from the left side. This was before I knew I had Crohn's and the abscess.

I definitely think it has to do with referred pain.
I used to get pain there when things were backing up in the lower right. It was from distention of the bowel caused by gi material not being able to pass through the terminal illium. So basicly it felt like the lower left was buldging out and ready to explode.
Yes thats where most of my pain was on the left side its called reffered pain just like u could be havning a heart attack if you got sore teeth
I was just diagnosed yesterday with active Crohn's in the terminal ileum. Yes my pain is totally on the left side. At first, uh oh, they say this is what happens just before a heart attack. lol but after four months of this pain in my shoulder, under my left rib, in my lower back, I finally got a scope done and found out it was Crohn's. This disease is always full of surprises because I figured I had all the symptoms possible since I've had it for 20 years but to my astonishment, there's a lot that I still don't know. Good luck.
Mine is in the Terminal Ileum as well, my pain is in the lower right and moves across the bottom of my belly to the left. It is still pretty new though, so I appreciate you mentioning this for future reference