Is it ALWAYS food?

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Hi Everyone,

I was just diagnosed with Crohns in August, so I'm still trying to understand how it affects me. I'm trying to understand my flare-ups. For people that have had Crohns for a while, do you understand your flare-ups, or is it something that even "experienced" sufferers don't understand? Do you know what causes them, or do they still sneak up on you sometimes?

A few days ago I had a really bad flare-up to the point where I was crying. All that I ate that day was:
-A bowl of Cheerios with milk
-Puppy chow (I was making it for a party and had a very small amount)
-Lean Cuisine ravioli
-Glass of milk

I have had each of these things a number of times and haven't had any problems. I haven't felt good for the past few days (it has been on and off).

I know some things that bother me, such as:
-Thai food
-Chinese food
-Things cooked in heavy butter
-Fried food

Other times, I'm completely thrown for a loop, which makes me think that flare-ups aren't always related to the foods that I eat.

Thanks for any insight!
err pass on the dog food :ylol2:

Flares are part of a cyclical waxing and waning of the disease over time. Not a reaction to something you ate today. But what I did to help identify foods that were safe was keep a food diary. That way I could look back at the day or two before and look for a pattern.

Sometimes it might be an accumulation of things. Like every time you eat eggs three times in a row for breakfast it hurts. But only once or twice in a row is fine.
kenny said:
err pass on the dog food :ylol2:

Flares are part of a cyclical waxing and waning of the disease over time. Not a reaction to something you ate today. But what I did to help identify foods that were safe was keep a food diary. That way I could look back at the day or two before and look for a pattern.

Sometimes it might be an accumulation of things. Like every time you eat eggs three times in a row for breakfast it hurts. But only once or twice in a row is fine.

Geez, I hate trying to figure this stuff out!!! I tried keeping a food diary, but it lasted about 2 days. Maybe I'll have to try again.

Also, puppy chow is awesome! :p
Hi there and welcome ..Cheerios are safe but milk is usually a no no.

Did your write puppy chow? I cant comment on that.

Fried food contains fats and they are hard to digest. Causes pain to most if you are in a flare. Cheeses are hard on you too. When you are in a flare you should stick to bland foods and if really painful try Ensure, and give your bowels a rest.

Welcome here!

Puppy chow=Crispix cereal covered in melted chocolate, peanut butter, and powdered sugar. It's amazing!

I'm starting to think milk might be the culprit. I LOOOOOOOOVE milk, though. :(
By Puppy Chow you mean the Chex mix stuff with chocholate and peanut butter;)?
That's what we call it, but I think the name is Muddy Buddies.... Ha ha...It's funny to imagine you munching on real puppy chow.

Andrew, for me personally it's a crap shoot. Literally! One day something doesn't bother me, the next time it does. When I am in the middle of a flare I avoid certain things like Chinese, fried foods and raw vegetables......

Sometimes I know something is going to bother me but it is just so darn tempting I eat it anyway!......You just have to find your own path by trial and error or as I do it....Enjoy now, pay later.
I totaly thought you ment dog food!
But it does sound awesome I may have try and make some!

I second doing the food diary, it can really help figure if there is a pattern.
He just said at this point no matter what I eat it is not going to make a big deal in how I am feeling. He said I am better off just eating what I like and if something really bugs me (corn), then just stop that.

He said outside of a low residue/liquid diet at the onset of a flare that the Crohn's diets (SCD) are just gimmicks. So now I have two specialists that I see that both pretty much said the same thing.

Pretty much what I have always done, just stay away from stuff that I know screws me up. Knowing I was going to UCLA to see this guy I thought I would start writing everything down to bring with me. Really after two weeks of writing down everything I didn't come to notice any patterns in what I ate and what I felt. I only noticed that it is amazing that I am not a fat. I eat way to much candy/sweets! lol

Personally, I think a food diary is a helpful exercise. But the Dr. felt otherwise.
I remember when I was first diagnosed with UC my GI said "Now your gonna see all kinds of stuff on the internet about food being the cause, its all false" I remember thinking and still do, that how can it not effect you? If even just a little bit it still has to have some effect.
Well I have been dealing with this for close to 15 years, so I have a pretty good handle on what I can and cannot eat at this point.

No Kenny I am not on the SCD diet. I had though long and hard about it, especially after the rough year I had last year. I did Gluten Free last year for about five months with no help in my condition, SCD seems just as restrictive and I don't think I have the will power to start that up. A lot of the stuff in that diet too I know makes me sick.
Fog Ducker said:
I remember when I was first diagnosed with UC my GI said "Now your gonna see all kinds of stuff on the internet about food being the cause, its all false" I remember thinking and still do, that how can it not effect you? If even just a little bit it still has to have some effect.
heh yea. One guy said to me that 80% of everything I read it is bunk. I still appreciate his input and guidance. He wanted to put me on Pred though and I have done fine without it under a separate GI team.

I am not so ready to dismiss all the scientific research behind the role Omega3 and Omega6 play in the gut and how they influence Proteglandin production. But even that only helps manage the symptoms. It does nothing for the actual underlying condition. If I ate Walrus, Seal and Orca every day of my life I probably would not have an inflamed gut. But my Immune system would still be susceptible to going all wonky to things.
kenny said:
I am not so ready to dismiss all the scientific research behind the role Omega3 and Omega6 play in the gut and how they influence Proteglandin production. But even that only helps manage the symptoms. It does nothing for the actual underlying condition. If I ate Walrus, Seal and Orca every day of my life I probably would not have an inflamed gut. But my Immune system would still be susceptible to going all wonky to things.

And I think that is just it. No matter what I eat right now my colon and immune system are going to be a mess.

The Dr. was not anti-supplements though. He even put me on more than I was already taking.
Well I can maybe possibly see why he could say the food diary is a waste of time for you now. Because you've had it for 15 years as you said you have a good handle on things. The food diary can be great for people just starting out for establishing what is good, ok, and I NEED BATHROOM NOW! kind of foods. I know I started with just experimenting and dearly paid for it. I started my own food diary and I know it helped with some things. Most notably Ceaser Salad....tossed salad is fine, coleslaw is fine, however Ceaser not so much. I am extremely opposed to anybody getting me onto a specific "Crohn's diet" which I think is just laughable. Everybody is different and everybody must come up with their own diet which best includes all the nutrients we need while staying clear of the things that bother us. This is a hell of a lot easier said than done but Hobo it sounds like your there which is great. I'm for the most part there with the food side of things, Chinese, fried, greasy, spicy, seeds, and skins seem to be the biggest culprits. However with that said during a bad flare I can eat anything at all and be incredibly sick so that can throw things off and can be a downside to the diary.