Thank you for checking in! I did get the echo but haven't been given the results. I've called and asked a few times, but I was reassured when the tech who gave me the echo said, "I just want you to know that I didn't see anything that would keep you up at night." Right now, I think my hiatal hernia is behind it. I was put on Flagyl and had a lot of acid reflux and woke up one night choking on acid and stomach contents and have had a hard time controlling my GERD since then. The day after that happened, I started having the palpitations. As I've been able to control the acid, the palpitations have slowed down. Now I have about 4 a day and it gets worse when I move a certain way so I believe it's pressing on a nerve which I've read is common with hiatal hernias. I've decided if my doctor won't return my call on Monday, I'm just going to show up. I sincerely believe that this new assistant is blocking my messages because she screwed up and doesn't want my doctor to know. My doctor is usually slow, but sympathetic and returns calls. This is really unusual behavior for her and the only difference is this awful assistant. I will make sure she knows what's happened when I can talk to her one-on-one.
Thanks again for checking up on me!!