I'm really nervous and angry

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Nov 20, 2011
I started developing persistent heart palpitations and went to see my GP last week. She ordered an echocardiogram after my EKG was abnormal. Her new assistant still hasn't scheduled it. It's been over a week of feeling this way and wondering if I would have to go to the ER. I have extremely high genetic trigylcerides and I'm worried about my heart. Now she's telling me I need to find a cardiologist on my own and the stress is just overwhelming me. I hate that I have to find yet another doctor. It feels so awful to just be tossed around like this.
Have you called the office and talked to your GP? I don't understand why that can't recommend you a cardiologist and schedule the appointment. Looks like you might need a new GP. I'm sorry you are going thru this. I don't understand doctors these days it's like they are only in it for the money not to help the patients.
I did call the office and tried to talk to the GP but she's been out. It looks like no one is covering for her, either. I can only get as far as her assistant who is completely incompetent. Her other assistant must have left because this new one has been there for a few weeks. I ended up calling the same healthcare group and asked a woman from the cardiology department if she could look in my record to see if there was an order for an echo and there was so she set me up with an appointment. I'm definitely complaining. To make someone wait a week after you see them for heart problems is ridiculous when the EKG is not normal. I will have to look for another doctor, unfortunately.
Make sure when finally get to see your GP let her know what went on. I'm pretty sure she will be very upset with her assistant. You are in my prayers. Keep me updated. :)
I dont understand your doctor. Couldn't she just write you a script for the test and you just call the hospital and schedule it?? I am not sure where you live or if things are done that way over there. Here a doctor can either write you a script for the test and then you call the hospital and set up the appt to have it done.

Are you having the bad palpatations now??? I totally get what you are feeling. I have a slight heart murmur and I also get palpatations at times( I get PVC's). If you are super worried you can go to the ER and they will do an ehcocardigram on you, especially if your EKG is abnormal. I mean at least then you can find out if there is an immediate issue and can get help. But if there is no immediate danger then you can maybe even ask the hospital if they can recommend a good cardiologist. I am so sorry you are going through this. Ughh, those heart palpatations and flutters are scary feeling I know. I always lose my breath and have to cough when they happen, it is so uncomfortable. If you are having them A lot ( I mean feeling them constantly) then I would likely go and get it checked at the ER. I mean this is your ticker and you want to make sure everything is ok...

Sending Big hugs your way...

I started developing persistent heart palpitations and went to see my GP last week. She ordered an echocardiogram after my EKG was abnormal. Her new assistant still hasn't scheduled it. It's been over a week of feeling this way and wondering if I would have to go to the ER. I have extremely high genetic trigylcerides and I'm worried about my heart. Now she's telling me I need to find a cardiologist on my own and the stress is just overwhelming me. I hate that I have to find yet another doctor. It feels so awful to just be tossed around like this.
Thanks everyone! My GP didn't refer me to a cardiologist and I need her referral in order to see one. She's not in this week for some reason and has no one covering for her. Her new assistant is totally incompetent. I did end up calling another doctor within the same healthcare system who accessed my record and found the order for the echocardiogram that my GP had written last week that the assistant was supposed to set up. This new person that I talked to set it up at a cardiology center for me. The whole thing was really stressful.

I am still having the palpitations but not having any pain. I don't want to go to the ER unless I'm having pain or shortness of breath. It sucks having my heart flip-flop around in my chest, but when I went to my GP last week, the EKG said I wasn't having a heart attack, but that there was something abnormal. So, I'm just going to wait until the echo on Monday and will just keep following up with my GP's office for the results. It's going to be frustrating. :(
Hi Cybil,
Just wanted to let you know my Mom just went thru the same thing and she thought she was having a heart attack. Went by ambulance to hosp. and they did an Echo on her and it turns out she has Afib just like her brother and sister. They put her on medication and she is fine now. I'm not saying that is what you have, just letting you know a possibility. Hope your echo shows what is the problem hon! :heart:
Sybil, I am so sorry you are going through this. I hate doctors offices!

Pray everything goes well from now on.
Hey Sybil,
Just checking in on you to see if you ever contacted your doctor or got to ever see a cardiologist. Just thinking about you.
Thank you for checking in! I did get the echo but haven't been given the results. I've called and asked a few times, but I was reassured when the tech who gave me the echo said, "I just want you to know that I didn't see anything that would keep you up at night." Right now, I think my hiatal hernia is behind it. I was put on Flagyl and had a lot of acid reflux and woke up one night choking on acid and stomach contents and have had a hard time controlling my GERD since then. The day after that happened, I started having the palpitations. As I've been able to control the acid, the palpitations have slowed down. Now I have about 4 a day and it gets worse when I move a certain way so I believe it's pressing on a nerve which I've read is common with hiatal hernias. I've decided if my doctor won't return my call on Monday, I'm just going to show up. I sincerely believe that this new assistant is blocking my messages because she screwed up and doesn't want my doctor to know. My doctor is usually slow, but sympathetic and returns calls. This is really unusual behavior for her and the only difference is this awful assistant. I will make sure she knows what's happened when I can talk to her one-on-one.

Thanks again for checking up on me!!