My Husband has been dealing with this nightmare for almost 3 years now. It all started one day out of the total blue with heavy bleeding and a week long hospital stay. At the time he did not have any health insurance but the GI doc at the hospital did a colonoscopy... they found blood inside his intestines but never gave him the actual diagnosis of Crohns. Since he was never given a diagnosis he never gets put on any long term medications. He's been in and out of the ER every few months (sometimes will go as long as 4-5months without any major issues/flare-ups) and every time the same exact symptoms. Mostly excruciating abdominal pain, vomiting, heaving, fever etc.... and every single time he has an intestinal obstruction. A few times required hospital stays but usually they just send him on his way after a few hours.
So my question is, do any of you crohns patients usually end up with intestinal obstructions?? Is this a fairly common symptom with Crohns patients? Thanks for your help.
So my question is, do any of you crohns patients usually end up with intestinal obstructions?? Is this a fairly common symptom with Crohns patients? Thanks for your help.