Intro -Jess

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Jan 20, 2016
Hello, fellow Crohn's and Colitis fighters! I'm Jessica (or Jess, which is what most people call me). I'm about to turn 27, and I was diagnosed with Crohn's AND Colitis when I was about 13. Lovely. The basics: I was hospitalized at age 13 for 8 1/2 days for anemia from blood loss. I had a PICC line and had 2 pounds of iron put in me. Back then, I tried Prednisone, enemas, Asacol (which I found to be evil for me), Entocort (I think) and eventually Remicade with 6MP. The Remicade/6MP cocktail kept me in remission for something like 8 years. Not without ups and downs, of course, but incredible nonetheless. But then, after a nasty breakup, my mom developing cancer, losing my job, and not being able to find one for 6 months, the stress ignited an awful flare that I've now been fighting for 8 months. Remicade no longer works. Again I've tried Prednisone, Entocort, Balsalazide, Pentasa, and now I'm on Cimzia with 6MP. I've only had two doses, but I'm not feeling very hopeful. I know it can take awhile to help, but being in a flare this long has all but destroyed my spirit. Only a couple of my friends sort of get what I'm going through, but this is one of those things people just don't really get unless they've been there. So I guess I'm just looking for people to talk to that understand it better so I don't feel so alone.
I can't keep food in, so I've put myself on a mushy food/liquid diet to try and help calm this colon down. I've lost about 13 pounds the last few weeks. Doc says it's the colitis that is flared.
Anyone have any luck with cimzia?
I am currently on Stelara. My first biologic was Cimzia. It worked for a while and then failed. I am sorry that you have this disease but you have come across a great support group. I wish you the best. Share anytime you want.
Hi and welcome Jessica. Sorry for all your going through. Hope you find the right meds asap that help get you better. As Ron says feel free to ask anything. We are here to help n support as best we can. Have a rant , be happy , be sad all of the above at once if need be lol ☺💕best wishes ..
Thank you, guys! I should've joined a long time ago, but this is really probably the first time I've truly felt kinda hopeless. But we'll see what happens with the cimzia. 3rd dose is Feb 2. My doc wanted me on humira, but the insurance people messed it all up and said I have to try this first. Yet they're denying cimzia to me now and making things way more complicated. ><
Oh noway darned insurance companys. Happy to take your money not so keen to give you theirs tho. 😠 hope they get their act together asap. 💟
Right? It got even more complicated with an insurance change the first of the year, but both companies have sent denial letters saying I don't meet the requirements. My step-dad said send them a bag of my bloody poo and ask if that meets the requirements, which I thought was hilarious, lol. My nurse is working on it and told me today the cimzia rep is supposed to send samples until it's all approved, so that's some good news. Stress is what caused this flare to begin with, so you know this can't be helping me.
Thank you guys for responding. I was on the CCFA forum several days ago, and no one ever replied. So I really appreciate this forum which seems to be always active! :)
:rof: love your dads view. Maybe you should 😆. Good on the cimzia rep nice one ! Oh ye stress is a great trouble causer for us, and they always seem to cause us more of it..
This forum is always pretty active, we are all nosey beggers lol😆. Seriously tho its a great place so many kind and caring folks here. Who are happy to help fellow suffers as best they can.
Hope they sort the insurance out asap for you hun . :hug::kiss:
There are times I've thought about it! :p
Yep, stress is evil, and I don't deal with it well, lol, obviously. But now my social life is all messed up, and I went back to my old job, which was a life saver.
I've never actually been part of a forum before, so I tried looking for chronie ones that were lgbt-friendly, but didn't find much. But I'm encouraged with this one already and glad I joined! :)
Glad you got your old job back. It can be a distraction working.
Shame there are not more lgbt-friendly sites. Glad you seem happy on here tho..i have found this the best site overall and so glad i found it and joined. Mad thing is i didnt find it till after my op and things were going well. I figuered tho that i have been there n done that so maybe i can help others. There maybe a time when im there again. Even the support i get for my minor things is great. I appreciate everyones support n kindness on here. Hope you continue to be glad you founds us. Im on way to work now, its took ages to write this as uts a bumpy ride lol 😃
That's true, and my job is easy, so I can sort of handle it in bad health. For the most part anyway. I am still going to look into getting disability though.
That's always how it goes, haha.
Well, I certainly hope your health behaves and keeps you well for a long time!
Ron, how long did you try cimzia? I've only had the two doses, but this last one was much more painful, and it left not quite a rash but some reddish splotches where the medicine is under my skin. I'm not super concerned yet, but that didn't happen the first dose.
Ron, how long did you try cimzia? I've only had the two doses, but this last one was much more painful, and it left not quite a rash but some reddish splotches where the medicine is under my skin. I'm not super concerned yet, but that didn't happen the first dose.
At least a year

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