Ive just started to take Imuran( 3 weeks?) as i recently diagnosed with Crohns disease in January and in a bad flare. Most of the crohns syptoms i experianced dissapeared around a month ago however i just stoped taking prednisone. When I got this blood work done i was on 10 mg of prednisone and the imuran ( 60 mg or something). The bloodwork has come back however i havent spoken to my docter as my mom deals with that and i dont know if this is bad bad, as the results confused me a bit( would i need to stop taking Imuran?). Could someone give me an idea?
Bloodwork(Everything else was normal:
Absolute Neutrophils: 9878 ( normal is 1800-8000)
Absolute Monoctyes: 1071 (normal is 200 - 900)
Absolute Eosinophils:13 (normal is 15 - 500)
Absoulte Lymphocytes: 1625( this one is normal, just thought i should include this)
Glucose: 101( normal is 65-99)
Bloodwork(Everything else was normal:
Absolute Neutrophils: 9878 ( normal is 1800-8000)
Absolute Monoctyes: 1071 (normal is 200 - 900)
Absolute Eosinophils:13 (normal is 15 - 500)
Absoulte Lymphocytes: 1625( this one is normal, just thought i should include this)
Glucose: 101( normal is 65-99)