Is a 300% increase in Crohn’s disease the result of our escalating exposure to wirele

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Jul 16, 2010
Is a 300% increase in Crohn’s disease the result of our escalating exposure to wirele

wireless technologies?

Add this to the long list of the potential causes of crohns.
another unhealthy environmental factor in my opinion.
I have cut down my exposure to wireless technologies.
I replaced my wifi to cable internet.
I replaced my wireless/cordless home phone with a traditional phone.
I no longer use microwave oven.
I keep my cellular use to a minimum.
I've been reading about energy medicine of late. I recently wrote on the sight about the work of Dr. Meg Patterson. She developed an electrical acupuncture devise that was helping well known musicians such as Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, Pete Townshend, along with others over come drug addictions. A little about her work can be seen here:

Dr. Patterson felt her devise worked by raising endorphin levels. That had me thinking of LDN, the somewhat common drug prescribed for those with Crohns and Colitis. LDN at higher doses also helps addicts overcome addictions.

From what I read, I think that there is a good amount of speculation about the potential poor health effects non thermal energies can causes. From my understanding there hasn't been much proof though.

There was one famous incident that caught my attention. Accounts of it can be found Googling. There are conflicting results on what happened, and why it happened though. One write up goes like this. Back in the cold war days, the former USSR reported that non thermal energies caused multiple health issues. American scientists disagreed with the USSR scientists findings. The American scientists then began to ridicule the Russian scientists. Not enjoying the ridicule, the Russian scientist began aiming microwave beams at the American embassy. According to the Russians the levels of microwaves being beamed would cause health issues in those that worked in the building. According to American scientists the microwave levels would not cause health issues.

Well, according to some accounts Americans that worked in the embassy over time began expressing unusual health problems. Some developed cancers, migraine headaches became common, and some developed bleeding issues from their nose and eyes.

Other accounts say this is not true. Instead Americans that worked in the embassy were healthier than the average person. Eventually though the Americans asked the Russians to stop beaming the microwaves into the embassy, even though officially the levels being sent into the building were officially listed as being safe.

It isn't possible to tell what is the truth as far as I can tell.

I thought this a fascinating article on treating cancer in mice and potentially the human magnetic field. When you have an electrical system, as the human body does, a magnetic field is created. I've read in humans the field around the brain is called the magnetoencephalggram or MEG. It is detected I read by using a SQUID magnetometer. From what I've read we, and all other living creatures are surrounded by a magnetic field extending out into space from our bodies.

From Professor Gerald Pollack's sight:

Can you cure cancer with your hands?

A totally mind-blowing experience: I had the pleasure of meeting Bill Bengston last week at the Society for Scientific Exploration. (I was present because the Society was kind enough to award me their Dinsdale Prize.) Among all the many intriguing talks at that meeting was Bill's presentation: he cures cancer in mice, with 100% success rate. He does this by using his hands. Nothing else.

Yes, this sounds awfully suspicious, but if you read his informal account in Edge Science you may be as impressed as I am. Bill has published many papers describing his procedures and results in peer-reviewed journals. He's not a cancer specialist of any sort -- in fact he's a sociologist. But he collaborates with medical and biological researchers all over the country. These mammary adenocarcinomas are 100% fatal; yet, he is able to cure them at the rate of 100%. The mice are really cured: once the tumor disappears, they live out their normal life spans, without ever contracting cancer.

The 800 pound gorilla in the room: if this treatment works so well in mice, then why not humans? Check out Bill's explanation at the end of his Edge Science piece.

Wifi is low intensitymicrowave frequency electromagnetic radiation. It largely does not interact with the organic molecules that make up our bodies. Furthermore, we have been bathed in radio and microwave frequency radiation for a long, long time, wifi is a new source, but it is not unique. If there were to be any problems, it would likely be at very specific frequencies, which should be easy to avoid.
As someone who has used specific, non thermal, frequency treatment for the weakening and destruction of Crohns and Lyme Disease related pathogens, I am leery of 24-7 exposure to frequencies.

It is true that we have been exposed to many of these frequencies in the past. What is also true is the wave form in the past was sine waves. With the relatively new change to the entire communication industry to digital signaling due to bandwidth limitations, most of the signaling in the airwaves is now a square wave form, not sine wave.

As anyone who treats using the method I do knows, virtually no pathogen destruction can take place with a pure sine wave until you get in the thermal range. The same is not true for square waves. they are quite disruptive to microorganisms at certain frequencies.

It does not seem a far leap for me to see the potential for long exposures to some frequencies to interfere with the biological processes of the body. It all depends of wave form, frequency, duration and signal strength. Since so little is known about the potential effects on the human body, it would be a good idea to limit this exposure when possible. The health effects are not known at this time, but it is inconceivable to me that they do not exist. You will likely see more studies like the one below over the next few decades.

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That is something I do. I take some measures to protect myself form EMFs around the house. What I do is ground myself. I'm chuckling mentioning it but I've found it helps improve my health.

Grounding ones self will apparently help one overcome EMFs. It is not powerful enough to overcome WiFi's or cell phones, but normal EMFs around the house from alarm clocks, electrical wires in the house, etc it works well from what I've read.

What really keeps me continuing to ground is the positive health effects I believe I've experienced. I play tennis. That is a sport that is hard on my knees. I've found if I ground my feet in the back yard, or with an indoor grounding mat, after tennis play the pain in my knees will go away in around 30 minutes.

If I do not ground my knees will remain sore for a day or two.

some tell me simply taking off my shoes will have the healing effect I've found. Could be. I've not tested this out. All I know is grounding really helps improve my knees and other aches and pains that come with hitting.

The other health aspect that I've found grounding help me with is that if I ground for long enough, typically over 90 minutes, I'll be well to the stomach. It isn't a cure. While well with the gut, I can still feel run over and fatigued.

To see more, here is a short video on grounding, and EMF measurements taken before and after.

"Great video on Earthing / Grounding with Clint Ober and Dr. Christy Weston"
As anyone who treats using the method I do knows, virtually no pathogen destruction can take place with a pure sine wave until you get in the thermal range. The same is not true for square waves. they are quite disruptive to microorganisms at certain frequencies.

A square wave is effectively many Sine waves added together. You can work out the amplitudes and frequencies from Fourier decomposition. So what you are saying is, if you blast it with a wide spectrum of frequencies, you will find one that is disruptive. I do not disagree with this, just that most frequencies will pass straight through with no interaction at all.
A square wave is effectively many Sine waves added together. You can work out the amplitudes and frequencies from Fourier decomposition. So what you are saying is, if you blast it with a wide spectrum of frequencies, you will find one that is disruptive. I do not disagree with this, just that most frequencies will pass straight through with no interaction at all.
Are you a physics professor or something? lol

Anyways my knowledge on this stuff is limited so I will bow out of this conversation. I do think though, based on the additional article by D Bergy, this stuff needs to be looked into more.

Like other people have pointed out, there could be multiple, multiple variables contributing to this illness. I think there's something to the MAP theory and also the AIEC theory.

One theory I've never really given much thought to is this one. It's hard for me to understand this stuff because I can't SEE sin and square waves.
Are you a physics professor or something? lol

Anyways my knowledge on this stuff is limited so I will bow out of this conversation. I do think though, based on the additional article by D Bergy, this stuff needs to be looked into more.

Like other people have pointed out, there could be multiple, multiple variables contributing to this illness. I think there's something to the MAP theory and also the AIEC theory.

One theory I've never really given much thought to is this one. It's hard for me to understand this stuff because I can't SEE sin and square waves.

I think JMC has a PhD in Physics - so I think he can be a professor:)
I agree that most likely, a majority of the frequencies have little to no effect on an average person

Some people are just more sensitive to electro smog than others aside from any direct effect. See it a lot with the Lyme infected.


Physicists often have trouble rationalising the effects of artificial EMFs on biological systems and whilst your views are commonplace I fear they are mistaken.

When you say that we are "bathed" in microwave energy, this is misleading.

We are exposed only to IRO 0.000,000,000,000,010 micro watts per square meter of microwave energy from natural sources. Cell phones, on the other hand, are permitted to expose your brain to 9,000,000.000,000,000,000,000 microwatts per square meter.

This is a difference of around one quantillion fold or 10 to the 18. (My maths might be out by a little but it is there or there about). You cannot say we are "bathed" in radiation from the cosmos any more than you can say you are bathed by Scottish spring water in the Sahara!

The story linked above is by Dr Andrew Goldsworthy - a biologist at UCL in London. His work, and others like him (Prof Martin Pall, etc) show that low level information carrying microwave signals interfere with voltage gated calcium ion channel signalling - this seems to be an emerging understanding of how leakage of the gut brain barrier is caused.

It's not about whether the signals have the energy to cause ionisation - it's clear that, directly, they don't. But they do have the means to interrupt and interfere with intra-cellular signalling, leading to a flood of calcium into cells, in turn leading to ROS production, in turn leading to cell damage, protein, lipid, DNA damage, etc.

I hope people will look into this more for themselves and limit their exposures. As our physicist friend knows, distance is your friend with microwave energy - exposure falls off dramatically with distance from the emitting source.


This hypothesis doesn't explain why only a small percentage of population gets Crohn's. Everybody is exposed to these energy sources. Why don't more people have Crohn's? And in certain Asian countries there is such a higher concentration of these EMF sources over smaller land masses, yet their incidence of IBD is significantly lower there than say U.S. or Canada, where population densities are so much lower.

Crohn's was identified in early 1900's before the advent of wifi, cell phones, microwave ovens, television, Monsanto, GMO crops, anti-bacterial soaps, and the myriad of other culprits suggested as the cause.

We need to pay attention to evidence based science if we want to crack this nut.
My humble opinion, is that crohns is easier to diagnose then it was even a decade ago. There are certain markers in a blood test that I took in 2011 that showed I had high markers for crohns disease. I didn't use a cell phone or have with fi as a kid and my crohns symptoms started showing when I hit puberty back in 1999.
I think part of the difficulty of identifying the cause of Crohns is the assumption that it has a single cause. Even if it did, there most likely are aggravating factors that can make it worse, accelerate symptoms.

Even the people here have often identified foods that excabutate symptoms. It is not to difficult to turn of the wireless router at night or move it away from your bedroom or other places you spend a lot of time.

Would you have one of these next to the babies crib? If not, why expose yourself unnecessarily when the science is still being done on this? It seems pretty common sense to me.

It may have zero effect on Crohns but if it comes to light that is causes other health problems what's the difference?

Physicists often have trouble rationalising the effects of artificial EMFs on biological systems and whilst your views are commonplace I fear they are mistaken.

Fear is an interesting word, it is much easier to spread it than to the hard science to prove that there is a case to answer. The views of physicists tend to be based on real experiments, with real atoms and molecules and a fundamental understanding of quantum physics and the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with those atoms and molecules. If there are any risks posed by microwave radiation, it will be at very specific frequencies.

When you say that we are "bathed" in microwave energy, this is misleading.

No, you appear to have misunderstood the point I was making, I was talking about man made microwave radiation, not the cosmic background.

The story linked above is by Dr Andrew Goldsworthy - a biologist at UCL in London. His work, and others like him (Prof Martin Pall, etc) show that low level information carrying microwave signals interfere with voltage gated calcium ion channel signalling - this seems to be an emerging understanding of how leakage of the gut brain barrier is caused.

The quoted site is called "stopsmartmeters" which rather smacks of quack science, hence I could not take it too seriously. Dr Andrew Goldsworthy is retired and does not appear to have published much on the subject.

Martin Pall is an interesting character, he has published quite a few papers, but does not appear to have many collaborators or anyone else following up on his work. I would generously say the subject was "controversial".