In need of some encouragement

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Sep 11, 2011
I had another colonoscopy done today. Wouldn't you know it... Everything looked fine. They did take 20 biopsies though, so we'll see what they say.

The doctor who did it is not my regular GI. He came back in the room and said, "yeah, it's probably just IBS." I wanted to shoot him on the spot.

Now I'm sitting here wondering if I messed things up for myself by taking the Etocort from my GP (which has helped a great deal). Even though everything looked good, I still can't eat most things like before.

I have June and July off of work. If things aren't going in the direction of a diagnosis by then, I will go off all meds and start eating salads and popcorn everyday until I get some answers.
Have you had the pillcam yet? "series"
Some GI diseases are in the illeium which
Cannot be reached via scope.
Ellinate the following for them to
Take you seriously -
Bone density test -
Vitamin D test-
Calcium test-
Anemia test-
You can request these tests via your GP.
The GP has to follow through.
If one of the above tests are out, they have to find the cause.
I might be wrong but, if the Entocort was working and you felt better, wouldn't this indicate that there was inflammation there in the first instance?
I do understand how you feel tho, but don't harm yourself by threatening to eat salad and popcorn!
LMAO- I said the same thing. Park myself in the ER with salad and cherrios!!

Its not unusual for your tests to be negative and STILL HAVE CROHNS!! I wish someone would tell me why Drs give us such a hard time about this!! We dont get any benefit or joy from this disease.

I wish you luck and i hope healing comes your way soon!!

Negative tests are the worst :/ but so many of my friends with crohns have had similar experiences. there is SOMETHING wrong and you gotta keep going and testing until the doctors recognize it, too. please don't start pounding down popcorn and spinach tho!
Dazzafarr, both popcorn and raw veggies contain high amounts of fiber, which can cause a lot of pain or even cause an obstruction.

Sawyer, it's possible that the Entocort healed things enough to the point that nothing was seen on the scope. They may still find something on the biopsies though, and I'm glad to hear they took so many. Things like Crohn's and microscopic colitis have skip patterns, meaning the inflammation can be patchy and they have to biopsy the right area or they won't find it. More biopsies means a better chance of finding something. Good luck! I hope you can get some answers soon. Please keep us posted with the biopsy results! Fingers crossed for you!