Is it the bag or me??

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Mar 25, 2010
Hey Stoma-Gang,

looking for some help. Lately, I have trouble with keeping my changing schedule due to (you might have guessed it) unscheduled blow-outs during the night. Don't get me wrong, I am still grateful that they all (hope I didn't jinx it now) happen during the night as opposed to a humiliating daytime experience but still ... I really don't know why. :(

I use the Convatec convex moldable with the 1/2 Eakin seal on the slanting part.

In summer I didn't have the slightest problem and change usually in the mornings before going to work because the stoma is least active and changes are pretty much a breeze. Could the temperature have an influence? Currently it is pretty cold for AZ standards, another annoying point in having to get up in the middle of the night.

Anyhow, lately, without changing the diet I leak during the night. Last night twice. And trust me, it ain't fun changing the King size sheets at 3 am all by myself. :stinks:

I am currently fighting a cough that is very persistent, caught at work, and use some Nyquil at night to help prevent coughing fits and get sleep. Could that be it?
Anybody else having problems lately with the Convatec appliances? Should I change manufacturer and try a different brand?

Alright, I am ready ... hit me with suggestions .... PLEASE!
I use Convatec and have not had any problems with them. I use the bag without a filter as I don't like the filters and I woke up to a balloon this morning but nothing else. I also use a belt around my waist and that helps out a lot for me.
I would try different brands for sure. You shouldn't be having blowouts. Maybe your skin is rejecting the wafers. You can always order samples. Good luck:)
Misty Eyed is having trouble at night too. Hmmmm.

We have just started having cold weather here too. Cold weather means heating and dry skin. Either of you change soaps, lotions, anything at all recently?

Heiki, I'd try a different seal as well. Michelle, I dont know if you ever tried different seals?

And by all means try a different appliance, Heike, but I know you are extremely happy with what you are using. Have you rung Convatec directly to ask them for help?
Hmmm. I had a blowout last night as well. I think the 'culprit' in my leak is the Eakin seal. I know that everyone raves about it, but I've had blowouts each time I've used it. Like you, Heike, I cut it in half and used the half (I've done this successfully with the Adapt barrier rings, and thought I'd try out the Eakin) around my stoma. I'm thinking that either I have to use the entire Eakin seal (ie, not cut it in half) or go back to the Hollister Adapt. Given the price of the Eakin, I think I'll be using the Hollister and kicking the Eakin to the curb.

One thing I remember my GI and the ET nurse saying was that you need to change during hot weather more often than in cold weather.

And I totally trust you: changing sheets, pj's, jumping into the shower, etc. in the middle of the night is NOT FUN!

All the best,

I don't use convatec but whenever I've had a leak its been at night time all except once. I alternate between 2 different types of seal but it happens with both of them, I sleep on my right side usually and I sometimes get the feeling that because of the way I lie, all the waste just sits towards the side/top of the bag where my stoma is, and rather than sitting in the bottom of the bag its stuck near the seal and possibly eating away at it.
Thanks Everybody for the replies.

Well, had another blow-out this am, but I was ready to get up anyways and there was no messy sheet change involved ... caught it in time! Got up twice to empty the bag and it happened with a nearly empty bag this morning at 6:30 am. Very weird and mysterious.

To respond to your replies:

I, too, was thinking of trying the whole seal, since it doesn't leak on the "sealed" side. But, wouldn't that be counterproductive with a slanting stoma?

I use the filterless bags, because the filters are useless and just add a lot of material that usually flaps over anyways.

Instead of the belt I wore some stretchy shorts last night to give the bag some more stability, obviously with no positive effect.

This morning I used an appliance from a different lot number just to see if that might make a difference and I'll keep you posted on how that will work out.

Also, yes, I noticed that lately my skin under the appliance is redder than it used to be, although not broken or irritated -- yet. And, no, I haven't called Convatec but it is on my to-do list if this appliance doesn't hold either to find out if they changed anything.

Or could it be that your skin just gets sensitized after a couple of months?
I am new to the whole stoma thing, only 6 weeks post op. When you say blowout are you referring to it filling up with air and then it popping or just having a leak? I use a convatec two piece with eakin seal and have had no trouble (knock on wood) with it leaking or there being any issues.
Martin brings up a good point, sleeping on your right side makes your bowels empty faster. Dont ask me why. Think about when you had bariums with follow through. What side did they make you lie on? Alway on your right to make it go through faster.

Heiki you could try using the whole seal. I smash my seals to make them thinner. What side do you notice you are having your leaks? A whole seal might help. Perhaps smash it more on one side. Do your seals have that wax paper stuff before you open them so you can smash it first? (I use the Salts ones, which I'm not sure you have in the US, and they have wax paper on the outside so I can warm them up and smash em before I mould around Stan)

As for your skin, bless. Do you have any of the convatec powder? It has aloe in it over here and is brilliant for healing.
I am new to the whole stoma thing, only 6 weeks post op. When you say blowout are you referring to it filling up with air and then it popping or just having a leak? I use a convatec two piece with eakin seal and have had no trouble (knock on wood) with it leaking or there being any issues.

Knock on wood and here is hoping it continues! Hope you are feeling ok??
Yeah I agree with Martin. Also my bag fills up ith air and output loads at night and the pressure makes my adhesive come away easier. I found that using a bag with slight built in convexity helped me but I hate the bag so not wearing them all the time not. Basically the wafer around the stoma is extra thick and then thins out to normal size around the edges. It meant that it took extra long for the wafer to break down.

It's just annoying when you have a bag that works for so long and then decides not to anymore!! I hope you get it sorted. Running out of clean pjs is not fun!
Crohnsgirl -- yes, with blow-outs I refer to leaking. I guess just my way to say it :) And, that is just the thing, I used the Convatec moldable convex for 6 months without any major trouble. It is just lately that it leaks more often and I am barely able to adhere to my schedule of every 3-4 days. And, I wish that it will work for you as well as it has for me so far. Hope you are recovering well.

Not sure if menopause and nightsweats might have to do anything with it. But, sometimes I wake up soaking wet from sweat not leaking material. :D

I usually sleep on my left but do turn on my right side, still nothing that would have changed to previously. In the beginning I tried to stay on my back most of the time but my own snoring woke me up sometimes ...

I am still suspecting the cold I am fighting and probably not drinking enough water during the day. The cramps in my leg have gotten really bad at times and I didn't have that during the heat here in AZ. Now that it is cold (heck, for us anyways) I drink a lot less.

Hmm, Misty, that might be something that could work. My stoma slants to the bottom left and I usually leak on the right where the scar is. Again, I thought it might have to do with the scar, but why suddenly. the scar was there from the getgo and never interfered.

During the night the bag often fills up with gas and generally I subconsciously I realize it and get up to empty. But that is another point that happened all summer long because I had a beer or two in the evening and nothing like this leaking ever happened.

I am still hoping that it is the lot ... and hope that tonight will be better and normal.
have you tried adhesive spray from Hollister? I use it & it helps the wafer stay on.

Also, if you are having problems with the entire batch of wafers from the same box give Convatec a call and they will replace the defective wafers free of charge as there could've been something wrong with the production line.

I've done cld them myself over the years due to the above issues and they were great about replacements. Their customer service is outstanding. I've been a loyal customer for 25 yrs.

Here is their number toll free: 1-800-422-8811 M-F 8:30 am - 7 pm (EST)
Thank you very much for the number, duly noted in my little book. And, yes, if this wafer stays on I definitely will call them because then it just has to be the product.
Heike - Have you tried a convex wafer? You mention that your stoma is slanting. Mine is too, and I was having leaks galore until I switched to a convex Hollister bag. Knock wood - no issues since I switched back in May.

Good luck! - Amy
Yes, Amy, I use the convex. And, I am not sure if Hollister now offers the moldable, which I just love. Convatec does and it is such a relief not having to cut the hole to size .... The last time I checked with Hollister they didn't have in the regular line up in my size. But, that was a while ago and they might have kept up with the competition.

By the way, uneventful night .. no leaks although I seem to sensitized and got up twice again to empty, while in the past I sometimes waited for the alarm to ring for the second emptying .... if it was close anyways.

Probably it was a bad lot.

And, Misty thinks I am having all the symptoms of a flare. :(
I hope you arent having a flare! But the night sweats, flushes, big D...well.

Ya'll do have the option of getting bigger bags as well. I have some maxi's for Stans 'busy' times. I know I need them for night times sometimes. Without them, I dont know what my bed wouldve looked like at times. Probably like a brown bomb had hit it.
I wish there was some cheap large ones we could use for night. I would feel like such a waste using a large one at night. Couldn't stand to use a large one in the day! Washing them out seems a bit gross too. Hmmm
Don't you use liners though, Cindy? I would imagine it wouldn't be so bad then. My output just seems to go everywhere all over my bag! It's impossible to squeeze it all out when I empty it. Half the time it's impossible even to get the end of the bag clean! lol. So I say washing it out would be gross, because I don't honestly see myself being able to wash out all the output in a decent amount of time meaning it would just be sitting around in the bathroom with bits of output in it still!
That is one reason why I swish, at least at home. I also have a squirt bottle at work, but it seems odd running to the loo with it. But, in the evening the first time I empty at home I swish it out ... just makes me feel better to get it all out. And, I swish all the way up, especially around the the wafer where the output seems to stick. Sometimes even in the morning, before the shower when the pills just run through and get stuck....

Now, that you mention it Misty .. I do feel some pain sometimes. Nothing really bad or uncomfortable but noticeable. Argghhh, really --have the good times already come to an end???? :(
Btw, second night without leak on the new batch of wafers.
When I had my ileostomy there were a few times when I almost had a leak. Then my ostomy nurse reccomended I use pectin powder. It serves 2 purposes.

I found between changing bags, if I puffed pectin powder on the irritated skin around the stoma it would greatly increase the healing time and decrease the irritation from leaky bags. (for the guys out there it also does a great job as acting as 'shaving cream' to keep long hair at bay - better to shave than "wax" if you know what I mean!)

Second, if you are using a 2 piece appliance, before you put the bag portion on, line the heck out of the crack between your stoma and the "ring" with TONS of pectin powder, the more the better. It might feel a little weird at first, but the stuff is all natural and won't do you any harm. When it comes into contact with loose watery stool it actually turns into a paste which acts as a barrier.

I found pectin powder to be an enormous help with my ileostomy. I didn't use eakin seals, but I did have these "strips" that I applied to the inner part of the ring. The idea was to create a *small* yet deep cavern between the stoma and the appliance which would then be filled to the rim with pectin powder.

Additionally I used holister bags with an osstomy belt (the output could get heavy at times and the belt provided support). I also had bags with an air vent which helped prevent emergencies where my bag was about to blow from the air pressure!

Hope this helps you as much as it helped me!! Ask if you need any clarification.

Edit: one other thing that helped a LOT was this special glue I used. Can't remember the name but it made for a tighter seal and didn't hurt quite as much when changing wafers. I will try to post the name of it later.
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Hi Heiki

I just realized that you're a 'swisher' like I am. My ET nurse had said that when I'm swishing, I'm not to get the water to close to the top because it weakens the seal. She also said to be more cautious when my output is really watery.

I have a bottle at home that I use...when I'm out, I put my water in a travel-size shampoo bottle which fits in the palm of my hand and no one really knows that I'm carrying water to clean out my bag. I absolutely loathe my bag not getting cleaned out so each time I empty, my bag is mostly all cleaned out from the water. I also like that it makes emptying a lot faster...the thicker output seems to take forever to squeeze out!

Really glad to see that you've had fewer blowouts...phew!

Now, that you mention it Misty .. I do feel some pain sometimes. Nothing really bad or uncomfortable but noticeable. Argghhh, really --have the good times already come to an end????
Btw, second night without leak on the new batch of wafers.

Glad you had two nights clear of leaks!!! I hope though that your good times havent ended and you arent in a flare. If you are we can certainly commiserate with each other. :(
I need to try one of the small shampoo bottles --thanks for the tip.

And, yes, I heard not to get above the wafer but again, did it before with gusto and never had a problem. Probably because I was on a schedule of 3-4 days.

As far as additional powders and sprays go .. I never had luck with that. The minute I use anything else but water and the sticky wipes I leak, even though they are all from the same manufacturer. So, very hesitant to try on powders, especially without the skin being broken or irritated.

And, night 3 without unexpected events. Not sure if I will change today and risk it and change tomorrow morning. :/
Just to be clear, I was using pectin powder as a "soap" to help clean/heal the skin around the stoma. I never left it on my skin when applying the wafer, I would always clean it off with water and wipe any residue clean with a gauze pad, otherwise the wafer wouldn't stick!!

Have you tried, applying powder around the stoma after the wafer is securely in place? When it mixes with ileostomy output (for me) it turned into a thick paste, which acted like a dam and prevented the corrosive output from eating away at the wafer adhesive.

I have to find that can of glue I used to use, put a little of that on the wafer right before you apply it and it should really help keep the wafer sealed to your skin. It was probably the most effective thing I did to keep from having output eat through the standard adhesive of the wafer.

Are your blowouts related to pressure from gas or too much output or simply from the corrosive output eating through the seal?

I remember waking up every 2 hours to empty my pouch, not because it was full, but because the output was eating away at my skin and wafer - until I got the powder/glue solution in place.
So the cement I was referring to is called "Osto-Bond" and it's made of latex. Hopefully you aren't allergic. It made for an excellent skin-wafer seal.

If its too much output that's the problem, I think they make bigger bags. I really liked coloplast's "assura" 2 piece system! Not sure if they still make them though.
After changing the lot I seem to be doing ok again. I changed yesterday morning just to be on the safe side and had to really pull the wafer off. It stuck hard to the skin.
So, probably all my worries were a bad batch ...

Thanks everybody for your kind responses. Your care is really much appreciated and your tips noted for the time to come.

I wish you all wonderful, uneventful, stressfree holidays and a very healthy and happy New Year!!


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