Is it just me - I seem to have a wheat allergy that just can't make up its mind???

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Oct 23, 2011
Indecisive Wheat Allergy???

I was diagnosed with CD 9 years ago and was advised to eliminate gluten from my diet, which I did until about a year ago when I tried out white bread during a flare-up which went down well.

I continued enjoying bread, pasta and pastry thereafter (in moderation) until a few months ago when I felt really sick again from it, at which point I eliminated it again from my diet altogether.

But I had white bread again a few weeks ago in a moment of desperation during a flare-up and have been fine with it again since - except that I now feel really sick again and think that I may have to give it up yet again.

I was meant to have bought some yesterday (Cob's high fibre white bread - yum,yum,yum) but have had to hold off buying it for now.

This is so weird ... it's as if the only time I'm able to tolerate it is during a flare-up :lol:. It defies logic and is really, really frustrating me. :confused2:

I love my bread and really miss having it; plus I rely on it to help me gain weight which I desperately need to do before another Canadian winter wallops me.

Any thoughts?
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:welcome: RussianBlue to the forum! I know your frustration, I find some breads kill me and other time not. I am okay with Ancient grains but got sick of it. I have tried the gluten free breads but I found it hard to digest for me, haven 2ft total of intestine will do that. Nature of the minute you pay and the next is fine. Funny thing is we always tend to blame something other than what we REALLY like lol. :hang: try digestive enzymes sometimes it helps. Depends what you put on the bread too that matters. Glad you joined us.
Hi there. Do you have a wheat allergy? Or were you diagnosed with celiac (gluten sensitive enteropathy)? The latter might explain your symptoms a bit. The damage to your gut caused by celiac is gradual, which means the first time you eat bread after a long period of absence, it will probably go through fine, but over time more and more damage to your gut will occur if you continue eating it. If you have had testing that was conclusive for either, I would strongly recommend avoiding wheat and gluten as much as you can tolerate.

Good luck, I hope you are feeling better soon.
Thanks for the support and advice guys. :)

I was tested for gluten intolerance when I was 1st diagnosed with CD in 2002 but the results came back negative. But I was advised to stay off wheat all the same as a way of managing my CD symptoms - which I did. And I'd cheat now and again but seldom with serious consequences.

Things are different now though for sure, so you're probably right about the effects of cumulative damage over the years - I'll have myself re-tested soon to confirm things for sure one way or another.

Thanks again.:hug:

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