Intussusception anyone? I am not understanding results of CT!

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Jul 7, 2011
I had a CT a week ago and saw my GP for the results. She had ordered it because of worsening pain and more frequent partial blockages. She feels like the reason that the CT showed is intussusception in the jejunum in the left upper quadrant. She described it like a telescope folding into itself. I am in the heck did THAT happen? That is something new since my last CT! A few other things- a lipoma polyp of the third duodenum, a low attenuation mass tail of the pancreas, which needs to be re-evaluated in 3 months, mild cortical thinning and scarring in both kidneys, low mass on upper right kidney, extrahapatic bilary dilation that is midly increased in the interval, and lastly, moderate to large amount of fecal material in the large intestine.

Sorry...those are a lot of words! Some of them could be just little things, but she did write a note to the colon dr. about the intussusception. Has anyone ever experienced that? We sent a letter to the colon doctor. She put me back on prednisone again, and is starting me on methotrexate, which I have taken before for connective tissue disease. I just don't feel quite comfortable with her calling the treatment...but I also cannot afford to go running to all of these different specialists.

Any thoughts?
Interestingly, I'm being investigated for an intusussception right now too!
Mine is likely where colon meets rectum... This is also the area of most disease over the years so the question is still 'is this intususception due to tissue wastage from crohns or is crohns site related to intususception'... Chicken/egg situation. I'm having a scope next week with GI and colorectal surgeon, hope they'll come ip with something between them!!
Let us know how you get on... Your storyi s very interesting!!
It sounds like you have one heck of a story too! I am wondering how they explained it to you? That is a scary thought- of tissue wasting possibly causing it. I hope the doctors are very careful with your scope! Do you get a lot of pain in that area? Please let me know how it goes!

Thank you for your response! I was going to redo the thread, because I wrote too much info. I am going to look for your story, and click on the link you have! :mademyday:
I can't speak to the kidney or pancreatic findings but I have had an intusseception too. According to my GI, Radiographic intusseception occurs 50% of the time in CTs when there is not an actual intusseception because the CT is such a small snapshot in time - especially in a location like the jejunum. If you are not having pain in the specific area that correlates to the observed intusseception, your GP should repeat the CT to see if the intusseception is still there. If it is, it is most likely a true intusseception. In the case of a true intusseception, commonly there is pain and partial blockage-like symptoms. Most intusseceptions heal themselves but if the symptoms persist, it may need to me surgically repaired. In my case, I have had multiple previous abdominal surgeries and I was having sharp pain exactly at the sight the intusseception was seen on CT, so they were pretty confident it was being caused by adhesions that had developed due to my previous surgeries. They did end up going in to remove my adhesions and sure enough there was a tissue band right where they anticipated it and as soon as I woke up I could already tell that sharp pain was gone!! Good luck!
What about visual inspection via a colonoscopy? They talk about minimizing the number of CT scans to reduce radiation exposure. You could get that inspected and know for sure what is up. Then, depending on the size, they could lasso the ployp. A side bonus, the prep would empty you out! :) :-(
What about visual inspection via a colonoscopy? They talk about minimizing the number of CT scans to reduce radiation exposure. You could get that inspected and know for sure what is up. Then, depending on the size, they could lasso the ployp. A side bonus, the prep would empty you out! :) :-(

You can not see intusseception with a scope - it's only externally visible. That's why they went forward with surgery for me because you can't verify through scope
Thanks everyone! Kristihelene, I had the CT because of severe partial blockages the past 2 months, and terrible pain. Like you, the area is where I have had previous surgeries (7), so adhesions are a possibility, but also a limpoma that is right above it. That would be great if it could work it's way out!

I like that mrjohns2...lasso the polyp! yes, I am radiated out, over the last 52 years! Will see what the colon surgeon wants- a colonoscopy or flex sigmoidoscopy would be good= I need another dilation anyhow. I didn't think that a colonoscopy would would the jejunum though?
Dratz! I would imagine that I would need a good GI to do that. I had a very nice one this summer, but he gave up on me and referred me up to a university hospital, with more advanced equiptment. I had been treated there for several years in the rheumatology dept, for my connective tissue disease, but can't afford having bills at multiple facilities anymore. I have a big tab here at my hospital, and owe mega bucks to Mayo Clinic, where I had to go for heart and breathing issues 2 years ago. I will contact both colon Dr and GI, and pray that it will just release itself, like kristihelene mentioned. In the meanwhile.... I am hungry for real food! I would think that I should stick to liquids and soft though. Are you tired of the snow and cold in Wisconsin, mrjohns?!

Kristinhelene, thank you for your input- I am glad that yours was resolved! Was the surgery a lot easier than having a resection?
Yes!! My resections I was kept for at least a week each! This was outpatient! Still same abdominal incision but since there was no bowel incisions there was no prep and no hospitalization needed! Yes definitely stick with softs/low residue!!
I am so tired of the cold and snow. We just set the all time record for most days below zero (49 I think).

I live in Virginia but am a Chicago girl. You must be way up North? I hope it warms up soon-you must be eating a lot of soup and hot chocolate! Oh... and all of the shoveling snow. now there is good exercise! Keep warm!
Yes!! My resections I was kept for at least a week each! This was outpatient! Still same abdominal incision but since there was no bowel incisions there was no prep and no hospitalization needed! Yes definitely stick with softs/low residue!!

Outpatient?! That is encouraging news! The colon doctor"s office called today, and apparently he is more concerned that the CT showed "a moderate to large amount of fecal material is present throughout the colon." I was told to call my GP, who he has spoken with. It will be interesting to find out what the plan is. I feel annoyed, which is unusual for me. I have been telling the doctors for MONTHS these symptoms.

Sorry to rant- I know I am a lucky lady to be alive, and my problems are so small in comparison to others. I just am not good at not having a plan to follow.

Thank you for helping me understand the intussusception problem. I hope that it does not happen again to you!
You have a right to rant. Many times one feels that the doctors should be "taking care of us". When we find out they aren't, it makes you want to rant.

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