I'm Angry, upset and confused!!!

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Crohn's 35

Inactive Account
Oct 3, 2009
Hi everyone, I am back... I just got back from the Hospital for 3 days, Wednesday morning I was vomiting and in pain and for the first time in 35 of symptoms of Crohn's I was bleeding. I was scared and so sick I got admitted in Emerge and I was in there for 20 minutes and saw a doctor within the half hour. Put his finger where the sun dont shine and I screamed! OMG that was painful! Then I was put on IV and they said to stay over night and then they wanted to do xrays and more xrays and finally a Sigmoid scope today to find out why I was bleeding...long story short, as I was complaining of pain in the LLQ same as the right and bloat and gas...he took a biopsy and he said it's probably Colitis, and in the large bowel!!!

So now I have to make another appt and see about my bone density as he saw me in the hospital the day I was suppose to seem him in his office.

When I found out I had Colitis (my sister has both) I cried, the GP hospital doctor was trying to comfort me. I also got a big cold sore on my lip! I am just so pissed right now, hurt, and worn out.

I thank you all from my "not brave anymore" thread all those who supported me. If I am not around for a bit it is because I need to wrap this nightmare around my head, I am still in shock. I just dont have the words right now... sorry. :(
Aww geez Pen - I was wondering where you were!!! I meant to email you this morning and check on you but have been out most of the day. I'm SOOO sorry! You must be so scared. When you say colitis - are you meaning that they think you have UC?? I have been diagnosed with Crohn's Colitis - which is why I'm asking - they always say UC down here and Colitis means Crohn's colitis. I'm so so sorry!! Keep in touch when you feel like it and let us know how you are coming along - big fat ((HUGS)) honey!!!
Oh that's not good news. *hugs* Make sure you get lots of rest!

Did he mean you have UC or just Crohn's colitis? I know people (including me) get confused because they don't realise that Crohn's in the colon is called Crohn's colitis. But still, not good news :(

I hope you feel better soon.
Aw Pen, hugs :( You've been through the wringer here lately and you deserve sooo much better!
Thanks for your kind words and support. As for the Colitis, he didnt say specifics, just Colitis. My sister has UC and CD , I was shocked to think I was now dx as Colitis. I have to wait and see him hopefully next for a biopsy and bone density results. Weird how he missed it during the Colonoscopy two weeks ago. When I know for sure what kind, I will let you know. It is strange to hear and help others who have problems on the CF, but it really hits home and affects your family too :(

When I got home my daughter drew me a bath and candles, and scrubbed my feet, back and and shampooed my hair. She is not good at showing emotions when I was crying in my room so hard. I was so mad I threw one of my hubbys' trohphies to the wall.. no damage I think. They are both so support, I dont know where I would be without my husband and daughter. My mom is in Florida and I had to tell her, because I call her everyday, and she wondered what was going on. she cried too.

You guys are my Crohn's family and it is so hard to except right now, but I have to fight, yet again. Don't know if I have it in me to fight anymore. Just depressed right now. Need my own bed..

I need all of you guys, to get me through it, I have to do this! Big Hugs to you all back!!!
Sorry to hear that Pen! This disease sure does suck!!! Rest up well. You are a strong woman and will get through this!!! ((((HUGS)))))
So sorry to hear that Pen, sounds like you've had a really rough time, i really hope this is the end of it for you!
I'm really sorry to hear that :(

You have a wonderful support team that is here for you ((hugs)) One day at a time.....
Hey Pen, if you need my support you got it 10 fold. You take all the time you need to get things straight in your head and remember that we're here when you need us.

<<<<<Big gentle bear hugs>>>>

Love ya Pen.
So sorry you've been so sick Pen :( I hope you get feeling better soon! Keep your head up and stay strong! I'll be praying for you!!
Oh Pen Im so sorry you have been going thru all this at the moment. You have been such a great support to me over the last few months I hope I can be the same for you. It totally sucks that you may have to deal with another form of IBD but I know with all your family support and us guys you will get thru this in time.
Big (((HUGS))) for you my dear.. thinking of you.
Sending you a big hug and I wish you a speedy recovery Penny xxx
Hoping you find the strength to stay positive and strong
This is just so unfair. You have been such a great support to a of us and noe you are going through the mill yourself.

I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, try to stay strong, remember the sond advice you so generously give us lot and use it for yourself, and I really hope things pick up soon. X x x
Wow, you guys are so amazing. So supportive. I just had a good night sleep, you know very well in the hospitals it is broken sleep, always poking and prodding and sticking needles in ya like a pin cushion. The hospital GP was soooooooooo nice and very understanding.

Weird my GI came in to explain (very little) and the GP came in at the same time and what my GI didnt explain, the GP did, and the stupid fool I am I started to bawl, he was holding my hand and understood. At least I know why I was in pain on the left side as well.

I never realized how much support from all you guys has really touched me. I will fight it, I have to, my family needs me :)

I will take it day by day and take all the hugs! I wished we all didnt live so far apart, it would be so cool to have everyone in one room. That would be my dream come true. ;)
Erazer, cute avatar lol. I am feeling a tad sore and just a bit bloated from the Sigmoid scope yesterday, I was sedated but could see the screen and saw the Gi take a clipping of the area infected.

I feel groggy a bit and can hardly wait to take my 40 of PREd. The GP ordered me sleeping pills but forgot to say how much. So we left the pharmacy was very achy. Thanks for asking Erazer, I will get back to myself soon, just need time and I know that heals the body and mind. ;)
I'm sorry you're going through this Pen, but you have the support of your family and your Crohnie friends here! It's amazing how strong one can be when one has to be.

By the way, I could be at your place in about 12 hours...lol....I'll bring the Ensure!

Take care!
Big old hugs, Pen!!!!

I'm so happy that they figured out why you're having so much pain there! Now to get you into remission, young lady.

We're all coming over tonight for that pot luck party. Nyx is bringing the Ensure... I'll bring a few cases of water so no one get dehydrated.

Feel better, wub you Pen! :)
Think it might take me a couple of days to get there Pen, but I wish I could to give you a kiss and hug.
You were one of the first on here to greet me and give me the courage to carry on
and that is something I'll never forget.
Hope you are feeling a bit better and having lots of R & R
love as always
LOL, you guys made me smile :) and as my husband says only a Crohnie can truely understand what we go through. It just feels strange now that pain is on both sides, I KNEW there was something and so my tests, xrays, etc, I am surprised I have any blood left in my veins from all the blood work. LOL.

Nyx, btw my fave is Strawberry Ensure, and Ris I have RO water, bring your own cups lols. I really need some laughs right now, I watched my usual Golden girls and Frazier and boy did I laugh. I am on Prednisone, the usual 40mg and the GP from the hospital orderd sleep aids called Zopiclone, but he forgot how many so it I will try one tomorrow night.

My husband is still home, he was supposed to leave Thurs AM but his company knows I am ill and he had 5 floater days (which he takes at Christmas time) but I want to live today, not tomorrow, next Christmas can wait. Everyone from here, to his company, friends have been wonderful. I just needed to be angry, because I have given up so much and it still comes back.

So now I have to practice what I preach :yfaint: !!

I went for a walk today slow but 1.3kms, and the sun bouncing off the snow and fresh air was exhilerating.

By the way you gotta bring your own drugs...legal ones :tongue:
I would take one Zopiclone, the dose is usually 7.5mg, that's what i take. i ocasionally see people on two, but very rarely. If it's too much for you, cut it in half. :)

I'll be there in about three days, and i shall bring the chicken broth! Maybe by then you can have some saltines with it? ;)
Good idea, but not the wheat ones LOL. I even cut my Gravol in half, I and my Tylenol# 3's in half... I was low on Potassium again in the hospital and they tried to give me full strength and I was in so much pain in the arm going thru the IV, so they changed my IV and reduced it to half and double the time...still pain and with ice, so they gave me 5mg of Morphine and I said I requested on half that! Too bad too late, but it was tolerable after that, as long as I kept my arm in the air... try doing that for two hours LOL.

BTW any like rice???LOL
Yick, Wheat saltines are just not the same.

Rice is lovely, Jasmine is my fave. Ooh, or basmati! :)
Jasmine rice??? Never heard of it. Basmati yes, and I used Uncle ben's perfection so I dont screw it up.:ylol2:
I'm really sorry it seems like it's all coming down on you Pen, and I'm sorry it came to such a prominent blowup with your health recently. :(

If it makes you feel any better about not having two diagnosis' Pen, I have read and read to try and find some place that states that you can have both UC and CD at the same time. I have asked all 5 of my GI's that I've known since I questioned the notion (the 1st GI, who'd be the 6th, was before I questioned it) and they all told me I can't have both, nobody can. You can have one or the other, and one of the most pressing issues is trying to figure out which it is. There is a Prometheus test for this, and it detects antibody levels, but in some of us, it just shows up with ambiguous results and those need to be combined with endoscopic findings and biopsies. The most recent of GI's told me that the etiology/pathology of each disease precludes the other (just reinforcing my previous info), so I am at this point with "indeterminate colitis" but leaning towards Crohn's. This GI is one of the top in the nation, often going to national/global conferences with pharma companies and giving lectures to other GI's, presenting abstracts, etc...

Studies on medications often filter out how beneficial the treatment is on UC patients and on Crohn's patients, and the efficacy is divided up between the two, as each disease is unique that way.

I know you and your sister have been told otherwise, but I would like to bring a more optimistic bit of light to this, and shed it on your situations, because I honestly believe you guys were told misinformation and the truth is less harsh. And that would be a good thing, because you would only have one disease, and that would be liberating, yes? :)

But, if it helps any, what I've found is Crohn's Colitis is Crohn's in the colon. Ulcerative Colitis is a unique diagnosis affecting the colon, and just "colitis" is simply inflammation in the colon (could be from food poisoning or an infection, etc..).

I really think you have less to worry about than you may feel, because you should only have one or the other, like a cancer can only be benign or malignant. A patient can only be dead or alive. Mutually exclusive afflictions. You might have indeterminate colitis like some of us (about 15% of IBD'ers)...in which that just means you don't know which of the two it is.

I just wish I could deliver good news to cheer you up, and this is good news IMO. :)
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Thanks Benson, I never said this but I was also scared as my favourite uncle died at 49 and it was leading to all the signs. I am his age and my sister was told she had both but that could be a misdiagnosis, we all know that can happen. I still believe in the genetics, my brother has UC but it is controlled. I asked my Gi if it was a fistula and he said no, that there was inflammation and says it is colitis, which he very well could mean Crohn's Colitis...all I know is pain on on side was enought to deal with...I am even not eating sugar, just Stevia for coffee. I use cinnamon on my Quinoa and cutting back on coffee. I quit smoking I dont drink. I have made alot of changes.

I was also told as much as Calcium Vitamin D is great and you need it, but for being on Prednisone I am also kidney stone prone, so I avoid Calcium.. I know dont hit me. But she says rather than pop so many vitamins do weight baring exercises, I have dumb bells, leg wraps, treadmills and I walk. So I am gonna fight this cause I refuse to give up, I know it is hard and I do have my moments but I have come this far, I need to pick myself up again.

Just not sure as a woman my age and heading on the downslide of life how much Vitamin D3 and what kind and Calcium I should be taking.

Thanks for your support Benson, it means alot and I know you are good at body image, I have a body image just bigger than I want lol.
crikey Pen, i didn't know any of this recent event in your life! so sorry, you really don't need all this :(

if you can't take the calcium for your bones, talk to someone about Fozomax, or the infusions they give these days - even estrogen is an option for rebuilding bone density. calcium isn't the only thing by far. and yes, weight bearing exercise is good, walking if you can't manage anything else.

keep your chin up girl.. we're all there for you... ((big squishy hugs))
Oh, Pen, I hope you feel better soon... You have been so wonderful and supportive to all of us, and we are sending our vibes right back at you!! It's never easy to have to face these things. Take care of yourself.
Dear Pen
I thought about oestrogen too, then Dingbat suggested it too!
I'm on HRT and have worries about bone density (I'm 47 this year)
but my gastro said HRT is very beneficial for the ostoporosis (cant spell it)
there are risks, ie breast cancer etc, but having no ovaries, I also have no choice!
Take care xx
Hi Joan and Ding, (you women are so close to my age and would give anything to look as young as you two lol and peaches) I am a believer in the hormones causing havoc on the body but it is scary to be on HRT, but so far done need it. Heading in that direction tho, but I still have bad pms and painful and that is coming up too. My husband knows I got dealt with a bad deck of cards but he will always be there for me no matter what, so that is less stress taken off me.

They say everyone has a purpose or passion and I have always been there to help people because if I can make a difference no matter how small in someones life of Crohn's then I know my life isnt being wasted. I have always looked after others, just my nature, and I need to do that for me too.

Even being symptomatic for 35 years since there is no cure, we are not alike in meds and disease, being in different parts of the world you have to believe someday they will find a cure. In the meantime giving support and receiving does the heart good.

Peaches... you have been a kind person to me, and help with techy stuff, thanks!

I am grateful for alot in my life, I just need to vent once in a while, it helps, along with crying too. ;)
Aww pen i am so sorry to hear things havent gone too well for you, hope you get on the road to recovery soon hun and sending all my prayers and thoughts your way for a quick remission...

love and hugs xx

Gib x
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So sorry I'm late to the thread Penn-been sick myself. I myself have Crohn's Colitis, and the pain is in the same spot you discribe too-that's not the news anyone wants to hear. You need to give yourself time to grieve.

You are a tough cookie and I know once you wrap your brain around it you'll come out swinging...just hang in there and know we are all supporting you and cheering you on! **Big Gentle Bear Hugs**
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Hey Pen, sorry I haven't posted. I just sent you an email explaining a little bit why and I'll talk to you more about it later. I sent the email before I read through your whole post. I also have Crohn's Colitis and it's a pain. You are so awesome and will get through this. I'm praying for you my friend
Jettalady said:
Thanks Benson, I never said this but I was also scared as my favourite uncle died at 49 and it was leading to all the signs. I am his age and my sister was told she had both but that could be a misdiagnosis, we all know that can happen. I still believe in the genetics, my brother has UC but it is controlled. I asked my Gi if it was a fistula and he said no, that there was inflammation and says it is colitis, which he very well could mean Crohn's Colitis...all I know is pain on on side was enought to deal with...I am even not eating sugar, just Stevia for coffee. I use cinnamon on my Quinoa and cutting back on coffee. I quit smoking I dont drink. I have made alot of changes.

I was also told as much as Calcium Vitamin D is great and you need it, but for being on Prednisone I am also kidney stone prone, so I avoid Calcium.. I know dont hit me. But she says rather than pop so many vitamins do weight baring exercises, I have dumb bells, leg wraps, treadmills and I walk. So I am gonna fight this cause I refuse to give up, I know it is hard and I do have my moments but I have come this far, I need to pick myself up again.

Just not sure as a woman my age and heading on the downslide of life how much Vitamin D3 and what kind and Calcium I should be taking.

Thanks for your support Benson, it means alot and I know you are good at body image, I have a body image just bigger than I want lol.

No problem. You've fought too hard to lose now. :)

We are not destined to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors and we're not inevitably going to fall prey to our genetics. As you said, your husband acknowledges you were dealt a bad hand. You've played this game for a long time, Pen, and what you do with that hand will govern the outcome of the game, not the cards you have. Play it wise. :)

btw, my mom's said you can get kidney stones (she's had them chronically her whole life, has needed surgery for them even) from either too much calcium, or, from too little. It's a happy medium you must seek. I believe she said it had to do with how the body reacts to a deficiency in calcium, that it actually can make you more prone to it. Drinking tons of fluids is the number one preventative, though.
Hi Pen

Just wanted to say so sorry to read your post.

I really really hope you feel better soon, you sound very strong and have a great family surrounding you.

Lots of love

Clover xx
Yes I do!!! Thanks Clover, and I also have alot of support from this forum. My daughter is in the same town but in Unversity and my husband has a 2 week in and 2 week out and this forum becomes my 24-7 family. It truely is a major help, so you don't go mental in your mind!

Back at ya! xx PEN
Aww Lady Pen,

I hope that this clears up soon and that you get some good answers. You are truly one of the sweetest people on this forum. It is awful to have to go through this for you because it sounds as though you have paid your dues in life many times over.

I am sending you strength, a shoulder, and a big ole jerman hug! Please keep us posted and best of luck to you dear.
Thanks Clover, Benson, Jerman... it gave me the strength to get past this week and getting better. Whilst I hate Prednisone it does work and I have to remain calm, as I know it can cause you do be in a whirl wind in your mind.

My daughter is in University and she says the newest study is that depression and long periods of it cause a person 200 times more to have a stroke or heart disease. Those are bad odds. We all have stresses in our lives and my daughter does as well being a perfectionist that she is. We both come to the conclusion that we have to remind ourselves that we all get over a trauma or stress period and it always blows over. Stress and depression can do so much to our bodies. I just dont want add more to my health than it already is. We all have different physical pain and no one else can understand but we have to help ourselves too.

I am trying a different approach to not letting my mind get too carried away, because the stess is like putting another ulcer in my guts.

Taking it day by day, enjoying things whenever I can. Yes, I have paid my dues, and plenty of them but that is the past and this is now.

Thanks for everyone's support!!!
That's the spirit Pen! I am glad to see your positive attitude is back. You are one tough lady, and I know you will get through this.:)
Just a note that I am praying for you! Let me know if you have any specific prayer requests and I will get on it!
You poor thing, Ive just come out after 10 days in, I have bowel disease (best to say that as it covers all of it) I had a small bowel obstruction, stuck on a diet of chicken, fish, ommeletts, certain veg, mash potato, jelly, icecream, fresh fruit, this was the latter part of my time there. I have stuck to it, and feel so much better, but do feel washed out. I have crohns, had a hemi-colectomy. Thing is what I eat someone else may not be able to.

It is true no-one understands what we go through, at work I get shes off sick yet again, or have they sorted me out this time, it makes me want to scream.

Hope you get on alright

Karisue xx
IMP: Thanks, sometimes I have my days and wonder how I got so tough, but they say what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger, so I don't get to far ahead of myself.

Juben: Prayers are always welcomed, and I live day to day, cause I know tomorrow could change.

Karisue: I love omeletts but they dont love me, eggs are gaseous for me :(. I avoid dairy but most things I can eat are yogurt, frozen yogurt and OLD style cheese. And now useing Stevia instead of sugar. I hate jello and the only time I eat it is when prepping..;).

My tests will all be revealed on Monday late day. So many tests were done and the hospital time in. My husband will be there so we can make a decision as to what my future holds in the way of meds. I have exhausted all meds... nothing works or I am allergic. Will have an update on the 8th. I am thinking positive though.

So thank you all, it is comforting to know you guys all understand!
You know I'll be think of ya Pen. If you need to vent just PM me, I'll be there for you as you have been there for me.

Hugs and tons of love headed your way.

Well I finally got some good news!!!!!:thumright: . Turns out the hospital visit and had the sigmoid scope showed NO Colitis!! Yay! I had a bug in the left side large colon and he said since he always says I have IBD it was causing spasms and making the area raw and had D and with mucous having red blood from being irritated. I was on IV's of meds and pills while being in the hospital and that should of kicked it.

I still have bit of soreness on my left side but since he gave me Dicylomine for the spasms as of tonight the pain went away. I am to taper off 5mg Prednisone because he is NOT a Gi who likes it either.

Since I opted for the Prednisone initially because there was nothing else and Cimzia is not here, sooooooooo I have agreed to start on Methotrexate injections and the first appt should be set up this week for weekly injections and monthly blood work.

My Ct scan results were not back yet but since the biopsy was in from the sigmoid scope , he says it was clear for the Colitis. My colonoscopy has resulted in 5 ulcers, no better but no worse. So the methotrexate should fix that. I just hope I dont get headaches from it again. Been 6 years since I have been on it.

Also my bone density was fine! Now I will have to take is Folic acid whilst being on Methotrexate, and I got my B12 shot today so I am good to go!

He is a great Gi, but I wished I didnt have to worry and think I had Colitis. All these things could of stemmed from OCT when I had Pnemonia and ear infections... Antibiotics all those years killed my immune system. All in all I am happy and will continue to look after myself.

Thank all of you for supporting me and being there for me. It has made this last month so much easier for me...don't know what I would do without you all. And of course my wonderful husband & hero!
:congratualtions: :applause: :banana: :banana: :dog: :banana: :banana:

Yeah....I'm doing a happy dance for you!...Golf season get ready, here she comes!
Oh sweet Pen you are going through so much. I'm so sorry. I know it sucks. Here's something that's helped me in the past when life became just intolerable. I would act as though I was 2 different people. Actually 2 different versions of me. The one who is angry and upset and overwhelmed and the one who is comforting and kind and wise and would know what to say to a friend or loved one in the same position. Then out loud I would say anything and everything that I was feeling at the time even if it included yelling or crying or cursing ( do this in a place where you feel safe letting everything out without censorship). Then I would respond, again out loud, as the wise and loving person, to whatever I just heard the other me say. You can go back and forth, no need to get it all out at once. I think that my subconscious, having heard all of this, responded as though there were really someone else there who would say exactly what I needed to hear. I know this may sound silly but it worked for me. Just a thought.

I really hope you feel better soon. Being told you have yet another thing to deal with feels very unfair I know. My heart really goes out to you. I've been there and it's the furthest thing from fun. Take care and keep us posted when you can. Sharon
imisspopcorn said:
:congratualtions: :applause: :banana: :banana: :dog: :banana: :banana:

Yeah....I'm doing a happy dance for you!...Golf season get ready, here she comes!

Thanks Carrie you betcha!!! It will be a couple of months yet but who knows, maybe sooner! :)
sharon j. said:
Oh my goodness I just read your last entry. Yeay for YOU!!! Sorry about the long post. Sharon

Thanks Sharon and how did you get inside my head! I feel in my thoughts the same as you. If anything I think this disease at least makes you more of a compassionate person. Especially when you are flaring. You have fit in this forum nicely... glad you are here! :)
Thank you everyone... I have my first Methotrexate shot tomorrow and weekly for 16 weeks. I am praying it don't affect me. But I am thinking positive!!
Jettalady said:
Thank you everyone... I have my first Methotrexate shot tomorrow and weekly for 16 weeks. I am praying it don't affect me. But I am thinking positive!!

Hi Pen! I'll be praying for you - I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow!

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