Increased energy due to Prednisone

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Jan 13, 2010
Well, just spent a week in the hospital ~ presented last Sunday with cramping, horrid pain in my lower gut, puking stomach acid & bile. Twas my first experience with an NG tube :( ~ gaah!!! Not even remotely pleasant, that!!! But ~ once it was in and got the pressure off everything and the pain meds kicked in, it was a relatively nice stay. Got the inflammation under control and had another discussion about how chopped raw cabbage and coarsely ground tomatoes with basil is NOT a good choice for me to include in my diet, lol.

They sent me home with 40 of prednisone daily, which has got me half-manic. Any good ideas on how to deal with it? I've been gardening and doing laundry and all the usual. And I DO have ativan for at night when my mind absolutley won't shut down. Butu besides running around like a headless chicken hung up on housework, what do y'all like to do with the extra jittery energies you can sometimes get with meds?
As much as you feel you can...don't overdo it! I know when I was on 60mg of pred I was mental!! Running around like mad, doing housework, exercising, never sitting still. That took a toll eventually and I was dead on my feet. So, I'd say expend your energy in small bursts, then take a break in between.

Good luck!
I'm down to 5mg from a relatively low 20. The 20 felt a bit speedy, about the only apparent side effect I've gotten. I can't imagine what 40 or (god forbid) 60 must feel like. I found the speediness declined a bit with the 20 over time, once the body stops making its own cortisol in response to the presence of the prednisone, equivalent to ~ 5- 10 mg a day. But again, at these higher doses, that ultra-clean house may just be part of the Grand Experience.
:runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway:
Hi Christy

Yes I agree with Cindy, Pred masks everything! Do too much and you'll hit the deck in no time! I was speeding too on 40mg and was up in the wee small hours doing housework! I was talking ten to the dozen, and my cheeks felt like I'd been blowing balloons up all day!
But as I tapered it got better, and I found that the earlier I took it, about 6am, the earlier it wore off.
good luck, and catch up on all the DVDs lol
Astra101 said:
I found that the earlier I took it, about 6am, the earlier it wore off.

I agree. I tried to take it very early and that helped. I must say though, I loved the energy!!! I used it to really organize myself and make things easier for myself for when I went off. For example, I did all my birthday present shopping for the next four or five months, bought all the greeting cards I needed for the year, etc. Once I was off the prednisone and the energy was gone I was really glad I did all of those things.
Hey Christy,

Yup, I hear you with the pred-crazies... My house is certainly the cleanest it ever was when I am on pred... My first time in the hospital, I was on an equivalent dose of 80mg (!!!) of prednisone, tapered to 60 before I was discharged... So, at home I was on 60mg of pred and vacuuming at 2am!

It took some time to get used to, but I did also find that taking it as early in the day as possible helps. (I work at 6am, so I would take my dose around 5am and would be able to get to sleep that night around 11 or so). Be careful, though, your appetite increases with steroids, and weight piles on really easily. Be sure to drink lots of water. I found that singing along to music really loud (and dancing a bit) helped to get rid of some 'jittery' energy. You will start to feel more and more tired as you taper, just be aware that is a normal part of weaning off the steroids. Really, though... you may notice other unpleasant side effects, just sit back and enjoy the ride that is Prednisone.
Well, I have managed to get almost my entire garden planted in two days, lol!!

A question: I'm taking 40mg, in 4 10mg tabs 4x during the morning ~ that's the specific instruction. Doesn't say whether to space them over a couple of hours or swallow the whole bunch at once. I've been taking them over the course of three hours and didn't really consider I should/ought to take them all at once. I can call my doc tomorrow, but does anyone have any opinion on this now?

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