Hello Kiki, welcome to the MJ forum!
The scientific literature on the efficacy of medical cannabis in treating IBD is currently very convincing. Even prestigious journals like the JAMA are publishing studies on the medicinal capabilities of cannabis. Ever since it was discovered the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) could bind to CB2 receptors in our body (around 2008 if memory serves, which is recent all things considered), MJ started getting a lot more credibility and recognition. This discovery has spawned specialized teams of cannabis geneticists (mostly in Spain and the Netherlands) that have been conducting research on CBD. Nowadays, it is possible to buy CBD-rich strains (as much as 10% CBD content) of MJ.
There are many ways to prepare medical cannabis and unless you prepare it correctly, you will not get to experience all the benefits. So let's analyze how you did it before and maybe try something new so you can get some relief.
Tea = no good at all. Cannabinoids (delta9-THC and CBD, the two of most interest to you) are liposoluble, which means they bind with molecules of fat. They cannot bind to water at all, so if you make tea with cannabis, you are essentially wasting almost all of it, because the medicine will never be metabolized in your body after ingestion.
Pill. Pills that are well prepared should provide some effect. Were the pills self-made, or prescribed by a doctor? Pills like Idrasil do work and and they do exist.
Cooking. To cook with cannabis you must first extract the cannabinoids into a fat, then use that fat to cook. Butter is the best fat to use for extraction. The process is simple, and there are a few methods you can try. I will soon be sharing a picture tutorial on how to prepare cannabutter, so if this is of interest to you, check back here this week-end and it should be up.
Vaporizing is by far, the most practical way to medicate (edibles are more efficient but require a lot more work). If you have a Volcano, you can use it with very small amounts of herb (0.1-0.3g) at a middle heat setting. Take slow and deep inhalation, then exhale immediately. It is a myth that holding the vapor inside your lungs for a long time will accentuate the effects. Research has shown that passed the first two seconds of contact between the bronchioles and the vapor, there is less than 2% exchange, so you're just damaging your lungs for no benefit at all by withholding smoke or vapor inside.
The quality of your medicine will also affect the outcome. Marijuana that was harvested before it was ripe and ready will not be potent enough to make a difference. If it wasn't cured properly after harvest, it might also not be as efficient.
To check whether your medicine is of quality, grab a piece of flower (bud) and squeeze it between your thumb and index finger. The bud should be dry and dense. Not airy or humid. Afterwards, inspect it visually. It should be covered by a fine whitish powder. It may be difficult to see with the naked eye if you have vision problems, so using a loupe to inspect your medicine is always easier. The white powdery substance are dried up trichromes, which are the structures of the plant that produces all the cannabinoids we want. If your flower is airy, wet or does not present that white surface, you are in possession of a subpar product and you should ask for your money back.
I hope this helps you!