Is it my crohns... or ob/gyn related pain???

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Jun 16, 2013
I too am wondering if I have something associated with my Ovaries...uterus... My latest Colonoscopy showed that the inflammation in my bowels had pretty well all healed, with the exception of some swelling in the intestinal walls. My symptoms however haven't changed. I am still suffering from abdominal pain (mostly on right side). I feel a full feeling pretty well all the time, I experience pain after and during intercourse, pain when my bladder gets the least bit full, and definite pain prior to having to have a bowel movement. I have had ultrasound on my uterus, etc that showed nothing. My periods are regular, however crazy pain for the 2 days that it lasts. I am soooooo frustrated with my docs right now. My gastro is wanting me to see a gyno before putting me on humira... however it has been 2 months and I still haven't heard from a gyno yet as to when I can get in. Any suggestions from anyone as to what might be my problem???
The symptoms you've described are very general; they don't suggest a specific diagnosis, as they are symptoms which any number of medical conditions could cause. The only way you'll get answers is through more tests. Ultrasounds don't show everything, so you may need other tests to detect gynaecological problems.

It is possible that, even though your colonoscopy did not show much in the way of Crohn's problems, Crohn’s is still causing you symptoms. Sometimes it seems Crohn's causes symptoms that don’t correlate well with test results, and you may find that’s what’s happening to you if your symptoms improve when your Crohn’s is treated. It is also possible that complications result from Crohn’s that cause symptoms that would usually be considered gynaecological - one of my doctors told me that in women the reproductive organs are so close together with the bladder and bowel that a medical condition affecting the bowel can cause gynaecological symptoms and vice versa. However, not all the symptoms you describe are typical of Crohn’s, so it seems sensible to consider the possibility that you may have another medical condition.

I know how frustrating it gets waiting for appointments, and having multiple problems, each focussed on by a different doctor, gets so confusing. When you do see any of your doctors, you might want to make sure you mention all your symptoms, even the ones that don't seem particularly relevant to that specialist (e.g. mention pain with full bladder and bowel movements to the gynaecologist) because if you do have a medical condition affecting more than one area, it may help them make a correct diagnosis.
Thank you for your response. Crohns is such a frustrating disease because of the varying symptoms. My Gastro does believe it is all Crohns related, however before proceeding with the Humira he wants a Gyno's opinion as well. Which is a good thing, however I have been feeling the same since January (10 months!), have had multiple drug therapy treatments, multiple tests that are all showing Crohns flare up with improvement with the actual inflammation... however no symptom relief! arghhhhhhhh It becomes very difficult being patient and waiting for the phone to ring for this gyno consult.

I appreciate your thoughts.
Just wanted to put my 2 cents in...

Prior to being diagnosed, I suffered for about 9 months with what I thought were gynecological issues. I had lots of cramping, bloating, and fullness in my lower right side very similar to what you describe. I mentioned it twice to my gyno and told her the pain was so intense sometimes that I was taking Midol for almost a month straight every cycle (2 weeks leading up to period, then 2 weeks after). She didn't seem concerned. After another few months passed I called again and said I wanted to switch BC pills (Seasonique) because I thought maybe it was causing my wacky cramping and stuff. All of a sudden she sounded concerned about my condition (even though I had told her months ago about it) and said I should get an ultrasound.

The ultrasound was very painful and when the results came back they said they found something very strange and unexplainable - a large amount of fluid in the right side of my abdomen. They sent me to get a CT scan which would show things more clearly and I was admitted that night into the hospital when the results came back showing I had a baseball-sized abscess in my abdomen. That was how they found out I had Crohn's disease. I had narrowing in my small intestine, which caused fistulas and one became infected and turned into an abscess.

I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks, but in that time they drained the abscess and put me on antibiotics. Once I was back at home, I realized that all my bloating/pain had subsided and knew it was because that whole time that darned abscess was growing inside of me!

So, I don't want to scare you and say that is what you have, but if you are not getting answers don't be afraid to get a 2nd opinion or ask about further tests that will show clearer results. If you do have an abscess, it's possible it wouldn't be found during your colonoscopy or ultrasound. Could be worth mentioning to your gastro at least to see what their opinion on the matter is.
I would call the GI every single day until they gave me an appt. You do not need to worry about bothering them. If they make an appt for you, they can get you to stop calling. :)

Good luck.
Thanks so much for your support and suggestions. I FINALLY got a phone call and I go see a gyno next week. Once he/she gives me the green light that everything is clear with regards to gyno related stuff then my gastro will give me the prescription to start Humira. It has been such a roller coaster ride... some days its tolerable and other days not so much. I am getting tired of putting on a happy face and trying to carry on as if everything is I'm sure everyone on here understands...