Incredible improvement with low-GMO

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 30, 2015
My daughter has had Crohn's Disease for about 4 years now. We've been through many different meds... 6MP, sterioids, anti-inflammatory, Remicade, Humira, and more. Over the years, the damage/disease has gotten worse and become harder to manage. In addition, the side-effects of her meds have been hard to take as well- irritability, weight gain, susceptibility to infections, etc.

In January we decided to try a low-GMO diet. She eats mainly organic, with traces of GMOs here and there. Within a week we noticed a difference. We weaned off the steroids and stopped Humira. Three months later, she is feeling great and has had the best lab results since diagnosis (medication free, aside from probiotics). If she cheats, she gets sick. If she stays the course, all is well. We are amazed.

Has anyone else had this experience? Any other kids on low-GMO or organic diets?

Thank you!
Diet did not make a difference for my son's inflammation and since he had been asymptomatic for a year before his last surgery diet didn't make a difference in symptoms either.
Same here tried free of everything milk eggs etc and all organic no gmo still did not help
Please look up the half life of Humira
It's still in your system for twelve weeks from your last dose
Hopefully it's just diet alone helping her but that tends to be rare occurrence since kids tend to have more severe disease course .
Same as Clash here, asymptomatic diet didn't help :( Crohnsinct has had some success with diet but it's in conjunction with meds but I believe if her daughter strays to far off the diet there is a noticeable difference
Abys mom if it works don't fix it esp w crohns
There are studies linking glyphosate the pesticide used extensively in GMOs and the increased incidence of Crohn's
I think diets work when they eliminate the CROHNS trigger(s), which may be different for each of us.
YES! My girls both try diet. My older one has excellent success but we have not pulled meds. However, even with meds, O sees a definite difference when she goes off the diet. We are not only non GMO and Organic but also anti inflammatory/Vegetarian with a strong lean toward Vegan. Does it surprise anyone that GMO products can make people sick? For some it is IBD and others, other diseases.

The plan for my younger daughter with a milder course of disease is to try to manage the disease with a combination of EEN and diet. Her diet is going to be even more restrictive than her sister's. I am not holding out too much hope as she is younger and not as compliant diet wise.

How are you monitoring disease activity? My younger daughter's disease does not show in symptoms or bloods. The only thing that tips us off is Fecal Calprotectin. We are starting with every 4 weeks and working our way toward every 8 weeks.
My 16 year old started SCD diet his 7th grade year and is now in 10th grade. He is doing really good living a awesome active lifestyle. Diet works for him and medicine made him sick and tired. I love to hear when our babies are doing good once something has been found that works for their bodies!!! Great find and I will watch better with the GMO and organics because I always want better for him:)
Thank you for all the replies!

To answer some questions...

The main testing we do is measuring Calprotectin levels.

Even if there is Humira still in her body, we can say that "Humira + diet" works incredibly better than Humira alone. It's night and day, and her lab results confirm that.

The only times she has gotten sick in past three months is when she veered from the diet. When she doesn't veer, she doesn't get sick. This is very encouraging. This has been a long and difficult road, so encouragement is a wonderful thing.

It's good to see that diet works for other kids too. We will keep persevering.

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