Is the doctor doing the right thing?

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Jun 6, 2012
I'm a little confused. I live in the UK, I'm new here, and I have had 'IBS' type symptoms for the past 9 months or so. I went to the doctor to discuss my problems as I've recently started seeing a new doctor and he seemed to think my symptoms are more of an inflammatory kind (my brother has UC), as I suffer from great amounts of marroony coloured mucus in my stools and have alot of problems with pain and frequency.

However, after my appt. today he prescribed me Oxytetracycline. I didn't realise they were an antibiotic until I spoke to the pharmacist. I called my drs receptionist and she said he prescribed them because of the mucus. I thought that antibiotics like this are possible to make my suspected condition worsen and that if it was an inflammation that antibiotics would be the last thing prescribed? I don't know if I've heard of this sort of thing happening but now I'm a little apprehensive about starting them. I'm seeing him in a week but the idea of having more problems for the next 7 days is slightly frightening.

Has anyone been prescribed antibiotics for their condition initially? I don't know if he may think of it as an infection but I had my stool checked months ago for infection and nothing came out of it, plus I have no fever etc and I have the odd day where i don't feel as bad as other days.

I haven't had a colonoscopy because I'm sure all the doctors here prefer not to send anyone off at such a young age and they all are under the impression it wouldn't be at my age (I'm only 27).
Hi Lu,

Welcome to the Forum. I'm sure that others will drop by this thread to offer there support and may be better able to address the specifics of your current condition. My experience is with Crohn's rather than UC so my comments are only very general.

Oxytet is a very useful general purpose antibiotic and generally well tollerated. I'd be inclined to give it a go as there is the potential for gain and nothing to loose.

The way things generally work over here is that your GP will want to do basic tests and try first line treatments I.E. antibiotics in this case. If there is no improvement on this treatment, then he'll probably want to refer you to a Gastroenterologist. I would think that referral would be sooner rather than later with your symptoms and family history.

Colonoscopy is really common and a great diagnostic tool for this type of problem. I don't think your age makes it any less likely that you would be offered this procedure. It's often done as an outpatient basis, so no Hospital stay required.

I wish you well.

Antibiotics are frequently used with crohns for reducing bacterial overgrowth. They can also cause flares. It depends what your specific issues are. I would take the medicine the doctor prescribed, but maybe request a colonoscopy. You are not too young (no offense :ytongue:) for these diseases. You're actually probably prime real estate for them. I am 25 and I was diagnosed right after I turned 18, like many people on this forum. Colonoscopies aren't just for geriatrics- at least not when you're having serious symptoms that need to be treated. What issues are you having? Besides the mucousy thing?
Thanks everyone. I guess I will give it a go and hope for the best! My doctor will re-evaluate in a week whether anything is better/has changed.

My problems are mainly frequency issues (without medication I go 7 times a day but then even with medication I still get flareups and I'm on Mebeverine but it doesn't help completely), bloody/mucusy stools, softish sticky incomplete evacuation, rectal pain, abdominal cramp, sometimes it will go the way of constipation but mostly on the softer side (but hasn't been proper diarrhea for a little while now thank god).

The dr thinks its more IBD because of the bloody type mucus thing but is making sure there's no bacterial overgrowth I guess? I'm not sure but I've noticed the mucus on and off for a while... I have tried probiotics but they don't always work.
Hello Lu
It would be a good idea to ask for a colonoscopy which is the gold standard for the diagnosis of IBD.
You already have a sibling with UC and it could be that you also have it or crohns.
The blood stained mucus is a bit concerning. Have you had a full blood workup such as CBC, B12, Ferritin levels etc.
I would be pushing for a colonoscopy sooner than later.
Hugs and best wishes
Just went to the toilet and passed a piece of stool with a large piece of jelly like mucus. Frightened me. I can't tell if it looks like blood or not, it's thick and darkish brown but not tar like nor is it bright red. It looks tan or maroon.

Either way I'm quite constipated ATM. I haven't been offered a colonoscopy since my symptoms started by any dr here. They're very dismissive when it comes to this, but although I'm trying not to think the worst conclusion, even getting treatment for an ibd would be helpful if it is so.

Slightly scared now, because I never had as much as that before.

Ive had lots of blood work over the months and had anaemia from a gynaelogical problem but that's sorted now. B12 was fine last time as was everything else, only my white blood cell count was low, but the next time I had a blood test all was normal except a borderline thyroid problem. So I'm not sure anymore.
Your not to young for a colonscopy. My daughter was dx with crohn's in late January. Given your brother history I would request a colonscopy. What age was he dx at? Sarah also had a previous dx of IBS.
You have one of the finest hospitals in London for these problems.It is St Mark's Hospital for diseases of the Colon and Rectum.
If you live or work near this hospital and you have a problem you could go to the ER there and be looked after. They will do all the tests you should be having for diagnosis and treatment.In fact with your present symptoms you could go right now and tell them your concerns about what just happened to you.
A GP is not a gastroenterologist and a GI is the kind of doctor you should be seeing as soon as possible.
I don't have private healthcare so I'm unable to do much but go through the Nhs. I know that my dr is likely to help me more than my previous one and I do trust him but I've had this condition months already, it will be a year in August.

The only thing that puts me off a colonoscopy is the prep, I don't cope we'll not eating all day due to my acid reflux and I get severe hunger pains when my stomach is empty. My brother had one at 27. He is now 29. He was passing lots of blood and was suffering extreme diarrhoea so thought the worst but luckily his diagnosis was colitis. It must be common in my family to have sensitive bOwels, I'm just scared about bowel cancer due to my two grandparents dying from it but I know when diagnosed they were in their 60s.

Thanks for all your feedback. :)
I actually just got put on antibiotics because my fistula seems to be back. I know of someone who is on Humira for his Crohn's & he also is on a long term antibiotic(not sure which) & he says that the antibiotic has helped his Crohn's better than the Remicade he was previously on & the Humira he's currently on. It wouldn't hurt to try it!

If your still young(especially around your's brothers age) I wouldn't be worried about bowel cancer. GI's usually don't even screen for colon cancer till your in your 50's.
Thanks. I've started them but am gonna take some probiotics to be on the safe side. I actually feel pretty rough since last night, am not enjoying it haha.

Thanks for all the advice all the same!
Lu, I just wanted to reference what you said yesterday about the mucousy stool. I have a lot of that as well. My understanding from my GI doctor is that it is due to malabsorption- so basically it means your body is not absorbing what it is supposed to be from food. I had mine all through highschool- truthfully as long as I can remember- so I always thought it was 'normal' until I started having blood (which drove the investigation into crohns).
**I did just read that mucous in stool can be from a bacterial infection (might explain why your doc gave you antibiotics!)**

What your describing sounds about the same (especially if it is tan). That doesn't mean it is for sure, and it is possible the mucous issue is coming from something else, but I think that is the most likely reason. Also, if you were having issues with internal bleeding, the stool would be black if the bleeding was further up in the intestines, and red if it was basically right around the anus. Mine was all in my colon, I had around 50 bleeding ulcers, so when I was going to the bathroom, I just had basically whole bits of blood almost looking like clots but mostly bright in color and clearly red (due to being so low in the intestines). At other times I would have streaks or spots of blood embedded in the stool.

While maroon in the toilet is alarming, depending on what you're actually seeing, it may just have to do with what your eating and excreting. It may also be from an anal fissure, which is basically a tear at the anus that can bleed when you pass stool. If it is bleeding slightly when you pass stool, it may be coloring your stool to what you're seeing. Generally if you have an anal fissure, you will see blood on the toilet paper after wiping, but not always. It is also more likely to be bright red, but if the bleeding is slight, it could definitely appear as more of a maroon. Anal fissures are uncomfortable to painful and common with crohns, but other than being common in crohns and source of discomfort they are basically harmless.

I don't know if this provides you any comfort. It really helps me when others give details of their experiences though because it is something not generally talked about and so you really don't have much to go off of other than your own experience.

It is frustrating when the doctors are dismissive, which is how I was treated prior to being diagnosed. I went about 3-4 months with blood in my stool regularly and the doctors told me I was struggling with depression/coping with having entered college and that I had anal fissures probably from straining, so they gave me a cream to put there. I tried explaining that I knew the difference between the blood on the stool appearing from the anus and the stuff from inside my body based on what I was seeing. It took me bringing my mom into the bathroom after a particularly bad 'evacuation' to make her realize something was really wrong. She started crying and apologizing for not taking me seriously and we scheduled another appointment. At that appointment when the doctor started saying it was just the fissure and I needed to be using the cream, and the fatigue and everything else was just depression, my mom stepped in and said, "No. I have seen it. There is no way the blood in there is from a little cut in the anus. I want tests run." The rest is history. :p
Ha ha, look at my new signature! :ybatty:

I can't see my signature. I can when I preview the post but not now. Hmmmm. I guess it'll just be a good surprise laugh whenever it appears.
Wow, sounds like you went through what I'm currently going through, though this doctor seems a bit better than the previous ones I tried to bring this up with!

In terms of the mucus, its only mixed with the stool and is a maroon colour, so there doesn't seem like theres any fresh fissure type blood or anything, though I do have hemmorhoids (which only spot occasionally but fresh blood on a tissue and it gets sore when that happens - usually after a flareup). I haven't noticed proper fresh red blood in the toilet, nor are my stools black.

Didn't notice any real mucus today (my stools were a light brown), but i didn't look entirely properly, I have been feeling some pelvic floor and rectal pain but also bladder discomfort, my bladders been working overtime lately, could be from the constipation I was dealing with?

The weird thing is when I smeared the dark tan marroony jelly substance on the tissue it looked more light brown in places which is why I couldn't tell whether it was blood or not. I wasn't sure what I'd be looking for, I was worried it was blood due to the darker browny maroon colour.

Sorry to hear of your experience btw, glad you got it diagnosed properly in the end! All this is scary at such a young age - I never thought I'd ever have these problems :ybatty:

One thing I'm slightly wondering is if its a pelvic floor problem - I recently gave birth and these bowel problems started during my third trimester (final two months of pregnancy) and I had some problems giving birth which lead me to believe my pelvic floor muscles are probably knackered or contracting oddly. Could that be the source of my pain perhaps and the reasons for an even worse weakened bladder? I guess I could always get referred to a Pelvic Floor specialist?

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