Years ago, one of my younger sisters girl friends was diagnosed as anemic, but it was simple anemia, not pernicious (sp?).. Anyway, her doc prescribed iron pills. She took them, and it very near cost her life. Pills caused massive ulceration of stomach, and she very nearly bled to death.. Point of my long winded story is that iron is vital, and popping pills MAY appear to be the easy solution, but the easy route is often not the best. Talk to your doctor, see a dietician or nutrition counsellor, and find the best route for you to increase your iron levels. I was never overly fond of spinach, esp baby spinach (diapers kept getting caught in my teeth), but it is high in iron, and if you can tolerate it in your diet (and here is where the preparation is important), it can/does help. I prefer my veggies raw, but I can't have them that way anymore... but a little properly cooked spinach in an ommeltte, or as a pizza topping, or mixed into mashed potatoes,, it all helps...