Illeium resection

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Nov 17, 2015
Hi- I was wondering everyone personal experience with resections. I am very new to Crohn's. I just found out a month ago while being admitted in the hospital that I have Crohn's and I had developed an abscess . We have tried for over a month to treat with medication and with no luck they have decided to operate. It's all happening kind of fast but I have been sick for a while and didn't know what it was. Just wondering what your personal experience with this surgery is? I have had 2 c sections so that's all I have to compare anything too. Other than that perfectly healthy.
Hi and welcome.

A lot depends on how the surgery is done. If it's lsproscopic healing time is quicker. If you are opened right up (as all my resections have been) recovery is longer.

I'm usually in hospital 5-7 days.
My recovery is usually 6-8 weeks before I start feeling really good.
It's important to stay on top of the pain so you can do a lot of walking. (Helps with recovery)
They will get you up out of bed the next morning.

May I was what treatment the doctor has tried so far?
We did Pentasa, flagyl, Cipro, prednisone while right after immediately starting treatment I felt much better nothing has budged since I first went to the hospital. They say the prednisone helped mask the pain for a while but it's slowly all coming back. Mine was kind of weird as my stomach pain was an issue wasn't my main issue I have flu like symptoms with fever and back pain that was terrible. If it wasn't for my fever and back pain I still may be illiterate I blew a lot of it off because I had two c sections and sometimes things just wouldn't be normal. ( dumb I know) but the back pain is due to the swelling in my illeium is blocking my kidneys.. Not fully but that's what's causing my back pain. But have treated for over a month and nothing has gotten better at all and all of my symptoms are coming back. I am still on prednisone 40 mg. should I ask my dr about coming off of this before surgery? Or has anyone done surgery and were on steroids? I have just heard that it's preferred you not be but i am sure they prefer you be on as little as possible ..
I had already been in the hospital twice that year. I was on TPN. One night, I ended up with pancreatitis from something in the formula. After this happened, they decided to move the surgery up a week. The first time they got me up or tried to was the day after the surgery. For me , it was painful to attempt. It was the day after that I walked . After that, they had me walk twice a day. I had a book and puzzles to keep me busy. When I first went home for it was arranged for me to have physical therapy. Please keep us updated. Also, after going so long without solid food , I developed an interest in Food Network.
We did Pentasa, flagyl, Cipro, prednisone while right after immediately starting treatment I felt much better nothing has budged since I first went to the hospital. They say the prednisone helped mask the pain for a while but it's slowly all coming back. Mine was kind of weird as my stomach pain was an issue wasn't my main issue I have flu like symptoms with fever and back pain that was terrible. If it wasn't for my fever and back pain I still may be illiterate I blew a lot of it off because I had two c sections and sometimes things just wouldn't be normal. ( dumb I know) but the back pain is due to the swelling in my illeium is blocking my kidneys.. Not fully but that's what's causing my back pain. But have treated for over a month and nothing has gotten better at all and all of my symptoms are coming back. I am still on prednisone 40 mg. should I ask my dr about coming off of this before surgery? Or has anyone done surgery and were on steroids? I have just heard that it's preferred you not be but i am sure they prefer you be on as little as possible ..

It's been a long time since I was on prednisone so I really am of no help there.
I started Remicade after my last surgery and doing well on it.

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