I'm Paul and this is my first rodeo

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 11, 2012
In my house, we have a saying: "Not your first Rodeo." It's a compliment - you certainly look like you know what you're doing at whatever it is you're doing. I live with a handful of friends in San Francisco - they're good people.

So, I'm 26 and this is my first rodeo, with Crohn's. I had had diarrhea for months. I travel with some frequency to work - East Africa and Asia mostly. This became a huge red herring for my doctor to sort out. Ultimately, ended up in the ER after filling a toilet with blood. Scary. I felt fine, I even rode my bike ~2 miles into work that morning.

Things got serious, very quickly. The first night in the hospital, I hit 105.8 fever. It turns out I had an ecoli infection. I got better, drank/puked/passed about 3 liters of GoLytely and was diagnosed about 4 days ago.

On top of this, I screwed up my health insurance - bad. I was being an adult and getting my insurance situation in order. I stupidly cancelled my previous coverage (useless anyway) and am currently in the limbo stage for new insurance. I need to find an advocate to help me figure out what this means, but that's another story for later.

I've been reading as much as I can on this forum the past 1.5 days - it's been really helpful and, perhaps, one day I'll have my proverbial sea legs such that I can contribute.

So that's that. Pardon my verbosity - I'm a mechanical engineer and too many details don't make for enough details.
Welcome to the forum though I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis :( Ouch on the insurance, I hope you're able to get that resolved in your favor.

How are you feeling at this point? Do they have you on any medications?

Again, welcome :) We're here for you anytime.

P.S. Pardon my lack of verbosity, I cheated through highschool english.

Welcome- you will find a wealth of information here. Ask away and someone is sure to have an answer!

The joys of Golytely-did that in Feb. and it wasn't pretty! Who knew you could drink and puke at the same time! Its possible!

I used to work in a Drs office and did the medical billing. I might be able to answer some of your questions. Or tell you the questions you should be asking.

Good luck I hope you do well soon.


How are you feeling at this point? Do they have you on any medications?

Again, welcome :) We're here for you anytime.

P.S. Pardon my lack of verbosity, I cheated through highschool english.

Thanks! If I was 0% health in the hospital, I'm around 50% now. My side is sore and food brings on dull pain in the guts, but I can handle it at the moment.

They started me off on Budesonide but I wasn't progressing fast enough so they switched me to Prednisone. I'm also on a hefty dose of Cipro for the infection - a slightly larger dose than the traveler's diarrhea cipro you get from a travel clinic.

I used to work in a Drs office and did the medical billing. I might be able to answer some of your questions. Or tell you the questions you should be asking.

Yeah! Thanks, you rock! Tomorrow, I'm going to start by calling the CCFA to get some direction on who to speak with about interpreting insurance or at least get me connected with someone local to hash it out. Within the next few months, I should have insurance through my company (small startup, insurance has been a slow process to acquire). I feel like I have options and will certainly take you up if things get bumpy :thumright:
all the best too you and hope they get it all sorted out soon so you can contimue on your merry travels - particularly the insurance!
Hello and welcome to the forum, glad to see you here :) I hope you can soon be feeling better and that you can get the insurance side of things sorted.

Best wishes


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