Hey entourage! Welcome!
I live in Canada, and yes, I have given up on trying to get "extra" insurance...lol
I work for the government, so I have a pretty good plan through that, and I have another little policy my mom started for me when I was a child (that will basically cover my funeral...and that's about it)...
As for mortgage, being married to a man who also has a very good job, luckily I have never had to fill out the "life insurance" forms for a mortgage...I tried once... and they wanted a bunch more filled out...so we just gave up...lol. My husband is fully covered, and as far as he is concerned, that is the main thing....if I die, he can always work...but if he is the one to go first...well that possibility isn't always there for me...
Anyway... lol...little off topic a bit there...sorry.... but yeah... I think it can be fairly difficult to obtain those items - or they are attainable with an enormous premium attached...once you are dignosed with such an illness....
the advise I got from my financial advisor is to take the money I would have spent on a premium, and put it into an investment somewhere, making the appropriate disbursment clauses in your will. The bank sees that you have that investment, so they are not so harsh on the mortgage thing (ie life insurance to cover your mortgage)... and there might be some left over to give to whoever you need to after that.
Hopefully some others who have gone through this will come on and post their experiences as well.
Good luck!