Kill it n grill it
BBQ house
My husband has been telling me that I should open a restaurant that caters to flaring crohnies - low residue foods like baked chicken, plain rice, soft bread, etc. And there would be lots of bathrooms with soft TP and bidets and maybe even TVs in them. Don't know what I'd call it, though.
My husband has been telling me that I should open a restaurant that caters to flaring crohnies - low residue foods like baked chicken, plain rice, soft bread, etc. And there would be lots of bathrooms with soft TP and bidets and maybe even TVs in them. Don't know what I'd call it, though.
I would love a curry house
I would call it
Tikka chance on me!!
I would open a Taco Shop/Arcade and call it:
ha ha ha Pirate!!
how about a seafood restaurant -
'Oh My Cod'!!!!!!