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Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Jan 31, 2012
Found this site years ago when facing the Crohn's/Colitis diagnosis. Hoped to find leads on something yet prescribed or tried that worked for someone else. I wanted to avoid what seemed to be a dark destined following of my father's long nightmarish battle. There have been many medical advances since his battle where he was trying anything prescribed or recommended to find relief. It semed he was a human Guinea Pig for trying anything that held any promise.
So for me now with things well under control for a few years now, I'm circling back here not forgetting where I found some tips and hope being offered. Maybe what I've found or tried helps someone else. I am not a DR. so first follow up with your care provider on any of the below. Except No Popcorn!
- Initially prescribed Asacol, (Lilda generic name) but was not a cure. No longer needs to be taken.
- Tried probiotics helped but long term not enough difference.
- Best tool against a flare up was Pepto Bismol. Forget Amodium AD.
- While UC was active and a flu insired flare occured, it was throw everthing at the fire. Pepto, Lilda, Tumeric and probiotics. Greatly increased rebound to in control time.
- Stop eating popcorn. Period. Sad but true. Very abusive to the already inflamed lining. Hence the highlighting.
- Tumeric supplement. The antinflamitory aspects work for me.
- If you are in a constant stressful suituation or experience them, try all things to remove it or at minimun substanially lessen it. Be it a job, living environment, road rage, whatever it is. Made a difference for me.
- To the degree you are able, do things you enjoy as much as possible.

At this time, my UC/Crohn's is no longer controlling activities, how tight my pants/belt are or at all times knowing how far away a usable toilet is.
Honestly, hoping the best for you in your battle. There is hope. Don't give up trying.
Take care -