Well, just spent a week in the hospital ~ presented last Sunday with cramping, horrid pain in my lower gut, puking stomach acid & bile. Twas my first experience with an NG tube ~ gaah!!! Not even remotely pleasant, that!!! But ~ once it was in and got the pressure off everything and the pain meds kicked in, it was a relatively nice stay. Got the inflammation under control and had another discussion about how chopped raw cabbage and coarsely ground tomatoes with basil is NOT a good choice for me to include in my diet, lol.
They sent me home with 40 of prednisone daily, which has got me half-manic. Any good ideas on how to deal with it? I've been gardening and doing laundry and all the usual. And I DO have ativan for at night when my mind absolutley won't shut down. Butu besides running around like a headless chicken hung up on housework, what do y'all like to do with the extra jittery energies you can sometimes get with meds?
They sent me home with 40 of prednisone daily, which has got me half-manic. Any good ideas on how to deal with it? I've been gardening and doing laundry and all the usual. And I DO have ativan for at night when my mind absolutley won't shut down. Butu besides running around like a headless chicken hung up on housework, what do y'all like to do with the extra jittery energies you can sometimes get with meds?