Fascinating topic!
I also wonder if there are a variety of diagnostic categories within Crohns (apart from the location based illegal/colonic, etc. I read somewhere that there was a newer more specific set of diagnostic criteria.. ?Montreal, more recent than Vienna categorisation, maybe..)
I can eat just about anything including curry, though I'm a bit cautious about raw leafy greens, pith in citrus fruit, and fruit with fibrous skin. And I've stopped myself adding extra chilli to the Chinese/Thai takeaway.
Otherwise, I've had a normal recent colonoscopy - after definite Crohns features 3 years ago, minimal abdominal pain, and fairly normal bowel habit.
I do, however, get assorted EIMs that are far more troublesome than the GIT aspects.. Sacroiliac pain that wakes me up at night without regular management, intermittent costochondritis, most recently erythema nodosum which has grumbled away for a few months now... And scariest of all, bad iritis, which is generally settled when the bowel is quiet..
Current management is sulphasalazine, and regular slow release analgesics (lowest possible doses), plus steroid cream/topical NSAID to assorted aches and pains. No surgery, 59 years old.
So maybe we can compare notes on the forum, and see if we can delineate some of these sub groups better. Certainly my impression is that older age at onset seems to have a different course, but I'd be very interested if others have other information about "atypical" Crohns..